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Everything posted by Redddevil911

  1. Well don't I feel like a meathead. LOL Thanks!
  2. Just a heads up, only had pit for the A and the rest are missing checked to make sure all files are located correctly! After having no joy with the pits working I just copied the A pit to the rest! Is this something i did wrong in the installaltion? Its no big deal, the planes are great and i'm having fun with them! Just wanted to bring it to your attention! Maybe you know of a common problem i could be having!
  3. Patched WOV to newest patch and now it CTD, any ideas on how to fix this!
  4. Is SF available in stores or do I need to find a vendor online for this purchase?

    I like the movement, it gives a scents of motion and not to mention it gives a more real feel. I like the effect! What say you?
  6. Buying Sf

    I'm in Nashville Tn, I have looked all over and had no luck. I found my copies of WOV & WOE at EB Games (i think thats the name). I have looked and my luck is just no good. I will have to keep on looking a hope i find one. I'm i missing anything by not having SF?
  7. I have a AC130, I think i downlaod for this site. It still in my aircraft file, i don't fly it much cause of the problems with hit targets with it!
  8. I like this MOD, and i have to say it did save me last night while flying my F14D. Wingman called out to break left, so i did just as cannon fire ripped into the left engine, knocking it out. But she held together and i made it home on the one good remaining engine. Its a great MOD, its nice to have the interaction between lead and wing.
  9. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    Its 65 today in Nashville TN Love it, lived in St. Louis Mo before and it could get as cold as a witches tit!
  10. When playing WOE camp I have missing A10's and missing F4's ( i think it F4's) when i say missing i mean the only thing you can see is the weapons loadout and drop tanks. What the hell do i do to fix this! This only applies to the AI aircraft, which are not in my own flight!
  11. Missing Objects

    I went a head and removed the effected aircraft and reinstalled them, this seems to ne working, and i was'nt missing the F4's it was the F15A's so did the same for then, have not tested yet. Will let you all know what happens!
  12. I have downloaded this MOD. I have to say its great! The cheesiness of it, is what makes it so flippen great. Thanks for putting it out!
  13. Missing Objects

    I know the A10 is not stock its a addon, and i have added on some F4's as well!
  14. Is the reason for the lack of engine control with twin engine aircraft in SF/WOV/WOE have to do with the fact it’s a so called soft-sim. I was shot down last night in my A10, I had a good amount of damage to the left side of my aircraft but I think I could have made it back to base. If I only had control over each individual engine; has a mod ever been worked on for this? Or is the game just limited?
  15. Your plane blows? Blows what? Blow up?

    csb, Now you know it’s a tradition for my England Cricket team to loss to the Aussie’s! LOL. We still got Rugby and as long as Wilkinson’s right foot can hold out, maybe England can give the Wallabies a good spanking in the 2007 Rugby World Cup. Go ENGLAND !!!
  17. Thanks Gepard, I bets its going to be great, will be downloading it when i get released from this temple to capitalism. Don't get me wrong i love Christmas, but the people shopping today are Nucking Futs!!!!
  18. Thats going to be sweet taking out dairy cows! No more mad cow!!!
  19. Dam fine work, Its a great idea! Sounds like you are on the right track, to making the the A6 the weapons platform we all want it to be. Keep us posted I will be watching with great interest, and hope you have good luck.
  20. Airbus A380

    The Airbus A380 had its certification ceremony today in the South if France at the companys HQ. The worlds largest passanger airliner will so be taking to the sky.
  21. Thanks, i will give it a go! I do have one question where can i get or where do i find "desert.cat" file, as i can see i need this!
  22. I have found that sometimes when i download a file for an addon aircraft, the type of zipfile can affect whether or not it will work ok, this is just my experiance!
  23. I have tried to add custom terrains and i never have airfields or buildings what do i have to do to, to add them, and please keep it simple, I'm still new to the whole file MOD thing. Thanks guys.

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