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Everything posted by dsawan

  1. Hi, the sounds of th guns dont work for the 109's you did by Monty. were you planning to add them later-gun sounds? Thx.
  2. Sorry to hear this. I use a WD external 2 td. How many external drives does anyone recommend backing up mods to? I tried dvd's but every now and then something happens to the dvd's. I prefer external but only have 1 connected to back up mods, so dont know how many externals they shd be backed up to.
  3. SAS trooper stabbed by a shoplifter...

    have to agree wuth dave. Ya need self-protection at night. Remember the hoody sweatshirt will save your life someday. has when I take the T at night or get my exercise late at night.
  4. Evidence of alienlife

    Just noticed this. http://news.yahoo.com/s/digitaltrends/nasascientistfindsevidenceofalienlife
  5. see this: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110314/ts_yblog_thelookout/japans-earthquake-shifted-balance-of-the-planet
  6. Looks like something from another planet Spin!
  7. Hi, i notice some planes in my install do not work with certain mission types. I checked the data.ini types and see that they are all there. But when I go to fly, some will work and some dont. Or they will work in strikemissions only but not the others. Any ideas here? Thx.
  8. Hi ,guys. Sorry for the delay in response. It looks like my install is screwed as I tested the razbam banchees which were working last week. This appears sudden and now the razbam banshees arent working in other mission types. I am doing a reinstall to be safe. its strange cause all i added was planes and the unified effects pack. Nothing major but I still had patch dec 2010-b. So I am reinstalling with jan update.
  9. Hi, one was AMS or Texas/Mexico. The other was the default desert and another was India/pakiistan.
  10. Well, it works in my Falklands sf2 install so there is a conflict with another plane in my main modded install. Anyone know what alphajet related plane itr could be . i dont see any in recent downloads regarding alphajet or a beta of it.
  11. yep, i see it in aircraft folder now.
  12. I did as you said and both alphajets and the other 2 aren't sahowing up in the plane selection menu. If i put them in aircraft folder, they show up. But when you hit accept it crashes. berkut and alouette and all the other work. I have always put planes in the aircraft folder. This shd have nothing to do with it. the bell f-109 released for sf1 is also doing the same thing.
  13. Hi, I installed by opening objects and saw the 4 subfolders, then I did each one manually, first aircraft, then weps, pilots, decals. What do you mean by ghost folder. I just checked my objects folder in the install and onkly see 2 folders the alphajet and the ecm. If there is a ghost where would it be? I am not familiar with that. I do know the alouette and the su-47 berkut work after I added them in following the alphajet. Do you mean another plane folder is named alphajet which causes a ghost.
  14. Well, I give up. i tried default scenery and selected plane and once you hit accept, the game no longer works. Any ideas here. it is a merged sf2 install. The alouette III works so its something with this plane
  15. I tried it and it causes my game to not work. i did like readme said. i set it up for CAS, used Texas.SW terrain and it crashed to desktop. I believe I have the 27mm from the Tornado installs. Anyone else having probs?
  16. kool work on the ta-183 variants. Please release when can. thx.
  17. Dear Mr Gadaffi

    I feel for the average Libyan suffering, but the US should stay out of a civil war and focus on its own people. Unemployment does not last and its bad enough people here are being forced onto the street or living in cars because they cant pay rent. None of this no-fly zone bull. Just moral, refugee and munitions. thats it.
  18. you're right I forgot about gunnny's ord pak. It may be from there. I will try that too. I just love those flak effects for some reason. I realy should have 3-4 separate installs to differentiate everything.
  19. Hi, dont remember green tracers or effect. I just remeber seeing puffs of white clouds and and non-stock flak and the sounds were different. it could be the Vietnam pak or Nato IV. I'll have to reinstall those effects and see unless someone here knows the specific files to get back. i dont have a nato standalone.
  20. Hi, thx for this. However, i dont get the tracers for the flak effect or the white puffs. I forgot where I got them from. Is there a way to reactivate that feature? Haven't played in soooo long. Thx.

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