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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Cool, just send 'em all over. My email is madjeff@biohazcentral.com, just shoot 'em my way.
  2. Take a look at the new forum

    I knew you would like that F-16. :D Actually, my goal is to write a quick script that will rotate those logos between different aircraft images I have. Shouldn't be too hard, but I'll wait till I get the actual forum moved before I start messing with the bells and whistles. Doh! Sorry about the res, I forget we still have a few of those floating around. I'm an old CAD guy and never run less than 1600x1200 on a 21" monitor. :) I'll trim the banner down tonight, that should make a big difference. Another thing I will do is have several forum "Themes" to choose from, such as dark and light backgrounds, and a large-text version as well. You will be able to choose which one you want in your defaults. That's should cover just about everyone's likes. :D
  3. Click on Profile on the top menu bar, you can change all your user settings there.
  4. Nothin Specific

    Milk for me, I'm drivin' this thing... ;)
  5. Nothin Specific

    Back at 'cha... :D
  6. Hey, thank for the link! I'm planning on putting a "Buddy" style block on the left that has link buttons to fellow websites, so can you whip something together when you get a chance for the SkunkWorks? I didn't notice any last time I was over there. Something in the 90x40 size range would be cool. I need to redo mine, you can't even tell that's an A-10 in the background moving mud... :)
  7. Oooh, the best news of all! Sounds like it will be a very open an moddable system! :D
  8. Found some more info on WarRoom for Flanker. Ross McGregor replied on the Ubi forums and posted some info. Jump over and read it, it's a small insight as to what's to come. Here's the quote: Here's some links to the program as well as the manual: Executable for WarRoom for Flanker 1.5: http://members.shaw.ca/rossmacgregor/wrwin403.exe Manual: http://members.shaw.ca/rossmacgregor/WarRoom.doc
  9. Just wondering if anyone out there has any skinning projects in progress, and if so, what are you working on?
  10. Welcome Warthog Pen!

    Just wanted to give the Warthog Pen a warm welcome to Biohaz! :D Biohaz will be hosting several forums for the Warthog Pen, and excellent A-10 resource site. Be sure to drop into the forum and say hello.
  11. Try out the Webchat!

    Just wanted to tell everyone to try out the Webchat feature when you get a chance, there's the link on the left under the main menu. It's a fully browser-based chat, no java, and it's pretty slick. I'm usually on there in the evenings when I'm online, so jump in and say hi! :D
  12. The new phpBB2 forum allows custom uploads as well as a ton of new avatars I've scrounged. I've decided I'm going to move the forum over to the new setup tonight, even though users will have to log on twice for the time being. I expect traffic on this forum to grow quickly (I hope... ;) ) and the current XForum is just too limiting. Better to do it now then later.
  13. Got my emails?

    Sorry Dice, I did get your email (but only one of them) but was busy all weekend and didn't get a chance to reply. Too many honey-do's this weekend... :D I'll reply to it tonight when I get home.
  14. Damn, was hoping I could do something remotely, but I'll have to look at the code when I get home. :casstet: It'll change one way or another...
  15. It's been bugging me as well, but I wasn't too worried since I had planned on doing the forum upgrade by now. But the script is not quite ready, so I'll go ahead and edit the existing forum. BRB...
  16. BFawlty, good to see you got on finally, I saw your post this morning on SimHQ saying you were having problems. :)
  17. Dan, great to see you drop by! Don't suppose you could send me the latest beta to "review"... ;) Just kidding... Kinda.... :P
  18. Welcome to BioHaz!

    Just want to welcome all new users to Biohaz! Please feel free to post all off-topic discussions here.
  19. Welcome to BioHaz!

    Cool, A-10 fanatics are always welcome here, since I consider myself in that catagory... ;) As for dragging your A-10 buddies over here, what do you think this is, a place for people to loiter around discussing flight sims all day?! Oh wait, that is what it's for. Why aren't they already here? :D Thanks for the comments Dice, and welcome to BioHaz!
  20. Forum Glitch?

    That's what I'm using.. hmmm, weird. I do believe you though. I remember checking the site one day from a remote PC and seeing the same thing, but I don't remember what the damn browser was. They say your memory is the first thing to go... :P But I've never been able to duplicate it.
  21. maybe just like this, since it may be that long before we see LOMAC... :P Just kidding folks... I think... :D
  22. Site Looks Great

    Thanks for the compliment! Hope to see you here often... :D
  23. Who flies X-Plane?

    I haven't been over there for awhile and was unaware of the combat addon. I'll go check it out!
  24. Forum Glitch?

    I think it's a browser thing. What browser are you using? If it makes you feel any better, I'll be migrating over to phpBB2 soon, so that should solve it... ;)
  25. Thanks, I reallly like your site, and hope we can work together over the coming months! :D I'm in the process of trying to build a FAQ for SF, I may give you guys a yell when it comes to the skinning/Modding sections... ;)

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