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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Nemecké Šable

    No problem
  2. There is special Mig-21R recon version by starfighter2 in the download section: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6114 Together with friends we are working on Czechoslovak "R" mod:
  3. Patche sú vonku!

    Zatial som neskúšal. Ide o horúcu správu v tomto momente : http://www.thirdwire.com/
  4. Patche sú vonku!

    Ď za info Len nemám čas to opáčiť, zatiaľ No a ohľadom "neba", ja vo svojich inštaláciách bez sky modu od cellinskyho takmer nelietam http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6903
  5. Patche sú vonku!

    Zdar. No chlapi sa o tom bavia tu na stranách 16-20: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...2410&st=300 Neviem presne o čo ide, lebo som stále nejak zvlášť neskúšal patchnuté verzie. Ale zrejme už vieš ako na to, bo som videl, že browsuješ ten topic. Človek by neveril, čo je trablov okolo tých patchov...
  6. Ajajajajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj.... Unbelievable... Perfect work :good: The best care anywhere!!! Thanks for pointing on those screenies.
  7. Hallo pilots :yes: I flew 77 Squadron RAAF Mustang in my Korean install. I used older skin for it. Than I get idea We have perfect template for Mustang by suhsjake. So I tried some little editing... Looks good I think So I want upload it. But I have some little questions. I used roundels and tail insignia from Meteor (I paste them on skin). Their author is Gramp. So do I need permission from him to use his work? Or just credits are needed? And I used small parts of nose section from pappychksix "Mouse Meat" F-51D Mustang. Question is the same. Thanks :yes:
  8. Thanx for permission and guidance Wrench :yes: I will let you know if I will fall in some troubles
  9. Ooooh, you have some 4077th screenies? I missed them probably. Or I forgot Where? And seems like damn good everything around new Korea mod
  10. Aaaah, guys You really do not know what is good...
  11. Ouha, souds damn good I thought that it is "only" repaint with trees and some new targets. I am looky muuuuuuch more now I am not campaign guru, but as far as I know, you are right Than x for reply and clarifing
  12. Question for Wrench: OK, if I want "make" specific Australian Mustang add on, I see two ways: 1) ask original author for permission and if I get it, than i can use all needed files in Australian P-51D pack 2) put together needed files, which are necesary for specific nation pack. This mean that I will write read me in this sence: rename original P-51D-30 to RAAF_P-51D than delete skin folders. Than copy files from my Australian Mustang pack into RAAF_P-51D and let ovewrite (in this pack may be included renamed ini files, RAAF specific edits, and probable your fixies from your F-51D Mustang, Generic Natural Metal, Skin & Ini Pak ----- If you get me permission use files from your pack) 2.1) or copy new RAAF_P-51D folder with needed files into your WOX aircraft folder. Than copy LOD files from P-51D-30 folder into RAAF_P-51D. Go fly... (needed permission use your files from F-51D Mustang, Generic Natural Metal, Skin & Ini Pak). Looks like the best way for me. What do you think, what is better?
  13. Wellcome Mig pilot As guys pointed, you can download Migs with cockpits. Another possible way (maybe bit harder for starting pilot in SFP1 world) is add cockpit into stock Migs. Mig-21MF cockpit: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1745 Mig-21F/PF/PFM/PFV cockpits: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1919 NOTE: Mirage Factory Mig-21Fs uses Mig-21F cockpit from upper link. Topic about "how to install cockpit from temporary folder": http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23947&hl
  14. MiG-21 MF

    Zdar No, tak to germance1 by si mal nejak priblížiť. Hovoríš o stock teréne (t.j. o teréne, ktorý je originál vo WOE)? Alebo máš na mysli repaintnuté textúry pre terén (tzv. tilesets)? Alebo je reč o úplne novom teréne? Čo sa týka terénu, tak viem, že bol jeden staručký s názvom EAWEuro myslím. No, neskúšal som. Máme tu nejaký update pre tento terén, ale neviem či potrebuješ aj pôvodný pack alebo nie: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=915 Potom je jeden európsky terén od Geparda: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2937 a update na V1.1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2962 Menší update pre stock terén: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5846 Ak máš na mysli repainty stock GermanyCE terénu, tak pozri sem (v podstate ide o rovnaké textúry ako sú vo WOE, ale s vyšším rozlíšením): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5943 A k tomu si hoď CA_Staryho stromy Iný repaint je tu (aj so Staryho stromami): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6192
  15. This is what poeple calls sturmovik
  16. Su Pylons MOD

    Sorry, I was on lunch in last hour. I tried update from PM and works right
  17. Su Pylons MOD

    Hi man Well, I have no IRST too: But when I was shot down, IRST was there: I use WOE without newest patch.
  18. USS Cabot question

    Thanks for reply :yes:
  19. USS Cabot question

    Has Dédalo wooden or steel deck? Original deck was wooden I think. But was her deck reworked or not in Spanish Navy?
  20. Thank you guys for replies :yes: OK, I tried new roundels from simmerspaint shop. Some little editing... I used older Mustang model version in my Korea install I think. So I found nevest in aircraft pack and aplied your fixies Wrench. Really looky good this Mustang And your idea about nation specific Mustang sounds good
  21. MiG-21 MF

    Žiaľ nie. Nemáme zatiaľ ani Su-25 ani Su-39. Ale obidva sú WIP. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...998&hl=su25 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...815&hl=Su39
  22. AD-3W Skyraider

    I will ask him :yes:
  23. AD-3W Skyraider

    Mmm, new template probably Model needs little update I think. Looks like it was created few years ago. Is it Monty CZs model? If yes, we can ask him what is needed, if he can update it or if he is willing share with source file :yes: Maybe he has template for model (if it is his model).

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