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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Nah, I didnt copy it, I flipped it to "my 6 is for your 12"... cause I suck :D
  2. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    It's odd, I dont swear at work, but it comes pouring out when I'm pissed off about something on these boards... of course they're usually topics that really do piss me off, and I cant say things like "gentlemen please, we need to discuss the absurdities in our midst" :P Hmmm... I'd edit but I'm a bit lazy at 7 a.m. But language aside, fine P.I. work their Beer, a shame I was never let in on it... I want answers just like everybody else, or has this scenario lost its flare? Come on FE, dont be Ranger number 2, gives us some real answers, and we may take you back, may not trust you, but we may take you back B) . Edit:Wankers is a loving term B)
  3. Hey Pukin Dogs, We Gonna Do Lomac Or What?

    VF143 is toast
  4. Hey Pukin Dogs, We Gonna Do Lomac Or What?

    I am now part of the Joker's Wild squadron for Lock On and IL2 Forgotten Battles. I will come back and dedicate time to VF143 if SFP1 ever becomes useable for MP. Guess you could say that Trashman was head hunting and found my previous post... got a pm a few hours later. I will be changing my UBI name to snapple=JW= and one of my HL names will be along the same lines... who the hell else uses snapple??? Sundowner_VF143 will still be reserved for SF. Cheers, Saffell
  5. I uploaded them, and they came out as Winamp files, and would not over write the existing files, so no your mod is not working. Suggestions please. Saffell
  6. Bcs Loadout

    I'm not that happy about this game. The Clemson loss ruined all hope in Nole nation. I had been hoping for OU to lose all season, because I (like everyone else) thought it would kick them out of the title game, and give us a chance to get in. Miami blowing the end of the year, hurt our strength of schedule, but the Clemson loss knocked us into a lower bowl. Yes I know its BCS and a lot of schools wish they could play in one of the Big 4, and FSU is always in a January bowl, just because they win the ACC, and or end up playing for the title. But the only reason why FSU has a football team is to win championships. ACC titles, and rivalry games are just steps on the road to the title game, and this year like every year since 2000 had been a let down. Revenge against Miami will not even come close to dulling the pain of not having a shot at the title this year. This is 3 years in a row that we have been out of it, thats after being in it 3 years in a row (Thank you Samari Rolle for falling down in 98, and thank FSU freshman wide outs for dropping 3/4 passes in 2000). Dont be mislead by the sports casters, the only thing that matters in Nole Nation is the National Title. We made an improvement this year over the previous 2, but its still a failure. Cheers, Saffell Edit: I think beating Miami should be a lock, as long as the field is dry, and Rix hasnt missed class this week (finals week :P ).
  7. Patch/add On's

    Seems that Janes USNF did a decent job of doing the F-14 (even though it was a survey sim). Perhaps if Ubi were to dive more into it I'm sure they could find some creative solutions. Ya I know people want total realism, but some of us just want some different planes. I'll sacrifice some realism for naval aviation. Perhaps have an option to fly in either seat, and have the ability to switch between the two. Might be a pain in the ass to learn, but I'm sure people would pick it up eventually. The ultimate of course would be having two human pilots flying over MP in the same plane, talking over RW. Of course this is probably a dream that wouldnt be realized for a few years to come... if ever. Thats all, Saffell
  8. Hey Pukin Dogs, We Gonna Do Lomac Or What?

    Well here's the state of the squad at this time. Fast Eagle is addicted to first person shooters, I have no time for extended game times (I almost felt like I was sinning last night when I played LOMAC for like 3 hours). Chief doesnt have LOMAC, and I havent been in touch with the rest of the squad in months, because they are all waiting for the SF patch, which will never come.... there I said it, SF will never be completely fixed, I'm usually optimistic but really it has gone on too long, and I just dont have the time to be patient with the tossers at third wire any longer. As for LOMAC on HL... well I was on last night for those 3 hours, I was playing with a few of the JW's and some people I've never seen before. My screen name is just plain old snapple2993... since VF143 is toast (not our fault, its third wire's fault). I have no interest in getting involved in a squad for LOMAC until they add the hornet, reason being that I know that if I joined a Hog or Eagle squad, I would feel bad about leaving once the hornet came out.... I really dont want to be in an AF or Kommi squadron.... only Navy. However if you see me online, give us a shout, and I'll surely fly with you. Cheers, Saffell
  9. Ksu Vs. Ou

    Hmm perhaps play the noles??? Just think if we didnt lose to Clemson, and Miami didnt blow the end of the season... FSU might be in the Championship game... ah what might've been. :(
  10. Hmm... well I am not going to be one of the whinners. I am having issues... minor, but issues none the less. It did take me about 2 hours to get it playable. Had to update my drivers. Got the details at medium, and still getting some skipping. I freaked out for a bit when I couldn't get the damn thing to even load... wasn't even going to the game screen (crash in load)..... this was after I installed the drivers the first time. Prior to getting the drivers installed, I was able to fly, but when I shot down the S-3 in the Su-33 quick mission, my PC killed itself and rebooted... this also happened the first time I tried to switch to external view. Frame rates are meh.... do able, but I havent even done any flying in clutter yet. The track of the F-15 low that they give you, totally skips. But hey, we all knew that this game was going to push our PC's to the limit, and I thought Splinter Cell would fry my computer .... LOMAC has all the glitz ED said it would, and I havent even been able to see half of it :P So I guess its time to start saving for more RAM, and a new Vid Card.... I really dont want to have to buy a new processor.... I only have a 1.8 Pent IV (DO I really need a new one?). What the hell, its only money, and even with the poo frame rates.... all I gotta say is.... IM PLAYIN LOMAC MUTHA F*CKA'S.... after years of waiting.... and thats all that counts. Cheers, Saffell
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHA and he payed the equivalent of $60.24 (as of today's market). DVD box costsya an extra 20 greenbacks. Mine was $42.99 (total) at EB... god knows what the sales tax is in the UK. :D
  12. Fsu Vs Uf Poem

    > Twas the night of the big game, and all through the Swamp, > The Gators all thought they were going to romp. > > > They jumped off the line with a quick three points, > I saw Clint Mitchell in the parking lot, sniffing glue and selling >joints. > > > Rix brought the Noles back with a TD lob, > to the 6 foot 1 Junior, Number 21, D-Rob. > > > X-Man and Leach traded three point kicks, > Then play action pass, Matt Henshaw for six! > > > We're whipping the gates, like we all know we should, > 17-6 at the half, Bobby's boys looking good. > > > The third quarter starts and the Noles drop a sure pick, > and Chris Leak and the lizards tie things, real quick. > > > Rix rolls to the right, and DAMMIT! A fumble! > There goes Keiwan, a 77 yard rumble. > > > We're up and we're down, like a damn teeter-totter, > Hey! Look! Nice mullet on that gater fans daughter! > > > Chris puts us ahead with a quarterback sneak, > Then Troupe hauls in a beauty from QB Chris Leak. > > > Things look bad in Hogtown, the Noles are all done, > the gates lead it late, Thirty Four-Thirty One. > > > Then something happened that would make Noles fans scream, > Chris Rix to D-Robinson on Fourth and Fourteen! > > > One thing left to do, Rix rolls right and KABLAM! > A 52 yard strike to PK "Party Killer" SAM!! > > > X-Man converts and we lead by four, > Now we call on the Defense to please bar the door! > > > On Darnell! On Kevin! On Augustin and Pope! > On Boulware, Samuels and Rufus, we never lost hope! > > > 38-34, Final! Then a postgame fight. > Only the Gators could lose twice in one night. > > > GO NOLES!!! >
  13. I couldnt resist anymore, I just picked it up at EB $42.99 (thats tax included)... sure to be the best money I've spent in years. :D
  14. F-15 Car Quals?

    Quick Q. Are the arresting wires just eye candy on the REAL boat, or can you actually snag them with the Navalized Planes?
  15. Patch/add On's

    Its just speculation, for the most part, I do recall someone on the DEV Team saying something about a possible F18 after release, but obiously the patches must come first. If you havent looked at the screen shots, then check them out in the gallery here. You will notice that the detail on the F-18 is by far the most pristine of all the AI aircraft... hence the speculation that we will see it added... atleast thats why I'm hopin'. Cheers, Saffell
  16. 12 Lost In Tragic Accident

    If you do that at a party, or anywhere, you should be banned from carrying any alcohol period, and then flogged. PS: Dont drink and drive......... you might spill your drink. -Fat Mike
  17. What Music Evokes Flying To You The Most?

    Hmmmm... kinda sounds like cheerleader dance routin music to me... ya know every vocal is at like +25 pitch.... Alvin and the chipmonks over 180 bpm :P :P :P Atleast you're listening to something thats not hip hop or pop... just tragic those people. :D B) EDIT: The track I meant to say is "Osho" its the flipside to "Arcana"
  18. Patch/add On's

    We want US Carrier ops... its that simple... and the F-18 seems ready to go, so thats what we've picked... its the most logical and probable first add-on... no we dont need another Eagle, just like we didnt need 3 different versions of the Mig 29. 'course thats just my opinion. Cheers, Saffell
  19. What Music Evokes Flying To You The Most?

    A new track I just heard... Arcana by Pablo Gargano. TRANCE IS KING!
  20. Patch/add On's

    If the F-14 and F-18, and perhaps a Harrier or Tornado was added, and they were involved in campaigns fully or had their own campaigns. I would gladly pay say another 20 bucks for a full functional and realist F-14 and F-18 addon. And another 20 for the UK addon. What would be choice though would be a larger addon for about 30-40 more dollars. That would have the US Navy involved, and some Euro planes. Say a pack of 5-6 more planes with campaigns and all the other stuff. I already believe that the game is worth another 10 or 20 considering that it will be fixed (hopefully by the time I get it... in about a week), and that it is the finest sim to ever come out. Now think about how much MS SF Pro costs... isnt it like 80-100 bucks? (dont know, dont have it, but seen it). With LOMAC you get something of better quality, but I was a bit dissapointed with the plane selections, but adding the planes that I want (and seem to be some very popular ones) and charging a fair price seems more than reasonable to me. So yes I will cast my vote again for paying for added planes. Hell I just dropped 50 on CoD and its basically Medal of Honor reincarnated (same Dev guys). Lomac is original and awesome, and worth every penny they want us to throw at it. Cheers, Saffell Little edit here: Hopefully ED can build a real fanbase with this sim and come out with a sequal in a few years. Possibly LOMAC II and have the newer planes in their like the Su-35 or 37, F-22, Rafale, etc, etc, etc. They've got real potential, and I dont care how long it takes. The demo was awesome, and I will be getting the game soon, and be playing my ass off. Money is not really an object when you get a good product, and proper support, atleast thats my view of it. Hell I could be spending my money on worse things. :D
  21. F-15 Car Quals?

    god the F-18 is gonna be sweet.... major let down if they dont add it... F-14 would be a nice one too. But then again who knows what UBI has instore for us.
  22. The Way Things Used To Be....

    Oh god, my cell phone reception has been so terrible lately... tragic... somebody help me :P B) :D
  23. F-15 Car Quals?

    Well since my cornflakes are piss-free... I'll just ask a few questions, how's that carrier look up close? like lookin at the deck from the cockpit... I dont have the game yet, maybe after finals... Maybe somebody can post some screens of really up close shots of just the carrier... dont know if static cams are available in LOMAC. Also is there any kind of steam after cat-launches? Has this even been modeled? I dont care about the commi carrier, just the real boat. Somebody do carrier quals in the Su-25 on the real boat... that'd be funnier than the eagle :P Cheers, Jay
  24. Dec. 17, 2003

    The Nav Air museum? I was just there on the 8th of November... the Gutless, Buttless, Cutlass was an interesting plane to learn about. :D ... I wish I woulda bought a navair t-shirt when I was there . As for the Alabama, be sure to check out that WWII sub they got there too... or atleast it was there the last time I went through Mobile (6-7 yrs ago). The Bama memorial is definatly a cool place to visit, got a bunch of planes there too. As for the 12th, I have no idea what I'll be doing, maybe I'll have LOMAC by then, thats how I'll celebrate. :P

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