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About hellcat61

  1. What's up folks? I'm pretty new here too. Nice to see familiar faces on different forums.
  2. Have they ever fixed the reticle bug from the latest patch? I dont get a targeting reticle when I lock a ground target. Is this fixed yet?
  3. No doubt inoperable, but would it sink? There is no doubt in my mind that you could reduce a Nimitz class carrier to a burning hulk, but as far as sinking it completely, I am still very skeptical. Your torpedo remark is poignant, and I would like to research it. FYI, the Stark was hit by two Exocet missiles. One exploded and the other didnt. I believe it's a fair comprison due to the size differential between a Nimitz class carrier and a Perry Class Frigate. Read up on that here: http://officersclub.blogspot.com/2005/12/u...k-incident.html I think this photo speaks for itself. Hellcat out-
  4. A Nimitz class carrier is honeycombed with thousands of water-tight compartments and blast doors on the hangar deck. Only a massive break up of the ship could truly compromise a Nimitz-class carrier. Lets look at th USS Forrestal, which was an older, less modern ship. This carrier was smashed with multiple explosions on the hangar and flight deck from 1000lb+ bombs. She didn't sink. Exocets with their 165kg warhead would definately damage, but not sink a carrier. They have been thrown at much smaller targets (USS Stark - 1987) and have not sunk the targets. The burden of proof is now on your side. Do you have any compelling proof that a Nimitz class carrier can be sunk in this fashon? For further and much needed learning on this matter, I implore you to look at this blog. You may find what some of the members say food for thought. (I do realize that they are not professionals on the matter, but to supply some compelling evidence for both sides.) http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/showthread.php?t=2438 I will try to keep this my last reply so I dont get accused of trolling. Tag, your it.
  5. If that's your rebuttal for sinking a carrier, it's rather weak. Try and prove me wrong with somthing a bit more concrete than a book with a fictional storyline. -Hellcat
  6. Realistally the carriers, specifically the Truman, wouldnt sink anyway. With the way aircraft carriers are built today, it is impossible to sink them short of completely breaking them up (i.e. nukeing them). I doubt any number of exocet's would take one down. I know this doesnt solve your mission, but just a thought.
  7. How do you insall this pack? Were do the files need to be moved? Thanks. Hellcat
  8. Hello there, I have come from the Lock On community, having reciently discovered Wings over Vietnam. While I know that there is a durastic difference between the two simulations, I was curious if it were possible to improve WOV's graphics. Most notably, the trees. I was wondering if It were possible to find any terrain with an abundance of trees to add to the visual effect. I find the ground a bit stagnant in WOV. Could someone point me in the direction of an addon that will grant me the desired effect? Thanks in advance. Hellcat

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