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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. I agree with malibu43. It is not easy find carrier sometimes. Carrier is not in its start position when I coming back from mission. If I am lost, I give order to my wingmans for returning to base, than I follow them. They find carrier allways But you can try find carrier with F7 key, if it is there for sure.
  2. Looking very good Many planes usable in your campaign for "Reds" are still WIPs: Mig-29A by MF, Su-25 by Marc and another by Amokfloo or Su-24 (I forgot who is working on it) for example too. With these birdies will be all campaigns better ballanced (but release dates are still unknown as we know). Any helicopters too? Marcfighters Mi-8 is very usable and characteristic for WP states Campaign sound very interesting for us "Bad Guys" too Looking forward to your campaign. Keep your good work
  3. Not easy to fly!!! That's what I want Very good mod, I think In czechoslovak coloures
  4. Hey Stary, check your PM box, please. It is full. Can not sent PM to you :yes: Poeple love you here
  5. Looking forward :yes: Many Mig-15/Mig-15Bis served in Czechoslovak air force. They were "converted" into attack role as Mig-15SB/Mig-15Bis SB. Wrench made necessary ini edits and SB mod is in the Download section. Just new pylons are needed for weapon stations.
  6. Novoty

    Geo vypustil do sveta F7F Tigercat. Pre Koreu je to špéci mašinka http://www.geos-aircraft.com/SFAircraft.htm
  7. Hi malibu Your problem is in UnitID line in woeCamp2.TXT: [uSNUnit001] UnitName=VF-84 "Jolly Rogers" ForceID=1 UnitID=93 <------------ HERE StartDate=1979 DescFile=woe2Start.txt StartText=woe2Start1.txt Change it to: [uSNUnit001] UnitName=VF-84 "Jolly Rogers" ForceID=1 UnitID=45 StartDate=1979 DescFile=woe2Start.txt StartText=woe2Start1.txt VF-84 is 45th unit in UnitID=1 order. Explanation... See first unit with UnitID=2: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---- WP Air Units [AirUnit045] <-------- 45th in order of all squadrons, but first in UnitID=2 AircraftType=MIG-27 UnitName=3 IAP ForceID=2 Nation=SOVIET Last unit in UnitID=1 was (before you added VF-84): [AirUnit044] AircraftType=F-4F Squadron=JBG36 UnitName=1/JBG 36 ForceID=1 You added VF-84 on the bottom of Units list. So, your VF-84 is 93th unit in all aquadrons order, but 45th in UnitID=1 squadrons order. This mean that we haven't got just all squadrons order. We have UnitID=1 order and UnitID=2 order (and if there is third nation with UnitID=3 we have UnitID=3 order etc...). We need distinguish between UnitID squadrons orders. Probably complicated explanation, but I do not know say it easier. I am not english man After change you can fly VF-84:
  8. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Ľudze, ešče jeden: http://forum.combatace.com/uploads/1213532...9_43_101095.jpg Fest dobrý
  9. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Sa mi podarilo nájsť ďalší screeshot Migu-29A od MF... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=3472
  10. BMP1_AT3

    Thank you rebel ryder for another nice mod. I served in mechanized company which used BVP-1 (slovak/czech designation. And Maljutka in slovak language for missile "nick". Or PTRS - protitanková riadená strela - antitank guided missile. My weapon was RPG-7). You need edit rate of fire to change value 15 (in the read me file): [GunDataXXX] TypeName=73mm_2A28 FullName=73mm 2A28 "Grom" Caliber=73.000000 ROF=15.000000 ----- it was between 8 - 10 in real BMP-1 I think ... ... Or change existing values in weapon editor via standard edit procedure.
  11. Mmm, try this older topic on Thirdwire page. Poeple talking about soviet and western missiles in SFP1 series in that topic. Some opinons are interesting, another funny http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4854 After see this topic was soviet weapons pack project started. Waiting for new patch. Than we can try update soviet (chinese too, maybe) missile characteristiques if it is needed again. Project: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24967
  12. Well, not easy say that all Mig-15 were with or without boosters. Opinions on this are various. Plus Mig-15/15Bis were produced in license too.
  13. I kow nothing about Mig-15 Fagot A mod released for SFP1. Just Bis (which you have) model is released. But there is another Mig-15Bis as WIP in community (release date uknown). I am not FM tweaker. So I can not help you with engine parametres and with FM in general. But I can help with guns a little bit, I hope :yes: Mig-15Bis: 2 x NR-23 1 x N-37 Mig-15: 2 x NS-23 1 x NS-37 Mig-15 engine: RD-45 (22,46 kN) - copy of Rolls-Royce Nene II Mig-15 hasn't got hydraulic boosters for "controls". And no automatic regulation for engine throttle. I am not home, so I can not check Gundata if there are needed guns (but they are there, I suppose). Bis has guns with better rate of fire.
  14. I love it too, if I can try both sides. But in original is flyable just "blue" side, as we know. So, personally I like this mod for USAF Phantoms in vietnam (named LORAN F-4Ds): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6624 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6542 Just detail, but looks very good. And I recommended this for Phantom oponents: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5364 It is flight model for Mig-17 by Fubar512. He worked on Mig-19 FM too. It was some months ago. So he do not stoped work on it, I hope.
  15. Hi pilot Welcome here at CA Must have? I am red side fan so... Paladrians Mig-21F/PF/PFV/PFM cockpits: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1919 Paladrians Mig-21MF cockpit: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1745 "Green Hell" VietnamSEA map modification by CA_Stary: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6134 and VietnamSEA Tile Repaint v1.0 by Brain32 (needed for "Green hell"): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5300
  16. US built "Su-33"

    Well, I voted No in both qestions. Su-33 is good in soviet care. No improvements with western technologies are needed. It is good as is. Donno which plane is planned for US carriers for close future. And donno if it is the same generation like F-22 (mean that planned plane). But is there better plane on US carriers than Su-33 in service?
  17. I am affraid that it is lost fight... Mean discussion about official reports and with arguments based on them. Let's go shoot on imperialists or communists over virtual skies. And let official reports on historians :yes:
  18. Thank you!!! Beutifull mod
  19. Agree too. Normal. You can find this scheme in books about VPAF units :yes:
  20. Time to start some modding So, I see two good ways: 1) try search button. You can find some topics about Mig-21MF pilot seat position move. Your problem is relatively often here on CA asked. Or check Knowlege base. 2) found one good topic where is fix: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...=Mig-21MF+pilot
  21. Wellcome here at CA, pilot :yes: Well it is unusual what you want (I mean change enemies to F-15/16 etc.) But it is possible. But too much work, if you starting with modding. I see another way: use modern soviet planes. Su-27 for example: http://marcfighters.combatace.com/ We are waiting for new Mig-29A model from Mirage factory. But in Download section are some older models too. And there is very, very, very nice Mig-21Bis WIP in community. We have edited Mig-21MF model into Bis role in WOI for this time.
  22. Suez Crisis in Johan217s mideast wars campaign.
  23. Thank you for Czechoslovak skin :yes:

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