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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Cod Vs Mohaa...

    I havent had time to play... probably will tonight... I'm somewhere towards the end of the british campaign now. Cant wait for stalingrad
  2. Hmm... now if I could just figure out how to hook up my turntables to my PC.... then I could make some cool soundtacks. <_<
  3. Cheifs 10-1

    Hahahaha... better cover Mr. Warrick, or its 10-2 :P
  4. Hmmm I only have 3 hours before I leave for Orlando to play UCF, and I only have about 100 bucks to my name.... now I really wish I hadnt bought call of duty earlier this week. Guess LOMAC will have to wait till next week... then again I'm going home for Thanksgiving... so I'll probably just wait till the week after Turkey Day..... I'll still get it before the Euro's... hehehehe :D
  5. What's Up With The Brits??

    Which part of my Home State is that? Ah the Brits, I still love them, they just feel a little pissed about being mislead (evidence of terrorism), dont want this discussion to lead to Pro vs Anti Bush, but we havent seen the evidence that we were promised, and the Brits are pissed about that... Bush pulled Blair into war... not the other way around, thats why they protest (Bush) and we dont (Blair). For F*cks sake, Americans protest Bush in this country, it's there right to do so in others. All things that have happened up to now, are moot, all that matters is setting up a stable Iraq and getting the hell out.
  6. "your Ass Was Thrown In Jail Card"

    WTF! IS THAT.... back in the 80's and early 90's there was a guy named Micheal Jackson (The King of Pop), now look at him..... not even human, looks like some cheap sci-fi alien.
  7. Wrong Kill (cartoon)

    Compared to my drawing ability... you are DaVinci.... and funny too ;)
  8. Cod Vs Mohaa...

    Bought it today, I am in the power house of the Dam (tells ya how long I've been playing). Impressions... well its an FPS, and its bunny hoppin, but its on par with MOHAA, I never cared for the OSS BS of MOHAA, I will with hold final judgement on CoD until I finish... the Russian Campaign is what really caught my eye.
  9. Cod Vs Mohaa...

    I justed checked out your screens in the article (aswell as reading), and I believe I saw a stalingrad screen, it almost looks like the opening to enemy at the gates (coming over by boat, and forced to fight at gun point).... this is what I wanted to see. I will probably be picking this game up very soon. PS: the shock/concusion action in the Demo, is one of the coolest things I've have seen in a game in a long long time.
  10. Cod Vs Mohaa...

    I played the demo, and I'm curious, are you actually playing as part of the red army, US Army, and I'm not sure who the other army is. In MOHAA, your just in the US Army as kind of a Ranger/OSS operative, I have never tried MOHAA in MP... infact I'm having problems reinstalling it. The Graphics in the Demo for CoD are better than MOHAA. 2 of the coolest things that I saw for MOHAA were the landing at Normandy (having to go from the landing craft all the way up and knock out bunkers), and in Spearhead, you parachute in. Is stuff like this in CoD?
  11. Noooo

    they keep playin the Warrick highlight over and over on ESPN, guess thats what happens when you knock off an unbeaten team. But seriously Cowboy, KC is the best team in the league. My superbowl prediction right now. KC over Carolina 38-21. Sapp is on TV right now, hope he gets shipped out this year. scUM dont deserve to play next to class acts like Brooks, Mcfarland, Lynch, and Barber.
  12. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    I thought it was kind of a pain in the ass, for a non-academy grad to get to capt., like there is some kind of stigma attached to it. As you know I am a Junior at FSU, and would like to get the Navy to pay for Law school, but even if they dont I'll go for OCS with my bachelor's under my belt. Chief, I was refering to keeping my family now, I'm actually suprised that my parents were able to stay together during my dads term of service. Think they may have had a hard time when he was bustin ass during the oil embargo. My oldest sister and bro-in law are both out of the crotch, so dont have to worry about the MC breakin that up, although I do recall there being some strain while he was at Aviano during that Kosovo crap... man did he envy the AF after that trip. back to me; I cant really see how the Navy or any of the services would pay for someone to go to law school (a 100 hour a week job, and costs money out the ass), and let them do something other than being a legal officer. JAG is just total BS, but atleast it gives the Navy some decent publicity.
  13. I Finnaly Get To Learn About What My

    My Grandpa was a BN also, I dont know what group he was with, but I know he flew in B-24's. Had to love the placement during WWII... "He had a degree in English, that made him an instant officer". I've never talked to him about the war, I dont know if its appropriate to really bring it up.
  14. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    So if I go to OCS, and hopefully get my law degree before that, then I wont have to worry about all the bad stuff in the navy? It could be like a pleasure cruise. :D But dont officers have 2 to a room, and its only a single sized bed, this is tragic B) Ah, now I know why the Air Force is refered to as the "Business Man's Service".... god, my father would disown me if I went with the zoom zooms, and my sister, and her husband would never talk to me again if I went in the Army. Guess the Navy or Marines is the only way to keep a family, and serve at the same time, although my dad does give my sis alot of crap for joining the crotch. A Joke: "Someday I'll be like the guy from JAG, a lawyer, pilot, avenging angel, and SEAL all in one". Anybody know how high in the ranks I could possibly climb as a JAG? Hope I wont be stuck with 2nd LT for my whole term of service :P ;)
  15. Cod Vs Mohaa...

    Can I get some opinions? I dont know what to buy? MOHAA Breakthrough, or Call of Duty.
  16. Noooo

    So, I take it you're not a fan of Peter Warrick... Another fine FSU product. What was it today? 6 grabs for 100+ and a TD :D EDIT: atleast your team is over .500.... f*ckin Bucs!
  17. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    Maybe I'll put the Navy on hold for a bit more. :(
  18. Soooo, because I have and Nvidia card, they may have shorted me some points?
  19. Uh Oh, only 393 here. But I'm planning on a new vid card, and another 512 of ram. This game's gonna be sooooooooo worth it. Edit: s**t! Mudd are you serious about the 3ghz???
  20. ...and Knowing Is Half The Battle

    I couldnt get that one to work... no DivX
  21. ...and Knowing Is Half The Battle

    And some ppl think im wierd :D Love ya Cowboy, you always find the finest non-sense. Who wants a body massage? Thats second to the skier.
  22. Favorite Movie

    I didnt really care for the original Aliens, but Aliens II was awesome.... think thats the one when Weaver fights the queen in that mech lookin thing.
  23. Favorite Movie

    Ya F&L is pretty hardcore.... as for DARE... it worked on me when I was in it in 6th grade..... then I went to Junior High.... its amazing how much a kid can forget less than a year.
  24. Favorite Movie

    Anything with Gary Oldman in it kicks ass.... here's a list of his roles. JFK: Lee Harvey Dracula: Dracula<<<<<<<MY FAVORITE OF ALL TIME 5th Element: Jean-Baptiste Emmanual Zorg Hannibal: Mason Verger Sid and Nancy: Sid Vicious Romeo is Bleeding: Jack Grimaldi Jesus (TV movie): Pontius Pilate Air Force One: Ivan Korshunov (head terrorist guy) Immortal Beloved: Beethoven he was also the voice of Sgt. Jack Barnes in MOHAA Spearhead Other movies that kick ass that I dont think have been listed yet: The Big Lebowsky Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (I know Chief... I know :P ) The Salton Sea Scarface Blow Trainspotting Behind Enemy Lines (Ya it all sucked except for seeing the hornet haulin ass at tree top... to bad the sam s**t was totally innacurate) Gettysburg (way better than gods and generals) Oh yeah and HEAT is BAD ASS!
  25. Veterans Day


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