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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Website Update in progress

    OK, the files have been uploaded and the database converted. I have quite a bit to cleanup, but I think everything is working at the moment. Take it for a test drive while I go watch some Seahawks football!
  2. Smilies!!!

    Thought you guys would like some more variety... :yu:
  3. CGI Short: RockFish

    Check out the independent short film called "Rockfish" by Blur. Its CGI is incredible. Here's the link...
  4. I like the new colors

    I'll be tweaking this skin until it more closely matches the original Biohaz skin.
  5. I like the new colors

    That would be cool. You can grab a graphics GDK for IVB at this URL: www.invisionize.com It's a good start on ideas as well as show you what images/filenames we need. I'll talk with you more this weekend or Monday.
  6. DDOS attack in progress on server

    Yeah, Powweb really dropped the ball this past week, but they are usually pretty excellent in their support, so I'll cut them some slack this time. The good news is part of he problem was also caused by the fact that they are getting improved load-balancing in place, so the net result is we should see some more performance increases pretty quick.
  7. I like the new colors

    I was planning on converting the old color/layout, but these colors are starting to grow on me. I still want to add some orange, but what do you guys think?
  8. Tuesday evening at 5:00pm PDT I will be taking the forum offline for a couple hours while I upgrade it to the new version. I'll be making a complete database backup and then doing the upgrade, so we should lose nothing. If the transition does not go smoothly I will roll the DB back to the backup and bring the old system back online.
  9. It's fixed! Damn, that one took hours to troubleshoot. It was a change my web host made in the way PHP sessions are saved. I finally found a post in Powweb's support forums on the change. I just logged in and it's looking good at this point. Try it and see if you get on ok.
  10. Forum Upgrade Scheduled 10/05/2004

    I downloaded a dark theme to get us by until I get our old theme converted. Not quite so hard on the eyes... ;)
  11. Weird, I'm getting the same thing. I'll look at it as soon as I get to work. The forum and main site are in different directories on my web host, not sure what would cause this, although they were having major DNS server issues last night while I was upgrading.
  12. I'm doing some script testing, please don't post in this forum.
  13. Forum Upgrade Scheduled 10/05/2004

    Looks like the bugs are fixed. Unfortunatly, it was all in the skin. It's gonna take some real work to convert the skin. Oh well, nothing's ever easy. I know, this current skin is butt-ugly. I have to convert the old skin to the new format, it's gonna take a few days.
  14. Forum Upgrade Scheduled 10/05/2004

    I confirmed this, and have a trouble ticket in to Inviosionboard to help resolve the issue. In the meantime, if you can't logon, just hit Post New Topic (or anything else that requires member access) and it will then ask you to login.
  15. Forum Upgrade Scheduled 10/05/2004

    OK, the upgrade is complete. I have skin changed/updates to make, but take this baby for a spin and see what you can find that's broken.
  16. Forum Upgrade Scheduled 10/05/2004

    Hopefully both. v2.0 has some nice new features as well as the usual bug fixes. Although being a whole new version, I'm sure there will be all new bugs to worry about. ;) The conversion itself should be pretty smooth, although I'll have to do some skin editing to bring our current skin up to the new 2.0 code. If it's too ugly I'll set everyone to use the default 2.0 skin until I get the bugs worked out.
  17. Slikwili's been busy!

    He's been doing a hell of a job with the news, I hope you all tell him thanks for stepping up to the plate for all of us! :D I've actually had to change the amount of news posts shown on the front page due to his great work.
  18. 5 gmail accounts to give away...

    Skater, thanks! Got mine setup today. I would recommend everyone go back and edit out your emails from your posts now so the old spam harvesters don't pull them from the forums.
  19. 5 gmail accounts to give away...

    Skater, if there's one left I'll take it. I need a new junkmail account. =)
  20. Server

    Damn FSHost just doesn't seem stable over the long-term. I always have to shut it down and restart it every few days otherwise this seems to happen. I just did a restart so you should be able to connect. Just post whenever you notice this and I'll restart it asap.
  21. Star Wars BattleFront

    Just wondering if anyone's picked this one up yet. I just grabbed it tonight and lumbered around in an AT-AT blowing away those damn rebel scum... ;) So far I'm impressed, pretty good game!
  22. Star Wars BattleFront

    Well, after spending the entire evening trying to get the damn thing to connect to a server with no success, my initial enthusiasm has gone down some. There are some horrendous bugs right now, and it's rather obvious they rushed the thing out to coincide with the DVD release Tuesday. They are going to have to do some major patching to get some of the big bugs worked out. That being said, I'm still having a ball with the single-player mode. Being on the ground is some of the major battles in the Star Wars galaxy is pretty awesome. Last night I was battling on Hoth as both Empire and Rebel, and it was a hoot. I love the snowspeeders and taking out AT-ATs with the tow cables. And lumbering around in an AT-AT as the Empire, well, if you only knew the power of the dark side... ;)
  23. John Kerry GAME???

    Guys, you can talk about the game, but keep the politics out of it.
  24. Bush Leading us into another vietnam!

    Alright, I just stated not 12 hours ago that there was to be no more politics in the forum, in a thread you started. Consider this your warning, continue this and it's time-out time...
  25. Is it just me?

    Cripes. This is why I absolutely loathe political discussion in the forums, it always ends up being nothing but a headache. Seems to me the last locked post was made by Fates: As far as I'm concerned, I thing Bush and Kerry both are full of crap, and if given a better choice than these two I would take them in a sec. But no, according to some we are strictly pro-right around here. So how's about this, as of this point forward, I want NO POLITICAL DISCUSSION in the forums. I've let the discussions go lately because I thought everyone could keep it civil (and because I've been too buried in real-life the past month to police the forum), but it always comes down to this crap in the end. So that's it, I'm done with it. I'm sick of being the referee as well as the scapegoat when someone feels like they didn't win an argument. We are done.

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