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Everything posted by dsawan

  1. Wow! This plane will rock!. I wonder what a P-47(fictional) in Israeli markings would look like with this kind of quality. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-47#P-47_in_non-U.S._service
  2. Pac-Man turns 30!

    What about Defender and Star Wars arcade game for the Atari 2600, although the arcade version was the best. Wonder how much the actual star wars arcade machine is worth today.
  3. I dont often wish Death on people...but

    If Reagan was in power, would he launch a retaliatory raid like he did with Libya in '86 after the disco bombings in W. Germany?
  4. Oh good. What i meant was if other nations besides israel could have their markings visible. Similar to stock F-4's in TW. I want to be able to fly other users of 109 too. thx.
  5. Hi, this p-51 is a real treat. I tested over Germany CE terrain and looks good in USAF markings. I was wondering. Since there are no blank decals, is anyone working on RAF skins? Also, I wonder if pappychecksix's skins for the old p-5 for sf1 would be useful in this new model. His skins look good.
  6. Hi, but what about merged install? Youre focusing on single installs.
  7. We lose another air warrior

    See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bud_Mahurin

    this film is still not on dvd as far as I can tell. saw this homemande trailer for this rarely seen film starring Lee Ermey from Full metal jacket.

    Wonder why it had a limited print run?
  10. Good job, Bruins

    Well, they let us down yet again. This is just as bad as the '86 Boston red Sox. They should not let this Boston team into the city! http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/recap;_ylt=AtlUMlYOphkh3yCBfxIDUdZ7vLYF?gid=2010051401
  11. Hi, i was wondering which is best way to store sf2 on an external drive. is it necessary to have the saved game and core thirdwire folder together on an external or just one which would be the modded folder and keep the core files on the c drive? thx.
  12. yeah, true it is easier, but I like things separate and to do comparison. I havent played sf of any type in a while as I work a lot.
  13. make a standalone of the Israelme terrain with this new enhanced tileset by stary and co.
  14. Hi, Ok let me get this straight. Inside the ISraelme.ini, it is calling out the ini entries. So all those have to match the main folder name. For ex, for the desert terrain; TerrainFullName=Desert DataFile=desert_data.ini-------this chgs to mathc folder name ? TargetFile=desert_targets.ini -------this chgs to mathc folder name ? TargetTypeFile=desert_types.ini-------this chgs to mathc folder name ? MovementFile=desert_movement.ini-------this chgs to mathc folder name ? NationsFile=desert_nations.ini-------this chgs to mathc folder name ? BriefingText=desert_briefing.ini-------this chgs to mathc folder name ? DogfightFile=desert_dogfight.ini-------this chgs to mathc folder name ? DogfightOnly=FALSE GroundObjectTexture=tan
  15. Hi, i tried kevin's method of making the new tiles as part of a separate standalone ISrael ME 2 terrain but it still doe snot show up in selection screen. I did the 5 steps mentioend above and this is what the israe.ini. looks like: Is there a cat file thats supposed to be in the new terrain. i remmember doing it for sf 1 generation by taking desert.cat and renaming it to the new terrain of your chloice. I used the sf2 extractor and found IsraeklME and I saw no cat file. Below is whatI did according to Wrenchs advice above and this is the IsraelME.ini: [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Israel, Middle East DataFile=IsraelME_data.ini TargetFile=IsraelME_targets.ini TargetTypeFile=IsraelME_types.ini MovementFile=IsraelME_movement.ini NationsFile=IsraelME_nations.ini BriefingText=IsraelME_briefing.ini DogfightFile=IsraelME_dogfight.ini DogfightOnly=FALSE Longitude=34.80 Latitude=32.08 LimitedNations=TRUE GroundObjectTexture=tan CatFile=..\IsrealME\IsraelME.CAT [Map] FilenameFormat=IsraelME_Map%d.bmp Width=1000000.0 Height=1000000.0 NumZoomLevels=3 [WeatherChance] ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=25 OvercastChance=4 InclementChance=2 [AllowedDates] StartDate=11/29/1947 EndDate=1983
  16. try here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_tank
  17. Nice skin. has the worn out look on the side.
  18. Awesome! this mat go well in future with TK's f-14 standalone if emphasis is carrier ops.
  19. ok, thx. i am still suffering from my factory reinstall of my pc due to black screen in vista. I have to start all over again adding files to the folder.
  20. Wow looks nice! Especially the last 2 screenies. Is it possible to create this as a standalone. What I mean is I want to keep the default and then do a copy of it and add the new tileset in. What needs editing just the data ini.?

    This series is a nail biter but fun watching. Too bad they lost tonight.
  22. Goodbye Ernie

    may he rest in peace. i remember Phil Rizzuto's passing and even though i am from Boston, i enjoyed listening to him on yankees games when they were wpix new york and his HOLY COW phrase.
  23. Looking for a new external HD....

    Hi, i use western digital with no probs. A 1 terabyte can behad for 109.99 bucks. best buy may be one place. see here: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Western+Digital+-+My+Book+Essential+1TB+External+USB+2.0+Hard+Drive/9467178.p?id=1218109897952&skuId=9467178 yeah, someone posted a while back that the Seagate hd's were nt good.

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