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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. My Favourite Writer

    The Intruders was a great book!
  2. Good Joke

    So this guy walks into a bar and hes covered in this nasty smelling blue dried crust. He's been like this everyday for about 12 years. Finnally one day the bartender asks him, "Hey what's that blue stuff allover you?" The guy replies, "It's the blue stuff they put in the toliets on airliners, I clean it out every day." Bartender says, "For twelve years?!" guy says "Yeah, every damn day." Bartender says, "Why dont you just quit then?" "What?" the guy says, "and get out of aviation?"
  3. Check this out... From Maj.Lee @ SimHq Best I can do, I got my temps from there too, but they're long gone.
  4. I think looks pretty much like lock on B) {EDIT} Make sure you view the image full size, otherwise it looks like sh**
  5. Sometimes This Job Sucks

    Heh, my Dad used to work customer service for Puratain-Bennet (they make the little yellow oxygen masks) he got laid off about 7 years ago and I still get calls from people in like the UAE or Saudi Arabia with an AOG (aircraft on ground for those not down with lingo) wondering where my dad is. I'm like he doesn't work there anymore but here's the number of the place, and sorry to hear about the jet man. Oh well.
  6. Grandmother Has Passed

    Mt grandmother died when I was about five. I didn't even know what cancer was at the time all I knew was that my grandmother was sick. It was horrible. I know what you're going through and I think I speak for the whole community when I say we all have you in our prayers.
  7. I'm still wondering what CBS is apologizing for, that was awesome!
  8. Border War!

    I'm going to the KU v MU B-Ball game tonight. It WILL rock, solidly. Also this post marks the first of a new thing I'm gonna try, every post I put up will be accompineid by a picture of it that was the first hit on Google's image search. This was the first pic I found when I typed in border war. Weird huh?
  9. Great Game Bbc.co.uk

    It's called Rockface rescue. Fly an RAF rescue chopper in Scot;land and pick up casulties, really rad! http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/rockface/game/
  10. Border War!

    Watch ya mouth kid. I've never heard it louder in Allen Field House than when we were chanting "Sit Down Quinn" at Quinn Snyder BTW Raptor your Cats had a pretty good run at them tigers last week.
  11. End Of Half Time Show Made It All Worth It.

    I don't disrepesct women...well when I'm sober I don't
  12. My Barber Increased Price..$4.00 For A Haircut!!

    I pay 12 :( Gues that's just standard Johnson County
  13. Montana Sucks...

    Classic line What you don't trust a forum with the maturity level of a 10 year old!!!!
  14. The Blues Brothers

    "I would like to buy your women, how much for the little girl?" "F**k this noise!"
  15. End Of Half Time Show Made It All Worth It.

    Ya did anybody else get pissed off by Kid Rock wearing an American Flag like it some kind of tarp? He cut a hole in the middle of it! And it was a real flag becuase me and my friends could all see the gromets on it, and then they just tossed it on the stage American Baddass, yeah right.
  16. Bunch Of Birthdays!

    And dont forget Two members turning 19 two weeks ago ;)
  17. I'm Back...

    Heh, it's kinda weird Jeff, I never knew you left. But hey, welcome back!
  18. Whats The Difference...

    It all depends on what forum skin you're using, I use the v3 Blue G1, it looks fine.
  19. Trying going through cockpit.ini files you might find something there, thats about all I can tell you.
  20. Favorite Movie Gunfights?

    I'd say my top two are the big one after the bank robbery in Heat, (gotta love that Galil SAR and the FN FNC.81 :D) and the three major shoot-outs in The Way of The Gun, there is some really cool HK USP .40 action in that flick.
  21. Favorite Movie Gunfights?

    OK, crap I knew that SPR and BoB were gonna come up and in the original post I meant to say Non-Military, ie. Cops and Robbers, assasin type stuff, I could name a million awesome gun fights from war movies. But I thought this would be a little different. But yeah, matrix lobby scene is teh pwn.
  22. How well will it run on my PC, (specs below)? I did that WinXP system test for it and it said I was way above the scale, but I really dont trust it that well. Also, what about that new water texture all you guys have, does that have a big affect on FPS? SPECS AMD Athlon 1.8ghz gForce 3Ti 64meg 256 RAM 54X CD/RW Thanks all!
  23. Seminoles Rock My World!

    So I'm in Allen Field House watching the KU game last night, which sucked btw, when I looked on the score-board to see UNC and FSU tied in overtime, then it says, UNC 81 FSU 90 FINAL. The whole crowd cheered, confiming my suspicion that KU fans DO NOT like Roy Williams. But anyway, I love your team Snappple, and good luck with base-ball this year, I know you guys are always good.

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