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Everything posted by ST0RM

  1. The love of mine

    Nice close-up work Stary. I love the look of the P.11 The gullwing is really beautiful.
  2. Yes, until 2001. Then they got C/Ds until 2008, now they have Eagles. Great skins Dave.
  3. Looks like you got the cat issues fixed. Looking forward to another great read. Thanks Beach!
  4. cough, MONTANA, cough Ant, that GR.1 looks amazing. Love the nose art.
  5. Flanker for sale....

    Interesting that it was sold so quickly. I've got a friend who works for BAe Systems in Mojave and he was telling us about this jet before it came over. The company was going to contract it out to the US Gov for special projects and some DACM. Looks like that fell through? Nice looking jet though!
  6. The PIDS were the first thing I noticed. Awesome! I've seen some of our ANG F-16Cs loaded with that also. Dave: Odyssey Dawn, nice!
  7. Another fine mission report Beach! And yes, thanks for the terrain fix. -Jeff
  8. If you don't know the story of Col. Bud Day, you are missing out. Read the book "Bury Us Upside Down" and you won't regret it. Anyhow, the Collings Foundation has added an F-100F to their Air Force. Here is the video of them flying Col. Day: I'd love for them to add the F-105 or any of the Century jets. -S
  9. Yeah! Bases actually look alive. Well done!
  10. The way I take your opening line, is that he is cutting ties with the hard-core crowd? "A Take It, or Leave It" attitude. Basically the same one we've dealt with for years. And these are the same people who have supported TW since day 1. We've hoped and asked since then for many of the initial promised boxtop features, to be fixed. Many have gone out and added several mods to test the limits of what was available. If this F-14 "sim" turns out like we're hearing, I don't know that I'll purchase it. TMF has given us an excellent model(s) that is/are hard to beat. The only thing missing is true A-G radar targeting, but that is a limit of the game. As for a new terrain, there are several freeware out there that beat the stock ones hands down. I'd rather just invest my money into CA and keep them afloat. I didn't even pay for the last Exp2. It was a gift from a good friend who paid for it for me. I like the ideas of the DLC, just not overjoyed about the content. I've bought 1 so far, despite it being already in out as a skin. By looking at the number of people who have given money to keep CA's operating budget alive, TK should see that these same people are not going to pony up money for little updates. IMO, he needs to raise the price of the next sim. $19.99 is a steal for any game, but in order to allow it to progress, the price needs to be increased a bit. And that will hopefully squash the budgetary limits he mentions frequently. I'm thankful for the patches over the years. Many were excellent upgrades with new content or fixes for broke ones. Lately those patches have seemed more like beta testing, but that dead horse has been beaten already. We are the consumer, TK has the product that we want. But is he keeps going down this path of the same ol' content in a new shiny package, his product will stop selling. -Jeff
  11. Power!

    Picture says it all:
  12. Power!

    FC: Rgr, noted! Thanks for the typo fix too.
  13. bad ass

  14. Power!

    Thanks all. It was super load, even with ear protection. Granted, I was 150ft away... -Jeff
  15. Nvidia 280.19 Beta Released

  16. I've seen ET-210 in person at Edwards. Came close to getting it on the boom too, but they cancelled. Nice work on the jet! Here is an Omani Hunter rolling for runway strike:
  17. Latest acquisition...

    Thanks for the tip. I don't have an account for DPReview. If you do, would you mind a PM over to that gent and ask what he had in mind on price? Contact me via PM if you do. Thanks! -Jeff
  18. Eric, I think she's pretty much done. You've nailed the weathering perfectly. The Phantoms looks the same too. Well done! -Jeff
  19. Latest acquisition...

    A fellow Sony shooter. Nice piece of glass. I'm looking to replace my dinosaur Sigma 170-500mm. If I might ask, is it used and how much? Cheers! Jeff
  20. I'd really like to see this feature as a DLC for the stock aircraft. Since Day 1, this was mentioned on the box, but never added. Thanks for the hint that the 3rd party guys are adding some much needed detail.
  21. CombatAce Needs Your Help

    Any thoughts on Erik dumping the sites that haven't been updated in years? Might help reduce the bandwidth. I'll re-up mine when I get home in a couple of weeks.
  22. Something I hadn't done in a long time...

    Sounds like a fun day out with Dad. Congrats to you and your kids on the successful launches. -Jeff

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