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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. New here.

    Welcome Seawolf, glad to sea you here... Get it, sea... uugggh, is that the best I can do at 7am?? :roll: I need some coffee...
  2. I'm assuming you mean articles other than news, such as tips on radar usage, combat tactics, etc? I've been thinking about that as well and have a few stories in the works right now, but I'm looking for ideas and writers.. hint hint... ;)
  3. TK! Great to see you here! I'll be sure to post this info on the main site as well.
  4. New Project-1 Section added

    With the release of Strike Fighters imminent I have created a new Strike Fighters-specific section in the forums and will be expanding the section to include modding and other topics specific to Project-1. My feeling is the extensive moddability of this sim will allow us to enjoy it for quite a few years. :D
  5. Heheh, thank you for weilding your power only for good, and not for evil... Actually, I emailed him the day he put the forum link up and he replied the next day. I think he was just to busy with more important stuff (ie patch) to get it up on the ThirdWire site until a couple days later. But thanks for the help! :D
  6. Movin' on up...

    Damn, I feel special today. I am sitting here doing some back-end site modifications and all of a sudden I was getting 10-15 users at once on the site. Checked the referrers and saw the traffic was coming direct for SimHQ. They linked the Lomac Box Art story. I must be making some heading when they start linking to me instead of the other way around... :D
  7. What screen rez do you run at?

    The bigger the better... :D I'm 1600X1200 here.
  8. Boeing unveils Bird Of Prey

    Man, that is an ugly beast... :) BTW, did you have a problem linking the pics? Or did the Boeing site block the link? Just curious...
  9. I would like to welcome aboard FatesODB as our newest moderator! Fates will be helping out on several of the forums. Fates is the creator of the virtual squadron Ol' Dirty Bastards, or TeamODB, and an old Janes USAF pro. Be sure to buy him a beer!
  10. Just wondering if anyone has heard from ArmourDave on the status of his F-5 model in the works for SF? I love that jet... 8)
  11. Agreed on the fun part. I've owned just about every sim out there, and while there were many more "accurate" sims, this one was probably the most fun to play. It's only in the last year that it has slowly started collecting dust.
  12. Damn, that's too bad. Guess I need to get GMax installed and mess around with it. First I would have to scrape the rust off my AutoCad 3D skills...
  13. Movin' on up...

    Anything A-10 related would be nice...
  14. GMAX Help

    Only if you pour it over the box... ;) Sounds like some stray reg entries are still floating around causing problems. I just DLed GMAX the other day but haven't installed it yet. I was curios as to what it's capabilities, as I'm an old AutoCAD user. :D Was a CAD manager for 8+ years before I switched to network consulting full-time. I'll see what happens on this end and see if I can give you any insight. Don't hold your breath...
  15. Go check them out on the front page... Wags is just pouring more fuel on the fire with that Fulcrum vs. Eagle shot...
  16. Here's the press release for those of you that missed it on the front page. :D Looks like we'll have something new to play with over thanksgiving!
  17. Looks like the wait is over. Several other sites seem to be confirming that Strike Fighters has indeed gone gold. I am currently trying to get a statement from Third Wire right now. I'll keep you posted.
  18. Wow, just read the threads. I had no idea Dru had come to the online community for help on this, that is really cool! I know I love my print, it hangs next to another Dru Blair print, "redemption", right above my monitors for inspiration... :D
  19. Screen Shots

    Thanks Weasel, I just went in and approved them ,they are now up in the Image Gallery. 8)
  20. It's showing ok for me from work and home?? It sounds like a cookie problem, as that's where phpBB keeps track of all that. You need to delete your cookie, just go into your cookie folder and delete all the ones with biohazcentral.com in the name, then try it again and let me know what happens. It might be a leftover from the move, is anyone else having this issue?
  21. Denzil has posted a couple of cool desktop screens over at the SkunkWorks. Jump over there and grab 'em both! :) The first one is a more general Strike Fighters pic: http://skunkworks.free.fr/pafiledb/pafiled...SWPreviewWP.jpg The second is a tribute to the Thud: http://skunkworks.free.fr/pafiledb/pafiled...ds/thudwall.jpg Great work Denzil! :D
  22. Thanks for letting me know, I'll work on it this afternoon to get it resolved.
  23. Just picked up this little tidbit over at the Ubi forum. I did a little Google searching but couldn't find anything on the Warroom engine. Anyone else know anything about it? I does look promising!
  24. The site move is complete!

    The site move is complete and we are at our new location. There is some cleanup stuff to do, but all in all everything looks like it's working, and much faster than before. I just have a few things like avatars to fix, and we should be back to normal! :D Please let me know of any problems you encounter.

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