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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. If its a TMF F-4 which have custom effects, thent he effects material needs the new shader fx stuff added Theres a "how to do" around somewhere...
  2. Nachbrenner bei Tomcat

    EffectShaderName=effectFire.fx -game uses it for afterburners and all kind of fires and explosions der andere kram: EffectShaderName=effectLightLevel.fx -game uses it for vapours, smoke and dust EffectShaderName=twColor1.fx -pretty much for anything other than smoke and fire die unwissenheit ...kein problem LOL
  3. I think the IRST on the F-4 was kicked out before Sidewinders with SEAM have been available. On the F-8D/E/J, it was possible with SEAM Sidewinder ( and the aircraft configured for it ) but indirectly IRST slews RADAR -> slews missile seeker There was no direct IRST slews missile seeker function, AFAIK.
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    MF and die F-4 .. wie schon oben geschrieben ... BPAo hat TK gefragt ob er Modelle die aus der TW F-4 gemacht werden veröffentlichen kann, und TK hat ihm die Erlaubnis gegeben.
  5. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Nein, so ist das nicht gewesen. Die max-dateien der F-4E un pit sind schon vor jahren von ThirdWire " entkommen" .. dazu wurde auch schon mal in TW-Forum nachgefragt, und TKs Antwort war das er manchmal max dateien als promo an andere Firmen etc gegeben hat. Der F-4 Kram ist bei ein paar der SFP1 modder gelandet, mir sind nur 2-3 bekannt. Habe auch nie anderen TW max Kram außer der F-4 gesehen. LOLOL :ph34r:
  6. Nachbrenner bei Tomcat

    die F14effects ini ( oder was immer die fürn namen hat) braucht ein paar extra einträge für SF2 alle Material-sektionen brauchen das Shader fx zeugs [wasauchimmerMaterial] EffectShaderName=effectFire.fx <----------- also, F14 effects.ini öffnen, nach material kucken und den fx kram reinkopieren
  7. Verluste in Afghanistan

    ZDF Mediathek Doku Die Afghanistan-Lüge ma ankucken.. EDIT: besserer link
  8. MiG-23ML bei der DDR?

    hmm... ein Russisches buch.. Exprint MiG-23 , da könnte was drin sein.. ich such später mal ein link .. besser als alles hier hochzuschieben oder such selber ... filecrop.com
  9. MiG-23ML bei der DDR?

    hier Flieger Revue 2001-01 MIG-23 NVA.pdf
  10. MiG-23ML bei der DDR?

    ja. ich.
  11. Verluste in Afghanistan

  12. its one of those , maybe #1 nose_gear_door1 nose_gear_door2 nose_gear_door3
  13. The updated F-16 data inis are missing one important line in the DetectSystem section : [DetectSystem] ... RangeUnit=NM <------- add ... This was accidently overwritten during update copy&paste ops Lack of the RangeUnit makes AI radar totally blind.
  14. Great looking kite! Any showable pit WIP pix available ?
  15. Yes, ECM was more important on the F-4B than the IRST Also, IRST is never mentioned in any of the RB events, iirc .. wasnt a factor at all.
  16. http://sistemadearmas.sites.uol.com.br/ca/irst.html Run this page through a translator ( Portuguese to English ) YYAHOO! Babelfish translation This picture shows the IRST of the F-8D and early F-8E
  17. AAA-4 IRST RIO/WSO operated it ( it was replaced by ECM stuff pretty soon ) ranges.. several NM. depends on heat source, weather etc .. real values are all in the classified manuals which are not available display... it looked and worked pretty much like a radar , searching with bars but with a much smaller coverage in az/el the IRST could be switched into a tracking mode , and the radar slaved to the IRST and used to get range info with a short transmit ( took a couple seconds, iirc )
  18. Well, since TK is going to have a flyable prop kite with the Suez add-on, he will make sure that props work good in SF2 too
  19. There is no single seat A-4 add-on, we only have the third-party 2-seat A-4F. If the A-4 in question is a single seater than it is made from the original TW lod and not to be re-used anywhere else. MiG-29 - we have two models around, the old model by wpnssgt and the Mirage Factory model which is made by Flying Toaster and BPAo. If it is the wpnssgt model, ask USAFMTL If it is the TMF FT/BPAO model, ask Sony Tuckson
  20. And for the position: Since it is a VLS system, you have the launcher at a permanent angle of 90° This will change the meaning of the position values for Y- and Z-axis. Example: NORMAL WeaponPosition=-5.866,-9.096,10.764 -5.866 = Left/Right, X-axis, -9.096 = Fore/Aft , Y-axis 10.764 = Up/Down, Z-axis Now, permanent 90° angle of the launcher for the VLS is inversing the last two values, Y- and Z-axis: 90° no change to X-axis -9.096 = Fore/Aft , Y-axis NOW works as Z-axis for height, Up/Down 10.764 = Up/Down, Z-axis NOW works as Y-axis, Fore/Aft
  21. I think a USAF style SEA camo scheme would look very good on a Aussie TSR
  22. Wasnt me with the NightLightOn thing.. I never experimented with that ..
  23. Starfighter Affäre!

    Ja, kannste hier ankucken Starfighter - Mit Hightech in den Tod

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