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Posts posted by Creepn_Death

  1. I too believe there was a bomb in the WTC. It's called a commercial airliner filled with fuel. Makes a big bang.


    Lindsey may be nuts, but she's a lot saner than Britney. I love celebrities like that, they always make me fell better about myself.


    I agree, I don't care who wants to say "...there was a bomb in the WTC...", but until someone with formal training and education in engineering says it had to be something other than the airplane I won't believe it. I've seen, even with the minimal schooling I have, that there is a lot of calculations and figuring that goes into engineering. And the last time I checked there hasn't been any structural engineers that has pointed a finger at a bomb in the WTC.

  2. HAF Dirty F-16C Blk 52

    First, thanks so Sundowner for the great template, Wpnssgt and USAFMTL for all the great original work on this bad viper. Also to USAFMTL for helping in the finalizing of this work. Without him this wouldn't of been complete.


    This is an HAF Dirty skin for Wpnssgt's F-16C Blk 52. Uses actual tail numbers and is weathered and dirty like actual HAF Vipers. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Just drop in your Blk 52 folder and go flying.


    Creepn Death


  3. 186th FS Mont. ANG A/ADF Skins

    This a set of skins for the F-16A Blk 1 and the F-16A ADF that represent the 186th FS of the Montana ANG. The tail numbers have been matched to actual aircraft in the 186th history. ENJOY!


    NOTICE! After I submitted this I didn't realize that I didn't edit the A model ini file, I had to change the name of the folder to get it into the RAR file. If the tail numbers are not showing, simply go into the ini and add a 2 behind the folder name of fix. Sorry.


  4. I"ve been trying to change things up.. so I decided to start adding new ships.. and I've been unable to get any of the ones I've tried to work properly....


    I am new at modding.. I can get planes to work but not ships...


    I am trying to add the CVN75 USS Harry S. Truman carrier at the moment


    any help would be appreciated!




    I've been looking at doing the same thing, check here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=11815


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