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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Looking great! Can't wait for Migs
  2. Editors newest version plus Win95/98 compatibility. (I mean weapons pack from Jul 2006. I did not try newest pack from MF. But I will :yes: )
  3. WOW! New European camo schemes are very needed for Fitter Looks really great
  4. Hi pilots So, be stoical with my no excellent english, please :yes: OK, we have modelled many Mig-21/23 versions. I have read many topics about good Mig targets for F-15/16 etc It is time, to bring old good Migs close to history. I have informations about Mig-21F/PF/PFM/MF series that there were no chaffs/flares dispensers monted on fuleges. It means, there were no internal dispensers. But chaffs/flares dispensers really exist. 1. Mig-21R ---- recon pod is moddeled in weapons pack. (but R version is not modelled). I have info, that this Mig-21 recon pod was equip with two ASO-2I dispenser with 32 chaffs (each). If this is true, is it possible to add chaffs into recon pod? Mig-21R fuselage is similar to Mig-12MF (not the same). It is based on Mig-21PFM (we can use the same cocpit like PFM). No gun, five pylons. FM is similar to PFM (the same engine). Look HERE! for some R version photos. 2. Mig-21M (M variant A, in Czechoslovakia Mig-21MA) ------ Not modelled. Based on Mig-21R. Fuselage similar to MF version. Internal gun Gsh-23. Engine R-11F2S-300, five pylons. Cocpit closer to MF version. No internal chaffs/flares dispensers. Later updated on MF version. Some of MAs were mounted with SPS-141E ECM container with ASO-2I-E7P Chaffs/flares dispensers on the centerline pylons. This container is not moddeled, Ithink. Look HERE! for MA version photos. SPS-141 are on the ground. Or look HERE! for SPS-141 photos, control panel on the last photo. SPS-141 was designed for flight, it means only one plane in the flight was mounted with SPS-141. 3. Mig-21MF ---- no every aircraft was mounted with SPS-141. There is idea about Czechoslovak campaign only, in my head (not in my head only). This is the reason to choose this vesions migs. We have more ideas about campaigns for czechoslovaks in the our comunnity, and we are working on it. As start, it looks like edit for existing campaigns. Short Mig-21 series history service in Czechoslovak and then in Czech republic and in Slovak republic is HERE! Page is in czech language, but you can see Mig-21F/PF/PFM/R/MA/MF/MFN photos there. I have not got many info about Mig-23 versions (we had BN,MF and ML versions in Czechoslovak air force) To FastCargo: You are working on missiles. So what about SPS-141 container? So pilots, what do you mean about improve Mig chances to survive dogfight? I hate F-15/16 with AIM-9Ls
  5. Did you try neles new FMs for Flogers? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...870&hl=nele So, as I wrote a many posts ago, we need moder for APU-23 But It is not necessary to have it, I think. We have new hud (not really real, but VEEERY NICE), we can improve Paladrians Mig-21MF pit (we have his tips how), new FMs. So it is good status for Flogers in SFP1 series for this time P.S: I will try your fix. Can't wait
  6. Wow, hot topic again Well, APU-23: http://forum.valka.cz/download.php/id/44214 I saw this pylon on Mig-23M in WOE. But it was only one version, on which I saw it. My question is: Can we carry this pylon on other Floger versions? On the other hand, there are different pylons under Apex too: http://forum.valka.cz/viewtopic.php/highli...ympel-AA-7-Apex
  7. Can't wait for final pack version :yes:
  8. Československé kampane a mašiny

    Aaaale, možno sa toho dočkáme
  9. Well, there is something like APU-23 pylons on Mig-23M model. You wrote that there are some bugs. So question is how we can add them on MF or ML etc. When I carry R-23 on Mig-23M there are APU-23, if I carry S-24 on wing pylons there are different pylons. I am not home, so I can not search for it in game I will be home next week). But I hope, there is way to do that in the data.ini file. Need some .ini guru, I think
  10. Československé kampane a mašiny

    Do kelu!!! Objavil sa tu link na 149mb balíček kokpitov pre Migy. Teda tak som tomu porozumel. Lenže v ňom boli použité veci na ktorých makali aj iní ľudia a tento balíček nebol ošetrený povoleniami (permisions) na ich úpravu a na download v rámci toho packu. Nestihol som ten link len o nejakých 15 minút No škoda, no. Takto musíme čakať na oficiálnu verziu. Len dúfam, že nejaká niekedy bude... Link bol v topicu o Mig-23 HUDoch.
  11. Hi pilots, modders and .ini gurus :yes: I read some topics about Mig-23 cocpits. Conclusions were: 1. Su-17 pit 2. Su-15 pit Su-17 is closer to Mig-23 pit (my opinoin). There is no big radar scope in Su-17 pit (there is one little under gunsight, in Su-17 pit for flogger versions). Look here: http://www.richard-seaman.com/Aircraft/Mus...ig23Cockpit.jpg This is Mig-23ML pit. There is no radar scope. Mig-23ML has radar. But it is correct, that there is no radar scope in ML version. Info about target is on HUD: http://www.defencetalk.com/world_military_...er_20041109.php scroll to avionics. So it is hard to make new cocpit. Much harder than plane model. On the other hand, we have good Su-17 pit for Mig-23 series. So what we need to make new HUD for Floggers (without radar scope in cocpit)? I can try contact czechoslovak flogger pilot for info. But I am not sure that he send me his answer (I am planing add faffs/chlares dispensers to floggers, there is topic about that: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23007 We are still working on Mig-21MA/R series. Next step are floggers. Adding faffs/chlares are simply .ini edits. And I have workable flares/chaffs for Su-17: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry109326 post number eight) This is just idea. I will be happy for any interest on this Greetings from rainy Central Europe
  12. I missed that link before edit, so I can not say anything about that. But it will be OK with permisions for that big pack in the near future, I hope Looks like very good and helpfull cockpit pack for us :yes:
  13. Thank you guys. I will try it :yes:
  14. Hi FastCargo :yes: We haven't got drawnings (blueprints or how can I say it) SM SPS-141 (for Mig-21) for you . We have drawnings for SPS-141 for Su-17/22 . This version can carry Su-25 too (This bird is WIP): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23008 scroll to post number 5. We improvised with 800L drop tank for Mig-21. This model is turned around about 180 degrees on Mig-21 centerline pylon. But it is improvisation, as I sad. Mig-21 with SM SPS-14 (ex 800l drop tank) is near to upload. So, we haven't got real model of any SPS-141 container version. But every Mig and Su fan will be happy, if you can do it. If you can do both containers, that is great. If you can do one of them, it will be great too So post what you need here, ad we will do everything what we can do for you (I mean more info or better drawnings or more photos):yes: So we can answer on your question: We are still needing a SPS-141 pod THANX for interest FastCargo :fans:
  15. OOoooooh, heard I something??? New Phantoms looks really nice. Looks like great oponent for gerald14s new Shilka pack :yes: Cant't wait
  16. Ultralight prototyp

    No, ak to ma byt vychutnávka, tak by som bol skôr za tých pár budíkov, nech je pekný výhľad No a čo sa nejakej tej výzbroje týka, skúsime, no
  17. Barevne kourove efekty

    Pochopiiiiil. Ale ešte mám veľké rezervy v editovaní .ini súborov vo WOE :yes:
  18. Every rock mig fan must see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jNcTKFikGc
  19. THANX Paladrian, it works To ArtuR: that pit on your screenshots is veeery interesting :yes: have you got more info about that?
  20. Look here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry110877 There was similar prob like yours. You need extract An-12_data.ini from object.cat file. Look on post number two on that link
  21. Hi pilots I have this prob: This is cannon hit. Looks like missing .tga But i did something wrong, when I copied files into folders. I did it for two times, but no success. What do you think about that?
  22. Hi Gepard. You are using earlier beta version Paladrians MF cockpit in Mig-23M pack. [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=Cabina_MiG-21MF_V07 <--------- this is from Mig-23M_Cockpit.ini [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=Cabina_MiG-21MF <--------- this is from Paladrians Mig-21MF newest version (Cabina_MiG-21MF.ini) I tried delete "that thing..." in beta version, but no succes too. You need use your Mig-23M avionics and HUD + radar files with full version of Mig-21MF cockpit model. Looks veri nice too Paladrians pit version 1: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1745
  23. Hallo, pilots I am sorry, we had night in Central Europe, so I can't post when I sleep, hehe I tried apply your notes, guys, and it works right. I test it in single mission. What I changed: [Decal007] MeshName=Nose DecalLevel=2 <----------I had 1 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=MiG-21MA\Czech1\d\CzNum <-------- this is right (new names for decals too --- CzNum000-015) Position=4.00,-0.05 Scale=1.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 THANX guys for help. THANX AGAIN!!! :fans:
  24. Wow, that is good. Paladrians WIP pit is closer to Mig-17, I think Well, can't wait for both And I am still happy, because there is one great HUD mod by Gepard in the download section I am happy like little child
  25. Mig-23 can cary both versions, R-23R and R-23T too (there are two pylons for these missiles typs on Mig-23). This means 2xR-23R or 2xR-23T or combined 1xR-23R and R-23T. You can carry them on Migs with Sapfir-23 RL.

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