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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. Bear Attacks Sub

    OMG, whe you said Bear attacks sub I thought of this...

    Bring it :twisted:
  3. AAO 2.0

    Ya thats pretty rad, maybe I get to start off with an AK this time rather than having to steal one :D
  4. Ouch...

    Dont worry cheif this sailor had 3 designated drivers with him. Had couple of friends go down that way, not that stupid.
  5. When fear is stronger than pain

    HAHAHA. good lord that rocks! (good lord I'm twisted)
  6. Avast Me Scurvies!

    It be national talk like a pirate day! Out on yer skull caps and such and pillage the high seas! AAAAAARGRRRRRR!
  7. Avast Me Scurvies!

    HAHA, A hearty laugh for me mayties! Lets go get drunk on rum and find some spanish hookers!
  8. I'm pretty Steamed...

    Has anyone else tried to play the new version of CS on Valve's Steam program. Jesus christ they should just shoot my kneecaps and get it over with.
  9. Half Life 2

    My source was Planet Half-Life
  10. Half Life 2

    The delay was hoax, the official release date is still spetember 30th
  11. I Fought the Law...

    About this whole RIAA thing. I just want to say look, I download music. Alot. The reason I do it isn't because I want to cheat people out of money, I mean lets talk about sueing 12 year olds if you want to talk about that, I do it becasue they RIAA is screwing ME out of money. Why they hell would I pay $17 for a CD two decent songs on it. If they didn't make crapyy expensivve music, I wouldn't download it for free. Crap I gotta go to class, I'll finish this post later :?
  12. Where was you at 9-11-2001

    I had just gotten out of marching band practice and our teacher told us we needed to have an important meeting. I skipped it and changed in the bathroom. When I came out they said a plane had hit WTC and I thought, "Oh must've have foggy and asome dude in a 172 got killed" but then they two hit and I knew it terrorits but when they said it was 757 I was like, what? And then someone said a bomb or plane had hit the pentagon and I freaked. So I headed down to student naturlaits teachers room where he had CNN on and I saw both towers and the pentagon on fire, and I nearly puked. I NEVER forget where I was or what I doing when I found out. Its too burned ionto my memory.
  13. Sorry that was kind of venomous, I sound like I'm bitching for a med addon on the Il2 boards
  14. You steer the 262 by alternating the power on the engines, Power left engine turn right, power right engine turn left, thats how they really did it. Kind of a pain in the ass though.
  15. Leni Riefenstahl dies at 101 (it was just a Nazi)

    Another dead Nazi, another round of applause.
  16. I'm not interessted in overly expensive aircraft that are only truly useful on the first night of a war, so no I'm not.
  17. Homeworld 2 Demo

    :shock: OMG this game is beatiful. Just one thing, its very hard and very graphically intense. But just...wow
  18. Real Chief Petty Officers

    Lol, that really cheered up my day chief
  19. I want to play the harpoon 4

    Ya I've wanted to play Harpoon 4 for about 4 years.
  20. New Video Posted

    Thanks for letting us know
  21. Galen Thurber up to his old tricks...

    OMG that ICQ transcript was hillarious, "Does this mean you don't love me?" good lord, that is funny.
  22. Not impressed with Navyair.com

    Everyone is among friends here, with the exception of few bad apples.
  23. Andrew W.K. ROCKS!

    I went this dudes concert last night, I will never miss another one, its really cool when most of the audience is on stage and the bands singer is on some dude's sholders. And doing a stage dive rocks! Listen to Party Hard, its such a great song.
  24. Describe your job.

    go to school, stare at hot chicks, what a great job

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