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Posts posted by MadJeff

  1. File Name: Strike Fighters Service Pack 3 (v11-05-04)

    File Submitter: MadJeff

    File Submitted: 9 Nov 2004

    File Category: SF Patches


    The Service Pack 3 updates the game to make it more compatible with the latest video cards, and adds host of new features for third-party expansions. Please read Readme.txt for more details.

    Note: This patch can only be applied to the "v12-25-03" version of the game; if you have a previous version, please apply Service Pack 2 below before downloading this patch.


    Click here to download this file

  2. File Name: Strike Fighters Service Pack 3 (v11-05-04)

    File Submitter: MadJeff

    File Submitted: 9 Nov 2004

    File Category: SF Patches


    The Service Pack 3 updates the game to make it more compatible with the latest video cards, and adds host of new features for third-party expansions. Please read Readme.txt for more details.

    Note: This patch can only be applied to the "v12-25-03" version of the game; if you have a previous version, please apply Service Pack 2 below before downloading this patch.


    Click here to download this file

  3. Hey all! Damn, it's been awhile! :cool: Nice to see a lot of old names as well as a lot of new ones as well! Thought I would drop in and say hey and see how the ol' homestead was doing.


    It's been a busy year for me, lots of stuff going on workwise. All in all, it's been a pretty good year. About the only thing I've been playing lately is Battlefield2. It's been (gasp!) over 6 months since I've touched a flight sim. With fall coming, I expect to get some stick time soon.


    MK2 and crew have done a great job moving the site forward, my hats are off to them! I see Fates is working his usually magic as well. :victory:


    So, how's everyone been?

  4. Dice, it's been an honor to be able to help you out when you needed it! I enjoyed having you and your group on the site.


    With the new ownership transfer and new focus, as well as the fact that not to many of you hang out here anymore, I'll go ahead and archive the existing forum and call it good. Mostly so it doesn't confuse your site members on where to go. :grin: We can setup a redirect to the forum link over to Warthog territory forums where you moderate as well if you like, just let us know.


    Just yell if you ever need anything, and don't be a stranger over here!




    MadJeff and the rest of the crew

  5. My plan was to leave it up for a few weeks so the stragglers get the news, then pull it down. I'm still trying to decide how to handle it, as there is a lot of good info that I hate to just see disappear into the ether. I've also had several people express interest in taking it over, and I'm weighing those options. Unfortunately I've been too busy this week to spend much time on thinking about it. I hope to have some sort of announcement/decision in the next few days.


    As for withering away and lack of participation, that's one of the reasons I decided to pull it in the first place. This is not something that just happened since the announcement, it's been going on for months. If it depresses you to come, then by all means, no one is twisting your arm... ;)

  6. For those of you that want to stay in touch, I've decided I can't just leave cold-turkey from the web, so I'm doing a little experiment/therepy and have started a blog. As if there was not enough useless crap on the internet already, now I'm adding to it!


    This is going to be quite a departure for me, as the blog will be more personal than Biohaz was, covering some of my varied hobbies/work/net security stuff, and my worthless views and thoughts on various topics such as the sim scene, etc. Yep, pretty much worthless crap that no one but I will care about. :grin: But if you get bored, by all means mosey on by sometime. I'd love to keep in touch with the regulars. They great thing about this one is that I have no self-imposed pressure to perform/maintain it. :grin:


    You can waste your time here:




    Not a lot there yet, but it's a start.

  7. Merry Christmas to all, have a very safe and happy holiday! I've been on the road the past two weeks, just got back last night and now I'm loading up to head to the folks for the holidays. I'm REALLY looking forward to some downtime after the past two weeks... :grin:

  8. MJ, a 12lb laptop? :ohmy:

    That's not portable - that's your home exercise weights.


    Actually, they go out of their way to call it a DTR (DeskTop Replacement). From this point on I'll be referring to it as simple "The Beast"... ;)


    I was hoping to get it today, but it looks like it will be tomorrow morning. At least I'll get it for the weekend. Can't wait to install LOMAC on it, should run it full settings.

  9. It was a close vote, but in the end the winner was:


    RIP-88 and his entry "Surprise Attack"




    Congrats to RIP-88! You can see the results of the voting here:


    Voting Results


    Rant Mode ON

    On a side note, I just wanted to post my disappointment at the lack of participation with this contest. I thought a chance at a shot at a free copy of Pacific Fighters would get a lot of interest, but instead we had a handful of entries and only about 38 total votes on the contest. :dntknw: I had some more stuff to give away, but if this is all the interest we are going to generate then maybe I should just forget the whole thing... :sad:

  10. Hopefully, by the end of next week, I will have my new Gaming PC. 

    I spent more than I ever have on a computer.


    Chief, looks like we are both playing the waiting game. I just ordered a new work laptop, so I figured I would go whole-hog:




    Sager 9860 Specs



    Read the review:



    I picked up a Sager 9860, and this thing is a monster! 12 lbs of 17" Widescreen portable gaming goodness. It's the same chassis as the Alienware Ultimate rig. I'm supposed to get this tomorrow, and I'm really jazzed. Here's the specs I ordered:


    3.6Ghz P4

    2Gb DDR2 RAM

    2 - 60Gb SATA drives in a RAID 0 (Striped) config

    nVidia 6800 Go PCI-Express

    DL DVD Burner

    Built-in Wireless/BlueTooth


    I'll be doing a review on this baby once I get it here.


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