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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Hey Nesher!

    Ya Dutchy, you can have Resta (Mr. No pants), and I'll take the hot Isreali girl with the tight ass. :D
  2. Saddam Has Been Captured!

    Well I never said anything remotely close to that, so I'm confused. What are you trying to say?
  3. Blonde Joke....

    A girl came skipping home from school one day. "Mommy, Mommy," she yelled, "we were counting today, and all the other kids could only count to four, but I counted to 10. See? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!" "Very good," said her mother. "Is it because I'm blonde?" the girl said. "Yes, it's because you're blonde," said the mommy. The next day the girl came skipping home from school. "Mommy, Mommy," she yelled, "we were saying the alphabet today, and all the other kids could only say it to D, but I said it to G. See? A, B, C, D, E, F, G!" "Very good," said her mother. "Is it because I'm blonde, Mommy?" "Yes, it's because you're blonde." The next day the girl came skipping home from school. Mommy,Mommy," she yelled, "we were in gym class today, and when we showered, all the other girls had flat chests, but I have these!" And she lifted her tank top to reveal a pair of 36Cs. "Very good," said her embarrassed mother. "Is it because I'm blonde, mommy?" "No Honey, it's because you're 24."
  4. Callsign Origins

    Yum, I like grits, but I love G.R.I.T.S. (Girls raised in the south) :P
  5. Saddam Has Been Captured!

    Clark has my vote, and I dont even know what he stands for. A Dem who actually served his country... am I dreaming :D I know I said he should die, but he probably wont, the case for us going to Iraq was the WMD's, and if we dont find them, then he may get off on lack of evidence... despite his previous record. He wasnt arrested for being a bad guy, he was arrested for breaking a U.N. resolution/demand on/against him. I dont know what kind of sentence he could be looking at, but its not all that improbable that he walk out of jail in a few years. I just dont want him being tried by Americans. He is not a terrorist, he is the former leader of a country and has been diposed. We cannot try him for war crimes now, because he did not commit any crimes during this past war. This is the way law works. If the International community wanted to try him for gassing and such, then they wouldve had to have done it soon after it happened. Back to not being tried in America by Americans. If we do this, then we just give the finger to the rest of the world again, and we cant afford that. I'd rather see him walk and be powerless, and under constant watch, than see him shot or hanged and have America suffer the reprecussions. Ya I know it differs from my 1st post, but this is the rational pre-law student side of me. <C> Saffell
  6. Callsign Origins

    Ya I guess Sum 41 is better than "50 cents", oh sorry... "fitty cent", I just heard some song about a "Milk Shake" anyway all I got out of it is that the chick singing it is a prostitute... I think. God I hate Pop... especially American pop! What the hell are you parents doing out there, letting your children listen to that garbage? You'd swear popular music today was only about kids rebelling against nothing, or being a Slutty Virgin, or "I gots mo cash den U cause U boughts my CD".... oh yeah and that Emo crap... which is just a bunch of whinny panzies that have some how jumped from the coffee house into the radio... I demand sensorship! It's like living through 80's music... but sh*ttier :( May god bring back Morrissey and Cindy Lauper... its bad but not as bad as (I forgot his name, he plays acoustic guitar all by himself, and looks like he's about to cry all the time). Saffell
  7. Hey Nesher!

    Go back to the first page Cowboy (I posted a chick at the bottom), ya our games (all are away) tend to turn into a bit of a sausage party... usually I just hit on Harvey's Girlfriend all night, he has no idea that the whole team prays for them to break up... sorry I dont have a pic, but she has the nicest boobs I have ever seen. Oh yeah, you neighbor looks delicious :D
  8. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    Chief's gone FREAK!
  9. Hey Nesher!

    Hahahaha, NO Pants on Resta... god he's weird, Blet's the dick in the middle, and of course thats Carlos in the front :P
  10. Hey Nesher!

    F*ckin Carlos, kid is never awake. Maybe its a Cuban thing
  11. Hey Nesher!

    I need a digital camera. <_< Here's a few shots from FSU Ice Hockey's trip to Ft. Meyers (I didnt go, cause I was scratched <_< _) I dont know who the chick is, some local chick, but she looks okay, to bad her shirts on :P
  12. Callsign Origins

    Hmm I've had a few callsigns. Used to be NBC_Tranceaddict for Rogue Spear (Natural Born Chillers + I am a Trance addict... that clan died shortly after conception). Then It became CSA_Tranceaddict. I was playin RS and GR with this redneck online frequently, and he was a real nut job of a southerner... hence the CSA. Snapple2993 is basically my universal... Snapple for my nickname in Junior High, 29 and 93 are for my two favorite hockey players; #29 Felix "The Cat" Potvin, and #93 Doug "Killer" aka "Novacaine Man" Gilmour. I also used Sundowner while in VF143, cause VF111 was my dad's squadron for his 8 1/2 year stint in the Navy. Oh and Cowboy, C'mon man, Sum41??? Canadian Pseudo Skater Punk, whats next? Avril Lavine? :D Down with Cheesy 3 cord new wave Punk!
  13. Saddam Has Been Captured!

    Oh I got the best way to kill him! Drown him repeatedly. Ya know, make him pass out and then revive him over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Either that or slowly roast him. I believe that drowning or burning alive must be the worst ways to die.
  14. Hey Nesher!

    Hmm Miss Kansas??? As in the Miss America rep from Kansas.... oooh aaah, quite tasty :P Hey Nesher! I got one more question... whats up with everybody wearing pants? It's been my understanding that Isreal is hot like all year round... of course I dont really know what I'm talking about, so please tell me why everyone is wearing pants in the desert.
  15. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    Back on focus Cheers to column 5 <C> SAFFELL
  16. Hey Nesher!

    I wonder what the laws are in Isreal? Ya those girls would be classified as "Jail Bait" in America... atleast for me... Cowboy might get away with it.... maybe :P God! After I turn 21, I only have a few more birthdays to look forward too, and none of them are good. Age 30 = You're old Age 40 = Over the Hill (1/2 way to death) Age 65 = Retire and live a few more years. (Retiring's cool, but the age sucks!) Sorry Old Guys :D <C> Mista Saffell
  17. Hey Nesher!

    3 months away from 21!!!
  18. Hey Nesher!

    One more, think its the same girl from the first pic... Now you can see why I dont mod anything... especially skins :P
  19. Hey Nesher!

    Who dis? She's not lookin to shabby either... even with the little hat.
  20. Hey Nesher!

    Well my my my, she looks like Florida State material B)
  21. My Daughter Just Told Me I Listen To....

    Good Charlotte... fashion punks! I scoff at such music. Definatly the Clash (have all 3 albums from the 70's + Sandinista). Sex Pistols of course, Ramones, Misfits (when they had Danzig), and a whole lot of 80's punk and skunk. Bad Religion, Circle Jerks, Descendents, the list goes on and on. This new stuff that they call punk is just heartbreaking... music doesnt mean anything anymore. There have been very very few good songs to come out since '96... ya I know way way back :D But thank you god for Trance/Techno and House B) Oh ya, "Old People Music" is popular in college... my friend Matt Harvey has every single Zeppelin song... kinda sad. :P
  22. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    I need to confess too now that I think about it, I'm no snapple... got the nickname in Junior High... cause it sounds like my last name (Saffell... pronounced Saffull). The 2993 is for Felix Potvin and Doug Gilmour... 29 is also my number for hockey. Cheers Beer, you have a brew, I'll join Trash with a Jack n' coke :D <C> Saffell (Patiently waiting for the Eagle to show) EDIT: Just found this:(its what you get if you click on the old VF143 site) | HOME | Register Domains | Transfer Domains | Market Place | Expired Domains | Contact Us | The registration for PUKINDOGS.NET has expired. If you are the owner of this domain, you can renew it by clicking the button below. If this domain was recently renewed, it will be reactivated in a few hours.
  23. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    He was another fraud... claimed to have been a vet for like 30 yrs... said he was... an Army Ranger. He got exposed through a series of posts... the kicker was when he claimed that one of his squad mates had died in Iraq... subsiquently MJ found that his squad mate was "Ranger"... essentially Ranger said that his squad mate (Phantom Warrior) had been killed... but they shared the exact same IP address... think Ranger had like 3-4 accounts. Get it, he killed his own alias... that is just sick. I dont think FE is to this extent but he did make false claims and mislead a good many of us with his claimed knowledge of the Navy/F-14's/etc. See, when someone is believed to be a legit source on info, we are inclined to listen and learn, when the source is discredited, it becomes very upsetting. WOW NO SWEARING! :D
  24. God damnit mudd, stop editing my posts

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