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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. I've joined the fashion industry

    What about this for a t-shirt, I can do better, but it's late and I have school tommorow. I'm sure we do what ever text but like I said, its late I'm hungry and it's 5 minutes till the daily show comes on. Cowboy Out, SHACK BABY!
  2. What are we doing to conserve gas?

    well, I'm a registered democrat too, although if I were to run, I'd be extremely moderate,. it's just my personalty (i'm pro-war btw)
  3. I've joined the fashion industry

    I know, that's I why I shop at the slavation army, hear that old guys? you can be hip 8) !
  4. Absolutely nothing to do with flight sims... but if you can

    hope this helps (from fact monster.com) erythroblastosis fetalis [urith"rublastO'sis] Pronunciation Key erythroblastosis fetalis , hemolytic disease of a newborn infant caused by blood group incompatibility between mother and child. Although the Rh factor is responsible for the most severe cases of erythroblastosis fetalis, the disease may be produced by any of the other blood group antigens, such as those of the AOB system. With an Rh-negative mother and an Rh-positive father, the possibility exists that the fetus will be Rh positive. Microhemorrhages during gestation permit fetal red blood cells to enter the maternal circulation, causing an immunologic reaction that leads to sensitization of the mother against the Rh factor. Maternal antibodies against fetal red blood cell antigens pass through the placenta into the fetus, where an excessive destruction of fetal red blood cells occurs. When such hemolysis begins during pregnancy, stillbirth may result. While there is little danger of damage to the fetus during the first pregnancy, by the second pregnancy sufficient antibodies will have accumulated in the mother's bloodstream to cause increasing danger of hemolytic disease. The formation of maternal anti-Rh antibodies has been largely prevented in the United States by the injection of human immune globulin into the mother within 72 hours after delivery. This globulin contains antibodies against the Rh-positive fetal red blood cells, destroying them before the maternal bloodstream reacts by producing its own anti-Rh antibodies. Thus during the next pregnancy there will be few, if any, antibodies in the maternal bloodstream to destroy the fetal Rh-positive blood cells.
  5. mUSIC challange

    I think the one from the SF from the page with the SF main screen is from Airwolf.
  6. What are we doing to conserve gas?

    My dad probably sold some pressure swtiches for your rig, ever heard of SOR inc.?
  7. Oh we need a Hog for this, my favorite sim ever needs a graphics update.
  8. site symbol

    whoops! there it is
  9. site symbol

    I don't Ranger, white boxes with X's were always kinda anoying to me
  10. Fast Eagle sick....

    Uh oh, I feel a power strugle in the works. Throwing down a coup while the head of state is ill. You should know better Snapple. It's okay Eagle. 332nd squadron will run counter-insurgency for you in your absence.
  11. Fast Eagle sick....

    I got double pneumonia last year about this time and spent a week in the hospital. :( I know how he feels. I will keep him in my prayers and hope he feels better. Thanks for the heads up Chief, by the way.
  12. theres an A-6 in the works, saw a screeniue a while back, I'll do a search for it
  13. IL-2 GOES GOLD

    I know I love Il-2, I'm gonna get it as soon as I get some cash
  14. I see ALOT of eclipses where I live, and although I'm sure yours isn't like this, I hope you have a good time your present from me
  15. well the US bought 28 Mig's from Molodva that is correct, And the cold war squadron had Mig-21's Mig-23's and Mig-27's
  16. well I don't exactly have alot very large F-14 pics lying around
  17. New Janes sim in the works!

    It was Photoshop Friday over at SomethingAwful.com and todays topic was "Fake Games" so even though this is kind of a troll, I thought everyone could use a little laugh.
  18. New Janes sim in the works!

    oh boy! Xicat interactive! The Valusoft of flightsims.
  19. New Janes sim in the works!

    double posted
  20. New Janes sim in the works!

    hey Jag, sounds like you gots da hook-up as kids at my school say, think you can get me link?
  21. Something that makes me mad....

    I see your point, and I do think we should go to war with Iraq to remove Hussein from power. And yes people who prostest with swear wordds aren't any better than who they protesting against. However I still people are entitled to their own opinions, even if they are completely wrong.

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