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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. What's your favorite forum software?

    Invision board works fine for me, except for the 30 second spam control. Can get kind of annoying some times.
  2. Storm Chasing in Kansas

    My Uncle sent me this link he found of pictures of guys storm chasing near Mulvane and McPhereson, KS. Really incredible photos. To see all of them, click here
  3. next days at a airshow

    Ya I'm the Whiteman AFB open house on sunday. For those who don't know Whiteman AFB is the home to the 509th Bomb Wing (B-2 Spirit) and the 442nd TFW (A-10) there won't be any be any Thunderbirds or Blue Angles, but I'll come back some good shots of the missle silo and the hogs and the B-2's for ya.
  4. 'tis The Season

  5. A Music Question

    Hey Raptor do you ever listen to Thrice? Freaking awesome, also right now I'm listening to Social Distortion, as one of my friends once said "Who doesn't like Social Distortion?" :D
  6. A Music Question

    I've heard all of those, the problem is that with their first album I had been listening to it for about two years by the time it ever got any play on the radio or MTV, sooo I was already sick of it when they started playing it every freaking other minute on the radio, so now I just can't stand them. BTW nesher, if you want to hear some good music, download some Bouncing Souls, I recomend true beleivers. Great stuff.
  7. I can't install the pilot it comes with, I tried the way the rather cryptic instructions said and all I got was no pilot at all, some one help me!!
  8. Brothers In Arms Announced

  9. New Pics From The Game

    I went to a Barmitzfah once :D Thanks nesher!
  10. A Music Question

    LOL, nooooo Linkin Park is bad for you! Anyway, whats up *BtS*$y$t£M=M= (I had to copy and paste your name) If you want to hear some really good music might I suggest some Ming and FS? I think the only other person on here that's probably heard of them would be Snapple.
  11. Putting A Movie Star Back Together

    If you go to see Scorsese's new movie "The Aviator" about Howard Hughes, look for a bright red Fokker D.VII with two white stripes running down the sides, that's owned by one of dad's friends. It's not in the trailer but it will be in the movie (AFAIK). It came back from Hollywood in pieces and I helped put it back together tonight. When you see it take a look at the top wing, that thing is damn heavy, I'l ltell you what. Anyway, just thought a little neat movie trivia for ya.
  12. A Music Question

    Ya I know what you mean. I really hate Cypress Hill, the only real "rap" I listen to is the new Jay-Z album (if you can find the remixed "Grey Album" it's really good, if only for the incredible beats). Although if you want to hear some real good natured old school style hip-hop check out Jurrasic 5, "Let's take it back to the concrete streets/Original beats with real live MC's/Play ground tactics/No rabbit in a hat-tricks/Just act classic/Rap sh*t from Jurrasic" it doesn't get much greater than that.
  13. Remember The Shoe Bomber?

    Excellent reading! Thanks a ton Chief! I'll try to dig up a joke you haven't heard for that one ;)
  14. Hl2 Source Code Arrests

    Yeeha! Way to go sherrifs!
  15. Rainbow Six Movie

    I thought I told him after Windtalkers he wasn't alowed to make movies anymore :D I was really hoping for John McTiernann or Micheal Mann to direct, but I guess now I need to only one thing...how much gasoline will be used to show the explosions when the flashbangs go off
  16. Full Spectrum Warrior Is Really Hard!

    It is! I had a chance to play it over at a friends house yetserday, and watching someone else play, it's easy to find the tactical advantage in almost any situation. But once you get that controller in your hands, it's like a whole other world. Athough, if you do the chance play it, do so. Also make sure you watch the intro video, it's really funny. You get see a couple of guys in an E-8 Joint STARS discussing why they joined the USAF (you'll see what I mean). Hard, but very fun, well acted, and always keeping you on your toes, great game.
  17. Ronald Reagan Passed Away

    A great man that did some great things, <S!>
  18. Time To Dust Off Battlefield Vietnam

    Just take a look at this, these guys rock the socks off anything Desert Combat has yet to come out with, and they aren't even on their first public release. Plus they've got the whole modern day Russia v. US Lo-Man/Ghost Recon thing going for them. Check em out here.
  19. Okay, well this is wrong forum I know, but I wanted a little more traffic :D This is a skin of the B-25J Fairfax Ghost owned by the Kansas City Warbirds from 1985-1993. The reason it's on a C model is becuase the gunpods (which this plane didn't have) would've marred the markings on the sides. The reason it's called "The Fairfax Ghost" was in honor of Fairfax airport in Kansas City where all models of the B-25B and forward were built. If you've lived in or around Kansas City in the last 20 years and you're a WWII aviation nut, this skin should truly be a treat for you. Download me at Il2-Skins.com!
  20. Turning 44 On Sunday

    From a kid who's only 19, happy birthday man!
  21. Remember D-day

    I always remember D-Day, I just wish that some day I could go to Normandy and pay my respects ot all who fought died there. Maybe you could go and fill in for us this year Dutchy.
  22. ...as soon as I find the other cowl flaps on B-25 Temp Anyway, if you've lived in or around Kansas City in the last 20 years you probably remember this aircraft...
  23. Goin' To The Montanabanana Belt...

    Ya there is truly something wrong with those guys. When you meet them all they talk about is how they want the forest to catch fire so they can go put it out :D
  24. Goin' To The Montanabanana Belt...

    If you go to Missoula check out the Smokejumper base, I went to the one in McCall, ID and trust me, it's well worth it!
  25. Whether You Like Him Or Not...

    I saw Bill Clinton speak at Allen Field House at KU today as the first in a series of lectures hosted by Bob Dole who also spoke and was just as good. It was actually a lecture on foreign policy as part of the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics lecture series. And with 12,000 people in attendence and it being 90 degrees outside, it was really hot in a place that's hot when it's 10 degrees during basketball season! And whether you like Bill Clinton or not it was still very cool to see an former president speak, becuase AFAIC no matter how much you don't like some one you still have to respect the office that he represents.

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