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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Welcome to BioHaz!

    Welcome to the site! Glad to see you here... :D MadJeff
  2. That was an excellent article, thanks for the heads-up! Would you mind if I post the link on the front page to let everyone know about it? :D MadJeff
  3. Welcome! Good to see someone besides me is thinking this far ahead of the LOMAC release... ;) Here's to hoping we can do a ton of skinning!
  4. Su-35

    The SU-35 is basically a glass-cockpit version of an SU-27 with improved radar, electronics and engines. It also has vectored thrust and those oh so cool canard wings... The main reason it's not in there though is you have to remember the time period LOMAC is moddeled in. Early 90's post-cold war. The SU-35 came out in the mid '90s (1994/5 I believe?? Although I seem to remember the prototype was in 91-92...). So it hasn't been invented yet... :D See above... ;)
  5. This forum is for discussion of the upcoming LOMAC sim.
  6. Cougar users sound off!

    You can see the cougar in all it's glory over at http://us.thrustmaster.com/products/hotas....php3?skin=Hotas http://cougar.frugalsworld.com is also a great site, hosted by FrugalsWorld. It's the ultimate HOTAS, and it should be at arounf $275 US street price... :)
  7. Thanks for the kind words! :D I've been a little lax over the summer, with vacations and all, but am refreshed and ready to get things in high gear. Especially with the countdown to release getting closer. I want Biohaz to be THE place for all things LOMAC.
  8. While purusing the web today I stumbled across this little gem. If you can read russian, someone has posted a (mostly) complete MIG-29 flight manual. Get an early jump on your LOMAC flight school today! ;) http://pages.sbcglobal.net/psyanide/mig.htm
  9. For all you guys out there that have to live around a person of the opposite sex, this program is for you. Go take a look and you will understand. http://www.caelan.net/redflag.asp ;)
  10. Welcome to BioHaz!

    Thanks guys, glad to hear you like it. I have much more in store, unfortunately I am a little behind this week due to a business trip to Houston, but I'll get some more done this weekend. ;) Hope to see all of you regularly!

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