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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. Internet radio

    No Chief I think you're right But hey Dutchy, if you go download Winamp 5.03 you can use the "Media Library" feature and you should be able to find internet radio of all types, and there shoudl lots of country stations.
  2. Your prayers are needed

    One of my favorite teachers from High School (he taught Student Naturalist) died yesterday from a heart attack. I'm hoping you all could keep his family in your prayers. To give you an idea of just how cool this guy was, here's a favorite of mine (keep in mind, he was from New Jersey) I assure you this is a direct quote... CT - "Hey Mr. May, did you ever see Hendrix live?" Mr. May - "Hell ya I saw Hendrix! I saw him a two in the morning at Woodstock! It was great!"
  3. That shark is the most wickedly awesome thing ever.
  4. Happy Fourth of July!

    Down the British :D !!! Hope ya'll have fun, I know I'm planning on a late night airsoft game with lots of explosions going off all around the neighborhood, should make for nice amibiance.
  5. Happy Fourth of July!

    Damn Snapple where ya been? I think it's about time we started up another hot chick discussion on par with one with all those pictures posted a while back.
  6. Waggin the dog...

    Lol! I'm not old enough :D
  7. Artillery Strike!

    Or at least that what in sounds like :D I love the week leading up to the Fourth, nothing but explosions all over the place. Although when you're playing Raven-Shield and some kids next door light off a string black cats, well, it can get a little freaky.
  8. Can You Identify THis?

    NOT AGAIN!!!!!
  9. JT Alpha Version

    Smooth, SDrickson, smooth :D
  10. Another Killer on the Roads :X

    Forget that man, I say drive like a bat outa hell. Mycars broken down, so I driving my dad's Talon TSI right now...never less than ten over :D
  11. Monitor wierdness

    I had this wierd kind of blurry stripe down the center of my monitor and I was about to post for some help to fix, but right after I typed in the title of my post, it fixed it self, creepy
  12. tunnel bomb

    So there were no fatalities? I wish everyone injured a swift recovery, and those responsible swift justice.
  13. I sat in a Wildcat today!

    One of my dad's friends, Steve Craig, owns the only flying example of an F4F Wildcat, all of the others are FM2s. It's painted up like Butch Ohare's Wildcat, and is one of the planes that got pulled from Lake Michigan. He flew it out to our Vintage Aircraft Assosciation's fly-in (my family owns a Luscombe 8A, btw) and I got to sit in it. I took pictures of the gun sight and the panel, but they aren't digital, so I'll have to scan them once they get devoloped.
  14. Vickers Wellesley

    Think we could a profile shot Nick? Nice pic, ty.
  15. Whiteman AFB Airshow

    This year I was disapointed that they didn't have either the Blue Angles or the T-Birds, but my disapointment ended there. My dad and I arrived just as the Japanese task force was launching their aircraft for the Tora Tora Tora display, and immediately after that came my favorite part of the show, the USAF's F-15C demo. WOW! Everytime I see that display I'm just awed by the raw power that plane puts out. Sorry about pics for now, I was shooting 35mm on my dad's Nikon, but I did get some really good pictures this year of "Oscar 01", the decomisioned Minuteman II command post. The command capsule is very cool, and it's a rather sobering experince. I'll get those pics scanned for ya'll to take a look.
  16. Crazy funny North Korean propaganda

    I saw this on another forum today and thought it would be right your alley. I laughed so hard when I saw this. I don't that ole Kimmy's intention though. If this is how the North Koreans really operate I don't think we have much to worry about, lol. It looks like a flash cartoon made by a hyperactive 12 year old who just 30 Baby Ruth's. The language is a bit strong so if you have tikes about, make sure they can't hear it. NK Propaganda Vid
  17. American Females

    There's some of that around here, but ya'll ought go to the college I go to, hotness 360 degrees. I guess it's a Kansas thing, huh? And ya, I've been out to K-State, amazingness.
  18. Irani Tomcat Crashed after Training

    That's true, but I'm with Chief, I figured after Gruman and the US stopped supporting them, the jets basically rotted on on the tarmack, which is probably why it crashed.
  19. Crazy funny North Korean propaganda

    oh, the message board actually censored the link, since it had a bad word in word in it. I edited the link up top to go to forum thread where I found it. Here's the link
  20. Airline crew lands at wrong airport

    Hey guys, any landing you can walk away from (with out getting shot by USAF MP's)
  21. History: private plane into space

    This will revolutionize space travel. The best way to get it done is the private sector, my vacation on the moon, here we come!
  22. A Music Question

    Kind of like Iron Maiden's "Aces High"
  23. A Music Question

    Hey I just thought I'd let everyone know, if you want to hear really good rock, check out Coheed and Cambria, freaking awesome.
  24. If you don't have Hyperlobby yet, get that for online play. Also I'd check out Il2skins.com, best resource out there for extra paint jobs, and may I suggest my Fairfax Ghost B-25C Skin ;)
  25. F-14 on the History Channel

    Thanks Raptor, hopefully the'll have it on later tonight too.

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