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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. MiG-21bis Bewaffnung

    pfm mit monsun
  2. MiG-21bis Bewaffnung

    2IR_AA-8 der verwendet SpecificStationCode=RACK_AA-8 , muß zu dem station data block hinzugefügt werden falls nicht vorhanden die mühle hier hat nen monsun doppelträger außen neben dem UV-32 http://www.airliners.net/photo/Poland---Air/Mikoyan-Gurevich-MiG-21bis/0494442/L/
  3. cool the 809 kites integrated into 801 had the side codes in the same place as on the grey kites phoenix tail badge + royal navy was overpainted too
  4. Falklands mod folder, OPTIONS.ini SingleMission section EndYear=0 <----- change this Originally the 0 should have set it to unlimited, but thats not working anymore since the December update.
  5. Hansa Jet

    an so'm vogel wurde doch mal gewerkelt
  6. This and the other AI sections can be added to the data ini of individual aircraft, since sometime in 2009 or so :)
  7. big lottery win for TK so that he can fulfil our wishes
  8. Holstenair Lübeck

    Aus 'ner AFM PDF , '97
  9. nope the pattern of the camera .. its in a movie *think* about it .. LOL
  10. Holstenair Lübeck

    mußn cooler contractor job sein .. PC-9 driver.. lol hmm.. den beitrag hab ich verpasst
  11. Link to ThirdWire Forum Windows Version Poll Poll runs till Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:10 pm
  12. small mod I made more than a year ago...do you recognize that view Kevin ?
  13. but I'm not 100% sure.. you never know with those guys in Austin, Texas ... ;D
  14. The locations thing was made to sort out the AI flights for single missions, Syrian kites starting from Syrian airbases only, Egyptian kites from Egyptian bases and so on. Only in IsraelME so far because it has more than 2 nations involved inthe action. Or something like that.
  15. Aha.. but thats not LITE anymore !!!! LOL You can place ship waypoints on land though, and vehicle waypoints on water. But they cant be moved around then.
  16. Tiles have nothing to do with it... well generally. The editor needs some water defined so that we can access the ships list, but you can always move the ships around once placed. So a small pond in a overall desert map is enough
  17. for stock terrains, make sure that the main inis do have the new entry (should be all set for unmodded stock terrains): ... WaterMap=xxxxx_Water.bmp where xxxxx is the name of the terrain
  18. Southern California edit: thats all for now by me. Scal_Water.7z
  19. Malvinas Cuba Kamchatka CanaryIslands BlackSea CanaryIslands_Water.7z Cuba_Water.7z KAMCHATKA_Water.7z Malvinas_Water.7z BlackSea_Water.7z
  20. next on my schedule are: Malvinas Cuba Kamchatka CanaryIslands BlackSea

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