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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    With the wind chill it was -40 on the flight line here at Hellsworth last night, some birthday present...good thing I was working in a hangar!
  2. Happy Birthday To

    Hey yeah! Happy B-Day Spec
  3. I'm new here!

    Welcome to the club dude.
  4. Happy Birthday To Fracture

    Happy B-Day dude!
  5. The Red Baron - New Movie in 2007

    Always love flying flicks. Also, the trailer on there had some nice Albatros stuff.
  6. Contest #3 Winners

    Sickhouse! Hey thanks guys! And so close to when I get my new computer as well I'm paying this forward and sending my old(ish) stick to friend's little bro who me to teach how fight in WoE.
  7. stealth

    AFAIK neither are in the works, maybe someone else can shed some light on subject though.
  8. Hello All,

    Yo! New guy buying indeed. Welcome!
  9. love of this site

    A fellow Kansan! Welcome to the site...just one word of advice, not to sound like a jerk, your sentence structure could use some work. Buuuuuuuut, welcome to CA and always... Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
  10. Happy Birthday

    Hey thanks guys! Too bad I had to spend it working on crappy B-1's
  11. Now This Is My Kind Of Di

    Ma'am... Trainee Cowboy reports as ordered! How many 20-20-10's to see you naked again, ma'am?
  12. looking for a good game

    Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that the Third Wire Series (SF/WoV/WoE/FE) is going to be your best bet. It'll run decent on just about any system and it's got the selection (with third party add-ons) you're looking for, plus the difficulty settings can be turned way down. Another plus...it's cheap compared to a 50 dollar play-station game.
  13. Wouldn't want to meet that if it was a dark and stormy night over germany and I was in a T-72. A-10N/AW = the new hotness.
  14. Holy crap. Didn't even realize that was a contest...thought is was just ads, lol. I'm in!
  15. I remember I used to use HARMS as A2A missles in A-10 Attack, so long ago. Great find, have to try it myself.
  16. Back after a couple of years...

    Hey guys, some of ya'll may remember me from a long time ago, when this was BioHaz. Due to some issues with some of those no longer with us, I decided to make a dissapearing act from the forums, but have still been around to get all my SF mods. Anyway, I decided it was time to make a reapearence since I felt the need to have a forum to post on, and now I'm back. Anyway, just saying hello, for the second time.
  17. Happy Birthday to....

    Happy B-Day!
  18. I don't think it's actual air re-fueling, since the maps are scaled down to make air re-fueling a moot point, however I beleive it simulates the practice of it well.
  19. Greatest Military-Based Movie

    Battle of Britain A Bridge to Far Blackhawk Down Tae-Guk Gi (The Brotherhood of War: about Korea, INTENSE!) Der Untergang Saving Private Ryan The Battle of Algiers
  20. Your prayers are needed

    A good friend of mine recently experinced a terrible loss. Her whole family, except for her older brother, died in a house fire on saturday morning. Her younger brother, one of the dead, was also a friend. I'm asking you to pray for my friend Kami, and her older brother Justin, as they experience this loss. If you want to know more about the accident, you can read about it here. I'm sure they could use all the help they could get right now. Thank you.
  21. MJ, we need our own Top 25

    Well it is the top 25 "Flying Games" not Flight Sims, but yeah I was pretty pissed when I saw LoMac got beat out by SWON
  22. I've been gone...

    ...and I'm not really quite sure why :P I've been really tied up at work and all that so, just saying, I'm not dead (or even faking it like some of our former members ) I'm still here, and I'll keep posting as much as I can, anyway, peace for now ya'll.
  23. Pics of the new vietnam sim in the works. And you'll notice some very familiar pilot models and GUI's :D WOOOO! SF With Carrier Ops!!!!!!
  24. Has anyone even thought about this?

    I think he's got a point, especially about the Jet blast on the interstate.

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