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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. DAMN YOU CARTRIX! sorry had to get that out
  2. For shrikes...When you're in your F-4E take a look at the RWR. If you see a green square or hear a tone (that means SAM) put the green square near the top of the RWR. When it gets in that area make sure you where the radar site, ZSU-23-4, or SA-2 is. When you see it pojnt your nose toward it and release the Shrike, it will guide it self to the target with the highest radiation emmitions, ie you might want to take out that BAR LOCK radar, but you kill the SA-2 tracking radar. There is no way to select targets until we AGm-88 HARMs.
  3. Rock Chalk Jayhawk, GO KU!

  4. New Exclusive Fair Strike Screenshots!

    Exclusive screenshots! Wow Jeff, you've really got hands in this one! GREAT JOB! And they look beutiful!
  5. If you can land you BUFF I suggest parking it on the runway and then switching to the tower view, F11 I think, and then taking off again so that the exhaust keeps going even when you're on the runway, gives the field a nice brown dusting anf looks cool as hell!
  6. CHE GUVERA! VIVA LA REVOLCION! I think that the F-4E maybe a little early fo '63 though. Bu hey! IT ROCKS!
  7. I've noticed, and I could be wrong about this, never actually flown an F-104 but when I kick in the rudder, it just does an aileron roll, I know that the 104 has really tiny wings, but seems like there is no yaw at all, might be a bug, or maybe not. Anyway, just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. or Euros, whatever.
  8. damn right phantom. Armor dave rocks!
  9. oh yeah, one more thing...What the hell is it called?
  10. Who plays Splinter Cell?

    I like ninjas!
  11. check it out! Ok there's an A-10 on there too but I couldn't the pics...sorry[/b]
  12. That will be the ONLY thing I fly!
  13. Fast Eagle?

    Goodluck Eagle!
  14. 1st Marine Expeditionary in Iraq

    Were going in.
  15. Actually they weren't earthquakes but 56,000 American soldiers burried on French soil rolling over in their graves. nuff said
  16. Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    Just thought I'd say that. Go listen to Dropkick Murphy's or something...and drive safe.
  17. A screw it.....lets go kill someone

    I'm gonna play Desert Combat for BF1942...are you doing you're part?
  18. Ok Folks listen if qualify for my new sig....and you know who you are...I say we start up a new sqaud to take the older guys to school. Oh geez I crack my self up. Anyway if you're interested check this thread out out and post a reply
  19. Come on man...no one can understand you just help us out here
  20. Request for Ranger to stop posting drunk ;)

    there ya go...it's just joke man...I'm serious.
  21. Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    well I'm Irish...so I'm wearing green
  22. WOOHOO! I met the girl of my dreams!

    I don't usually consider Forensic & or Debate tournements as a place worry about girls, I am there to win after all. Anway the HI (humorous interp) chair girl actually happened to fall into EVERY one my extremely narrow standards. This rocks. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know how happy I am.

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