Your looking into it too hard. I've used every $20 Wal-Mart special under the sun for BF2. Last one I used was/is a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. A simple and effective joystick, no need for a bunch of binds as this is pure arcade style flying. Simply go in and change key settings by pressing the button/moving the axis on your joystick that correlates to what you want to do. I had my fixed wing binds set up exactly like my rotary wing binds, chaff, maxed out my yaw, etc. Mainly being a FPS type, I have throttle bound to "W" and afterburners bound to "Shift". Lastly, I bind TS to my joystick so I don't have to use the mouse or keyboard to speak. You can customize your binds for every vehicle in BF2 in about five minutes. I was going to try my x-52 out on BF2, but never got around to it. Personally, I prefer the cheap ones over the x-52 because it has way too much play in it. Lack of precise control is a crashed whirly bird on BF2....but you'll respawn again in 10 sec, so there's plenty of time to get the hang of it. Hope this helps.