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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Nfl Postseason

    Hmm in Madden Football you can see the win/loss of all opponents played by a certain team? Shouldnt ESPN.com or something have this stat, or do we the viewer have to actually look into it. I dont care where Sapp goes, I hope nobody picks up Keyshawn. God I wish Tampa hadnt given all those draft picks away, they could replace Sapp with Darnell Dockett. :D Boo Hoo Back to being the Suckaneers. Saffell GO CHIEFS! :D
  2. Nfl Postseason

    Tampa Bay wins either way....... NO MORE KEYSHAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Bcs Bowl Game Predictions

    Indeed, the ACC has become the top conference for college football. And B-Ball I might add. Maryland, Duke, NC, Wake oh MY! Big 12's kind of a joke in my opinion. Texas is always overrated, A&M is dead. OU falls short. K State never plays anybody... got that one real win against OU. Big 10 football doesnt work against southern fun and gun teams, because they cant stay with the scoring. Pac 10 has USC... whoopty do, they got beat by Cal. Honestly, college football has been a bit of a disappointment in the past few years. Only had one really good championship game back in '99 (not just because FSU won). Last year was an okay championship game. I just wish it could be like 7-8 years ago when there was like 20 teams that were really good. Notre Dame, Nebraska, Bama, Florida, FSU, Miami, Michigan, OSU, Washington, when every conference had good teams that had a shot at the title. Now it just sucks. <_< Everybody should play in a 12 team conference with a 10 game season, with a conference championship game, and then there is a playoff. You end up getting 2 teams that play like 14-15 games... that aint bad. The BCS has sucked from the beginning, even in '99. FSU raped everybody that season, ran the table, and then raped Michael Vick and the Hokies. It was no suprise, and wasnt that the year that Tulane went undefeated, and they bitched at the end too??? Or was that the year after? Sorry for the rant, but I only watch 3 leagues, and only one of them has a f*cked up way of deciding a champion. And the anylists, just say "make more rings". WTF??? God, even Bowden likes the system. Dual Champions is an oxymoron in the english language, but then again, nobody said football was a game for people with brains. <C> Disgruntled Seminole
  4. Bcs Bowl Game Predictions

    Hey! 1-4. LSU deserves the trophy. I really dont think USC could handle them. Maybe next year the Noles will have their sh*t together. :(
  5. Bcs Bowl Game Predictions

    looks like I'm 0-2. Typical Nole loss in the Orange Bowl.... wide Right. Congrats to the Condoms.
  6. Riddle Me This

    Well you cant get a rental car until yer 25... cant even drive one legally. Totally unrelated I know, but a s**te deal none the less. Can you buy a rifle at 18??? How bout a handgun??? <C>SAFFELL
  7. Bcs Bowl Game Predictions

    Southern Football dominates. Jason White is overrated just like Josh Heupel was. LSU "D" and running game set the tone. LSU 13; OU 9. OU offense doesnt move the ball against top defenses. 2000 championship game and this past Big 12 championship game show that their offensive schemes dont work to well against well coached and hungry defenses. Berlin has more interceptions than Rix, but Rix drops a couple fumbles. FSU big 3 runningbacks have a combined so so day, today. But X-man saves the game with 3 FG's. FSU 16; scUM 13 PAC 10 teams havent faired well in big bowl games in years past. Perry has big day on the Ground and Navarre is fair through the air. 35-31 Big Blue. KSU blows out an overrated team. OSU's got no luck left. KSU 42; OSU 14. LSU wins National Championship. Nick Saban moves onto the NFL within a week of the victory.
  8. What'd Ya'll Get For X-mas?

    I GOT A CAR! 2003 Pontiac Grand Am, with 22000 miles on it. Great gift but loads of sh*t to go through to get it, my ford probe finally died, I think the O/D ban ate itself, ever see what happens to a 4 cylinder when the overdrive is toast and yer runnin at 75 mph..... well it nearly crapped out on 528 so I turned around as I came into the toll booth, only one lane was opens (SunPass) and I dont have sunpass, so I'm sure I'll be getting a $100 ticket in the mail for running a toll. Anyway I had to drive back to Melbourne (45 mins away from my turn around on Lee Road), and when I finally got off the highway, I saw massive amounts of steam pouring out from under my hood, funny thing is that I didnt get over 3000 RPM, so then when I got home I smelt the steam...... mmmm yummy burnt ATF. Of course this is after I left the car at the house, and thought it got fixed after I busted ass with my dad over thanksgiving, and he worked on it it bit more, any way I spent a couple k on the car, then spent another couple k on repairs... parents finally chipped in to buy a real car. Thanks Mom and Dad :D Oh, I got some money too :D Oh ya I went to Tennessee, and fought with my mom over wether or not I'm going to hell, and cought the Flu. Cheers, Saffell
  9. B-2 In Museum Dayton Ohio

    <_< Bahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We piss more money away on things of less value... like politics (Re-Elections, and hanging chads :D ).
  10. I'm looking into the manual, but only after the game gets fixed. I will probably buy the $40 hard copy... I need a color cartridge but I dont print out color all that often so, buying a $35 cartridge and then maxing it out on a 10 mb $15 file is kinda pointless for me. <C> Saffell
  11. Its simple, your are paying in Great British Pounds. 35 GBP = around 63 U.S. Dollars. Gotta know yer conversion rates... what are you doing buying from the UK anyway? As of todays markets, UK buyers would have to pay 22.68 GBP to not get shafted by Ubi. If you are an American, I see no reason for you to be buying the game online, and especially from the UK.
  12. The Newbies List Of Forum Acronyms

    I always wondered what ROFLOL meant, hmm, seems this thread is even helpful to us non-noobs B)
  13. Hell LOMAC's pretty choppy on my PC. Pent IV 1.7 ghz 512 ram 64 mb GeForce 3 (missing TV out, it was top o the line when I bought this rig... damn technology). But FB runs awesome, I have full settings on everything (I think), it doesnt run in perfect on some settings though. Hey PC (or anybody), drop by the Jokers Wild Squad server on UBI some time later on this evening. We run really easy settings, but its just so everyone has a good time, hell vulching is encouraged :D I'll probably be on between 11-3 or 4 EST ofcourse thats -3 hours for you. If you just wanna mess around and have some fun, its a good little server to get into. Usually 8 spots available, may set it to 10, but its very reliable and there is no lag since its a dedicated server ran by clanequipment.com. Cant wait for the B-17... its gonna be sweet, and I hear there's a Spit coming too. Now if they can just improve the Stang. IL2 FB is still the best Flight Sim to ever come out in my opinion. Cheers, Saffell
  14. After joining the JW's I've restarted the FB addiction. ...Anybody else feel that LOMAC MP is missing something???
  15. Merry Christmas To All...

    Yes, I late (sorry I was not allowed near a PC from the 19th to an hour ago). Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and whatever it is you feel on Kwanza. Cheers, :D Saffell
  16. Happy B-day Lexicon!

    Wow, same B-day as that dude who turned water into wine... my kinda guy :P Happy Birthday Lexicon!
  17. Do You Miss The Old Forum??

    Hey Jeff, ya this one looks cool, like the old ones. Dark, Dirty, and I just noticed the Crimmus emoticons.... someone's been busy with his little website in my absence. :D
  18. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    Months and months and months ago, I joined a squadron named VF143, because it was a naval squad for Strike Fighters, and I being a navy brat, wanted to join a navy squad. Soooooo, Fast Eagle recruited me, I was then made XO, becuase I was active on the boards and gave a s**t about flying. I then proceeded to build the squad to double its previous size. I put a good bit of effort into getting guys to come over, and building some relationships... including the one with Fast Eagle. Then he went off to war, well atleast thats what we were all lead to believe. He was telling us about how he was flying s**tloads of sorties a day in F-14... all of this from the boat remember. Now I always thought that in time of war the boat is basically in lockdown.... but FE knew how to send out emails and post sensitive s**t, because he was the f***in man..... horse s**t! He made me and my squad mates believe that he was a real aviator, hell he made us all believe this. His only proof was some pictures. Hell it could've been his dad for all we know. We saw the same scenario with Ranger332 (I dont want even wanna get into that guy). FE also told us that he was moving on to the war college, and going to the Pentagon (explaining his prolonged absences). And then he said he was going to retire... he did all this in like 6 months... wtf.... more bulls**t.... it's impossible to do that.... but then again he is special (Ranger special). s**t he basically claimed to be superman, I'm suprised he didnt claim to have become an admiral. Now I dont have all the complete details, but there are a few members that know all the s**t, and its convincing... you know who you are, and need to come forward. I'm stirring the s**t right now because, I dont care, I only want the truth. And it would be nice to see some reality here on the boards. There is no need to claim that you are something that you are not. Now I'm a little chill about this topic... I know it doesnt sound like it, but you guys that have been here for a while know I can be a lot more pissed off, all I ask is that you wankers that have info come forward, and that YOU, Fast Eagle reply.... Your only chance for redemption is coming clean and explaining yourself. I emplore you to do this, and not duck and dodge it like Ranger did. Peace out, Saffell Former XO of Virtual VF143 This is what I sent out to the squad mates via ICQ: "Fast Eagle is a fraud, he lied about being a Navy Aviator, and f***ed all of us in his squad, disconnect yourself from VF143... I know I am"
  19. B-2 In Museum Dayton Ohio

    Correction Dutchy! I believe its over a billion dollars! Waste of cash if you ask me... of course the Zoom Zoom's always get what they want... they have the best planes now, but they always want more, even though there is no more Cold War. B-2's just another weapon that's lost its purpose, like the Ohio Class SSBN's, and that Star War's BS. Not that I'm some ultra-leftist who wants us to spend the money on welfare, I just think the military in general and the people of the United States would be better served if the damn thing didnt cost a BILLION... split the money between the marines, army, and intel agencies... they're the ones that need it now. Seriously I hate the B-2 cause its gotta be the most disgusting waste of money since the "Great Society". Cheers, Saffell
  20. Go to Hyperlobby http://hyperfighter.jinak.cz/
  21. Joker's Wild Recruiting...

    We are a small squad at the moment. We fly IL2 Forgotten Battles, and Lock On. We dont have any ranks like Colonel or Lt., we just mess around and have fun. But we are very serious in the virtual air. We are a very tight group that flies nearly every night between 10pm-5am EST. Pro's to joining JW's: Lots of skinning talent... means you get your own special skins. Very relaxed group of guys that just enjoy shooting down the lesser organized enemy... it's just time to let loose and have fun... and play sims with a cool group of guys. Con's There arent any unless you need some stiff regimental BS to have fun... then again thats no fun at all. Requirements for joining the JW's: Cannot be a poor pilot... mediocre maybe, but not bad. Must have Ventrilo for voice comms. We use MSNM to find eachother online. You can fly any plane you want, but we prefer the LA7 3X20 ShVak for IL2 FB; no preference for LOMAC yet. Must be a cool, relaxed person. Again you cannot suck! But if you are a mediocre pilot, you will get better by flying with us. Cheers, Mista Saffell AKA Snapple=JW= Apply Here: http://www.jwsquad.com/modules.php?name=Application
  22. Saddam Has Been Captured!

    Actually I'm voting for Clark, cause I know he's pretty moderate. I am a moderate leftist ;) The fact that he served his country is the bonus.... I honestly havent been following the political race for the last 6-8 months... but I do know that I wont vote for Massachusettes Politicians, or New York, or Texas, or California.... HAHAHAHAHA I wish the Viennese Weightlifter could run for Prez :D tc223... Maybe Clark has some strange fetish where he likes to wear a Generals uni in public :D
  23. Do You Miss The Old Forum??

    I miss being able to put multiple attachments in one post... kinda sucks having to post over and over for each screenshot or pic... especially with that 30 second rule.
  24. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    MJ, I know you can check when the last time someone was on the site... IP wise. Just wondering if FE's been on during the time of this thread. I dont know if you can only see the IP's of members or all (guests too), but if you could check, it would show us that either he is completely avoiding biohaz due to the emails, and various messages, or he is still coming here and refusing to post.
  25. Hey Nesher!

    I wonder what the old guys are thinking right now??? Probably something along the lines of... "What I wouldnt give to be 21 again" :D

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