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Everything posted by CowboyTodd41

  1. Sound Problem

    there are none, sorry.
  2. Interesting Janes F/A-18 Addon

    An accidental search of Mig-28 on google images brought me to a site which had this great addon. "Mig-28's! Nobodys ever been this close before!" looks like this modder has been "keeping up foreign relations" Oh I love that movie
  3. hey that's not a P-51! Oh well still can't wait for either of them! Keep up the good work.

    yes! The F-16N
  5. what is it you guys always say? oh yes, SIERRA HOTEL!
  6. Get some ZPU-4 action!

    If you haven't played desert combat for Battlefield 1942, you're missing out, of course maybe I'm just doing some early training in case I get drafted :shock: but It looks great.
  7. Interesting Janes F/A-18 Addon

    hey now, I still love top gun. it may horribly innacurate but it's still FUN. and that's what counts for me. if I want realism, I'll go read Red Storm Rising for the 1,000th time
  8. better keep that thing away from any 747's
  9. Chat time!

    I think with the new web chat function, we should all hangout sometime. I don't know maybe like Monday at 8:00 central. Thats what I think
  10. FAC's for strike fighters

    oh, sorry, my mistake
  11. AnyOne?

    hey Nightshade, if you can get me some basic decal sheet style side views I could probably do it. I need a challenge to improve my techniques
  12. FAC's for strike fighters

    there are already FAC's in strike fighters...if you fly a CAS you'll be directed to to talk to Snoopy, the area FAC, usualy a O-1E Bird dog, however mine keeps changing to an A-1 Skyraider since I installed that mod.
  13. G4 TV

    Don't if if any of you ever watch this channel, (it may be a little to "hip" for you older guys) but it's a 24 hour cable channel for news and shows about games. I love it. Anyway, I was watching a show called Cinemetech which is nothing but digital cutscenes intro-outro movies from games. Wacthing it last night they had the intro to Falcon 4.0, looked really cool. Which brought up something for me, does anyone have the intro movies F/A-18 Korea or F/A-18 3.0? I know they are mpegs on the discs, but I can't my CD's from when I transferred from my Mac. Anyone help me? Where cna I find them?
  14. Just though a great skin should have a great helmet! Coming Soon: The Top Gun collection.
  15. :(

    if you like depressing skin subjects
  16. Whats SP4?

    I know this sounds wierd but I've only been part of the PC flight-sim community since june. I had a mac and was flying Parsoft's A-10 Attack (favorite sim ever), A-10 Cuba, and Parsoft/Graphsim's Hellcats Over the pacific, followed by GS's F/A-18 3.0 and Korea plus a helluva lot of Chuck Yeagers Air Combat, well I just read the article about Lock-On and read about the thing about "this will probably be a feature in SP4" what's SP4? I know, I'm a total loser, but please help me.
  17. Look at this go to www.penny-arcade.com to see the comic strip about it
  18. you may want to turn the color saturation down a little, it is a little striking for camo, it should look like this.
  19. Help!

    could be the capture resolution or the video screen size
  20. objects/aircradt make it's PILOT.bmp

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