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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. CZ-SK Projects

    Pre našu kampaň by bolo dobré spraviť, aspoň si myslím, aj nejaké historické markingy. Keď bude viac času... :yes: Napr. Mig-21F-13 Nie je to hotové, ale na predstavenie stačí. Len je potrebné mať informácie. Nejaké podklade pre Mig-21F-13 mám, potom je napr. známa PFka 0404 s netopierom na nose... Šakali na MAčkach či Rkách... Čerti na Mig-23... atď...
  2. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    And before my too... But If yes, our friends will not say it to us
  3. mig 29

    Try them all http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...amp;showcat=135 We can say: newer versions are better than previous versions. And... We are still waiting for Mirage factory jewell... Mig-29A... According to screenshots it is very elegant and nice plane
  4. I agree with Wrench If you do not want feel safe in the air, try Gepards Panzer Pack for WOI together with Wrenchs WoI IsraelME targets upgrade. You will have troubles... To Shaolin: Oh of course it works :yes: I usually test things (edits) before I post them I like PF. It is elegant aircraft. It is very specific with its missing gun equipment. So... Hit and run tactics... But Mig-21PF in SFP1 series uses relatively old 3D model. So it is not so nice like its brothers, I think. PFM has nice model and with hi res skin looks sweet. The same for MF (big problem I see on All Mig models look in general, in SFP1, are boxened wheels). Mirage factory made Mig-21F add on, so we can have nice F/F-13 model too.
  5. I use two Mig-21 cockpits packs from download section standardly. Mig-21F/PF/PFV/PFM pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1919 Mig-21MF V1 pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1745 Plus there are: "Hero USSR" Mig-21MF pit pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=918 MIG-21MF Hi Resolution Cockpit: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1314 There was somewhere Mig-21MF pit V0.7. Tried find but no success (I am not sure, but Hero USSR replaced it. It does not matter.) I never searched differencies in those pits. As I wrote, I use just two packs of them. So I can not compare all packs. You must check it by yourself if you want know more (Paladrian is author of those pits too). You probable mean that first pack Mig-21F/PF/PFV/PFM with your "ironsight" note. There is view centered on "HUD", but "iron circle sight" is bit left. It is on PF/PFV version. PF and PFV are gunless birds, so does not need it on their A2A missions, but it may be usable for A2G missions. If you want move view bit left play with "red" value in Cabina_MiG-21PF.ini [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=Cabina_MiG-21PF Offset=0.0,0.0,-0.03 Position=0.0,2.27,0.85 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0
  6. Mig-21 series are very good covered by cockpits. Paladrian did perfect work on them We are still waiting for Mig-21Bis by Pasko and starfighter2 and their Mig-15bis with pits too. Paladrian posted pics of his WIP Mig-17 pit. So, do not be affraid, another great mods are comming in the future. And, of course, Mirage factorys Mig-29A with Paladrians pit will come in the near future too (we all hope) :yes: Donno if Mirage factory is working on some another new Mig-XX models. There is very nice Boopidoos Su-7BM cockpit (adaptation from Su-15TM cockpit) usable for Su-7BMK in WOI in the download section. Paladrians great Mig-21UM cockpit icluded in Amokfloos great Mig-21UM pack is usable for Mig-23BN in WOI. There are many things which you can use in WOI on arab side in the download section (Sundowners Mig-21F camo skin for syrian plane for example... And his Su-17/22 camo skin too... Su-22M4 pack for earlier avioncs70 by Gepard... etc..) Problem with Mig-23ML/MF etc cockpits is temporary solved by Gepards flyable stock MiG-23M for WOE, as you probable know. But SFP1 series does not supports projecting radar info on HUD (needed for Mig-23MF for example), so I see question if it is really needed have realy nice Mig-23MF cockpit but not really workable. You can play with existing avionics files to improve them as you wish for your personal use or for community with needed permissions use somebodys work (need some learning probable and free time of course): About radar guided missiles: on arab side inWOI you will use in most of actions IR missiles (you know it, becouse you are mig fan ). Just Mig-23MF used R-23R radar guided missiles (and if you very want it, R-24R too). But most Israel planes from Peace for Galilea operation (where you can use your Mig-23MF) were equiped with chaffs/flares dispensers and ECM pods. You haven't got them on your Migs... Ahh, you can carry R-3R radar guided missiles in WOI on your Migs (I do not know if arab planes used them. I did not searched for it for this time. I am not sure now, but RP-22 radar is needed to guide them on target in real life). PS: I like Mirage factorys F-4 Kurnass packs: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6172 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6170 And of course use CA_Starys great EE3 pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6953 And WideSky V1.0 by cellinsky: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6903 And when you will use them, you will have the nicest game on the world PS2: soviet cockpits needs update on WOI standard, but in general they are workable. Basic features needed to shoot down enemy planes are working (especially for IR missiles and cannon ). PS3: for shooting down enemy planes in general, you need skill too, not just green and yellow or other lights.
  7. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Kamoš z Kuby http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/pha...Cuban-Mig29.jpg Screenshot postnutý Sundownerom v topicu Screenshot of the month
  8. Hallo pilots :yes: I have this idea. Rear brake on Mig-21MF is "deployable" allways. When Mig loads fueltank or some containers, rear brake is deployed across those things which are mounted under centerline pylon: In stock Mig-21PFM rear airbrake is not deployable: So is it possible disable rear airbrake deploy animation (in Mig-21MF) via ini edit or not? I understand that PFM was projected as AI with non removeble gunpod, so she does not need rear airbrake workable. I am affraid that animation on MF is projected for all three airbrakes in the same time, so it is not possible disable parcial deploying of that single rear air brake. But I am not modder, so do not understand those thing correctly, probable. Thank you for any informations :yes:
  9. Efects pack 3 a nové stromy od Staryho!

    No problem. Glad to test it and bit participate on your great work :yes: Anytime my friend
  10. Congrats!!! You improved older perfect-perfect EE2 to perfect-perfect-perfect EE3 :fans: Thank you, man
  11. Perfect work CA_Stary Final pack is big step forward from (perfect too) EE2, I think :yes: Incredible! Nothing less Thank you
  12. OKi 76.IAP-Blackbird :yes: Good to know that there is way how to kill that animation. Thank you
  13. Thank you for typ russouk2004 :yes: I want totally stop rearairbrake function. I tried your typ. Result is that airbrake works normaly all the time. To Fubar: That PFM screeshot is from one of my test install, so I do not need nice planes. In my favourite installs I use Hi-res skins for my Migs only: This is skin from Mirage factory pack, edited for czechoslovak look.
  14. Yes, looks like I can not move with this problem, if "the Animation IDs are essentially hard coded" as you said. Thank you for willing help me with this problem :yes:
  15. Thank you for helping Fubar512 :yes: I tried both. When I used ;[RearAirbrake] ----- it works normally When I used ;AnimationID=3 it is different... When I hit "S" for deploy all three airbrakes are deploing. But when they are fully opened, rearairbrake falls into original rectract positions. So two brakes are opened, but rear is retracted. When I hit "S" for retract brakes, rearbrake "stand up" into fully deployed position and is retacting with those two brakes... So it is parcial success. I have deployed just two brakes (what I want), but animation works still on all brakes (I do not want). You understand my english I hope
  16. I am sorry for not clear formulation :yes: Yes, I want delete it permanently. I tried delete rearairbrake in MF_data.ini but it is still workable. [Fuselage] ... ... ... SystemName[001]=Engine SystemName[002]=CenterlineStation SystemName[003]=FuselageFuelCell SystemName[004]=RearAirbrake -------- deleted SystemName[005]=Canopy ---- canopy system renumbered to 004 so I have: [Fuselage] ... ... ... SystemName[001]=Engine SystemName[002]=CenterlineStation SystemName[003]=FuselageFuelCell SystemName[004]=Canopy Than deleted rearairbrake in airbrake "section": // Airbrakes --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftFrontAirbrake] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 AnimationID=3 ModelNodeName=Airbrake_L DragArea=0.40 [RightFrontAirbrake] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 AnimationID=3 ModelNodeName=Airbrake_R DragArea=0.40 [RearAirbrake] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=3.0 RetractTime=1.5 --------------- all lines deleted AnimationID=3 ModelNodeName=Airbrake_Rear DragArea=0.68
  17. Aircraft Camouflage

    It is not necessary switch to digi camo schemes. Simply... Digi camo is more popular than standard schemes. Is nicer maybe... Modern... Better look for airshows. But it is camo scheme, so its role is in self defence for aircraft. If it is more efetivnes is question into discussion. Here are some photos from official introducing of our modernised Mig-29AS (we were Czechoslovakia when we get first Mig-29A from SSSR. It was in 1989. Than we were differenced into two separate but still brotherly republics: Slovak republic and Czech republic. Both used Mig-29. Czech republic sold their Migs to Polland and bought Grippens. We have still Mig-29, modernised for NATO copatibillity): http://www.1sqn.sk/fotogaleria/modernizaci...igov/index.html PS: about Mig-29... Mig-29 looks nice with or without digi. Simply Mig-29 is nice in all coloures (I do not talk about efectivnes now) I hope that Sundowner will have interest on Slovak digi camo... And than we will see Mig-29A by Mirage factory in Slovak colours in the future on our monitors too
  18. MiG-21R

    Joooj, chlapi, s tým novým sky modom je lietanie fakt o mnoho lepšie. No lepšie... Krajšie na pohľad Tento sa podariiiil
  19. Hey Wrench, APU problem is fixed by X RAY here (post nm. 8): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry173953
  20. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    No komu sa toto nestalo? To poznáme snáď všetci. A to horúčkovité naháňanie aby sa to fixlo... Ale predtým ten ŠOK že sa niečo "doondjelo"... A koľko krát sa nám to ešte stane...
  21. Nice! Very, very nice Looky forward, guys. Thank you
  22. Freedom Fest

    Wow, Czechoslovak L-39 Albatros is famous in the world Very nice shots. Thank you :yes:
  23. MiG-21R

    Thaaaank you Wish you good luck too. We all need it :yes:

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