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Everything posted by ST0RM

  1. Just got the full version for the iPad. What all do I have to destroy on the island in mission 10? Having fun.
  2. Fat Albert Start Up

    FBO ramp chick. Looked like she walked forward as they were taxiing, so not a smart one.
  3. Belsimtek. It's in the first line of the first post.
  4. I'm not worried really. Just so much going on, people are talking.
  5. I've read all of the grumblings about why they jump to another project without finishing the UH-1 and Mi-8 (out of Beta), but think this will be a great compliment to the F-86. It's actually a smart move to tie in the modules. I wonder aloud if any of the smart guys have ported over the F-86 cockpit into the MiG's exterior for some modding fun. Just something to hold people over until the full package. -Jeff
  6. LABS huh? I can see a nice system for the A-4.
  7. "despite all the negatives" Maybe TK should look at himself and see how his lack of communication may have contributed to that. All anyone wanted was success for him and TW.
  8. Concorde's Final Day - A Great Video

    Amazing aircraft. Saw one once back when I was a kid.
  9. F-111 Aircrews

    How about contacting some of the F-111 groups? F-111.net and FB-111A.net They have reunions and might be of some help. Good luck! Jeff
  10. Courtney Force goes flying

    Lights out at 3:07 Not only can she drive fast, she's quite attractive.
  11. After some more thought, this is more like a virtual "dibs" list to prevent someone else from doing them. "Well VEAW is doing X, so we'll move on to Y" Let's hope it all comes to fruition.
  12. Nice for them to give us a list of their projects and loose timelines. Allows for one to asses their gaming budgets and make arrangements. For me, it appears that I'll be safe until mid-late 2015.
  13. Yes, a very handsome bundle of sticks. I will gladly watch it flame...
  14. Another 777 lost

    Ahh, hrc quoted Comrade Putin, just as I thought he would. Thank you for not disapointing.
  15. A little guy needs your help

    Thanks for sharing. Grabbing a card as I type.
  16. +1 Such a small niche in the gaming world now, its often word of mouth. Plus with some many gamers focusing on CoD style shooters or WoW MMOs, we're a dinosaur.
  17. Another 777 lost

    I'm interested to hear hrc and Snailman's take on this now. RIP to MH17.
  18. Games with the tomcats

    The freeware FSX F-14D Tomcat from Dino Catteneo combined with TacPack allows you to shoot missiles and drop bombs on targets, with effects. Another option.
  19. JM, you're correct in that Korea wasnt as known as WWII or supported. Hence it's lack of recollection by the common person. And this putting it very lightly. As for sims, I really cant remember anything but "MiG Alley" from back in the 90s. It was nice, but suffered from many bugs that werent ironed out. That I recall anyhow. And it was limited to USAF vs NK only. Again, IIRC. The other sims were mods of exisiting sims. CFS2 and SF2 especially. But, if you think about how many countries actually participated, you could market it to a large audience. And again, the bridge from props to jets would appeal to a wide market if done right. CV ops, night fighters, CAS, etc... Some would be simply repaints as the RoK, RAAF and South Africans also used them. That would be a first. The key would be to actually focus on one thing and move from there. At least with the F-86 and MiG-15 coming along, a stand-in M/P server that was set up for that era could be achieved. F-51s and Sabres as a minimum until the others catch up. Just an idea I know, but you have to start somewhere.
  20. Wow, someone actually halted it. I'm very happy to be wrong here.
  21. Yes, exactly. I dont think you are the minority. I just think the rivet counting/full real crowds are the most vocal and loudest. Most of us simply want a well balanced sim. Not overly difficult, good A-to-A/A-to-G features but enough challenge to keep your interest.
  22. The Scorpion at Farnborough

    I've seen this fly during my visits to Wichita. Nice little jet. And I do believe it has a place on today's battlefields. Here comes the buts. How long until they can prove the jets capabilities and weapons delivery? Its only been flying for a few months. Will someone buy them? With Textron owning both Cessna AND Beechcraft now, who is going to get the backing? BTW, two of the AT-6s are in attendance at Farnborough also.
  23. Well, it appears that the F-35 grounding has been lifted, despite having no known cause for the 23 June engine fire. This is political, pure and simple. Lift the ban just in time for it's international debut to save face/order with it's overseas customers. Something tells me that as soon as they return from Farnsborough, the grounding will be reimposed. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/15/us-airshow-britain-lockheed-fighter-idUSKBN0FK0O520140715
  24. Didnt know where else to put this, so here it goes. While looking over the many pics from Waddo that are on display, the Polish AF's Su-22 caught my eye. IMO, this would be a great addition to DCS. The avionics are simple, without PGM capability. Point and shoot mostly. Something simple without over complication.
  25. IMO, ED is scrambling to save some good PR. However, Streak's comments are dead on. These bonus rewards are kind of a joke when they run out before something new is released. By now, most people have what they want as the summer/winter/whenever sales have allowed them to stock up at a discount price.

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