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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Can We Get A New Winking Emote

    I dont think we need a "Wub" emote on biohaz.... wait..... I you all I do like this this one though
  2. Chiefs Win Again...

    Good game... but I saw a couple of chiefs fans doin the Tomahawk chop..... tisk tisk tisk.... everybody knows that that is for us Noles. First the Braves, now the Chiefs... christ, have the Redskins started too? Make up your own damn cheers.
  3. Pulled from EA boards for NHL 2004 If they actually told the truth.. by Mike35352003, posted Oct 25, 2003 11:07pm Bookmark Hi im Aki Berg, I do a really good job shooting the puck at the other teams shins and i'm pretty good at passing to no one. And that trade offer, me for the bag of pucks was a rumour.. I hope Hi im Tomas Kaberle and I love passing the puck, even though it usually doesn't go where its supposed to Hi im Ilya Kovalchuk and when I score on an empty net I feel like a big man I am a floater. I let my teammates do all the work and I put it in the net and take all the credit. My name is Brett Hull Im matt stajan, I live with my parents and lead the leafs in +/- I am Jaromir Jagr and I get payed 11 million a year and it's not for my looks ;) I am pretty sure my name is something like Eric Lindros.. I can't quite remember.. the last thing I remember is looking at my down at my skates I am brett lindros and i got injured a while ago for snowmobiling with my head down I am Darius Kaspiritus, not only does my name sound like a disease, I look like one to. im Dave lewis and im trying to bring the Hitler mustache back into style im chris chelios and i am washed up but I make other decent player look bad in the media to cover that up im marty mcsorley and i hit people in the head with authority I am the captain of ottawa and not only am i a pussy im swedish :) Im Sopel, I have an NHLers salary but still can't afford a hair cut Post Message Mark As Read Alert Sort: Oldest | Newest | Unread View: Expanded | Collapsed | Outlined 9 Messages: First | < 1-9 >| Last Re: If they actually told the truth.. posted by theshiznack1, Oct 25, 2003 11:12pm #1 of 9 Bookmark This is the funniest thing ever!!!!!!!!! The hitler mustach was gold!!!! Please continue type more. Reply Alert Re: If they actually told the truth.. posted by Hockrocks5, Oct 26, 2003 2:21am #3 of 9 Bookmark Sopel also likes to give the puck away. Keep writing more cause its Funny as heck!!!! lol Reply Alert Re: If they actually told the truth.. posted by Mike35352003, Oct 26, 2003 11:47am (This message was last modified by Mike35352003 at 12:15pm Oct 26, 2003 ) #4 of 9 Bookmark Hi im Zdeno Chara and im 6 foot 9 so its safe for me to drop the soap, even with alfredson on the team Hi im Craig McTavich and I attack mascots My name is John Vanbriesbruik and im going to join the KKK My name is Sergei Federov and I lost my girlfriend to a guy with an even worse name My name is Roman Chechmanek and the real reason I got traded is because Philly didn't like my unibrow Hi, Im Theoron Fleury <everyone in the circle> Hiiii Theoron Reply Alert Re: If they actually told the truth.. posted by seguniz, Oct 26, 2003 12:01pm #5 of 9 Bookmark "cechmanek's unibrow" takes the cake Reply Alert Re: If they actually told the truth.. posted by Mike35352003, Oct 26, 2003 12:21pm #6 of 9 Bookmark Hi my name is Henrik Sedin, not only am I the ugliest player in the NHL, theres 2 of me Im Robert Reichel, my specialties are getting elbowed in the head, getting pushed around, and getting laughed at Im Ron McLean and I get payed more then you do. I get millions of dollars to get yelled at and made fun of on national tv during every coach's corner Reply Alert Re: If they actually told the truth.. posted by theshiznack1, Oct 26, 2003 12:49pm #7 of 9 Bookmark The chara comment was great!!! Keep them coming man Reply Alert Re: If they actually told the truth.. posted by magsymp, Oct 26, 2003 1:21pm #8 of 9 Bookmark Hi my name is Don Cherry and one night while I am sleeping Ron Mclean will sneak into my room and kill me with a pick axe. Hello my is Zdeno Chara -- "I put puck in net". Hello my name is Paul Kariya, I'm a sellout son of a bitch and I only play with players who have the same agent as me. Hello my name is Big Bad Bert, I hurt people because it's fun. Hello my name is Pat Quinn, I have a serious drinking problem. Reply Alert Re: If they actually told the truth.. posted by theshiznack1, Oct 26, 2003 9:09pm #9 of 9 Bookmark Hey man its not a problem for pat quinn, Hes irish. Reply
  4. Lock On

    OOOOOH! More features :D BETA 5 Demo..... with so many more features..... DOWN BOY! This a flight sim not a porno! :P
  5. Can We Get A New Winking Emote

    we need a laughing one too. this looks like an anime laugh.
  6. Nhl 2004 Review

    Oh yeah, you can make players in '04. That site I gave you is bad ass. I got a custom menu screen (Go Leafs Go Eddie Belfour). I got a custom clock (ESPN/2 and CBC... but I need help with getting the logo's to work. I said in an earlier post that the goalie's helmets are generic... well I dl'd like 44 guys helmets (they arent EA quality but they look good enough). Modders have already fixed some of the little things that can piss ya off about '04... like not having a calender in season mode. The roster updates should be good enough till EA starts releasing them (one of the reasons I love PC over consol)... IMA NEAT FREAK WITH ROSTERS! Christ I think I have every mod for '04 (like 40 of em)... need to find some more. :D
  7. Chiefs Win Again...

    Dude the chop is from way way back in the seminoles... remember schools like 150 yrs old. Wavin the wheat... wtf.... actual wheat?
  8. Ahhh... Yes Ebay And Alcohol...

    For some reason I began looking for flasks (drunk a couple days ago... ya know when Schizo posted his thing about CDR. Whipple?)... Drunk online together...Schizo went crazy.... I went shopping. Anyway I saw some US NAVY flasks, no FSU ones... boohoo.... but check this sh*t out. A gots me a set of authentic KGB stuff... oh yeah, flask, KOMMI Zippo knockoff, and a cig case.... for 30 bucks + 7.95 shipping Here's the pic
  9. Ahhh... Yes Ebay And Alcohol...

    Ya Red Airforce and Red Army. The AF one is just a flask. But the Army one is the whole set like mine. It's some dude in Moscow that does this stuff, but its super cheap, because they bill you from like Minnesota or some sh*t. 8$ for shipping from Russia.... kick ass
  10. Lock On

    How many beta's do they usually go before Gold? Not impatient, just wondering what the norm is for this sort of thing.
  11. Aim 9

    So if we find a helo playin around in the snow... we get better range on heaters?
  12. There ya go Fates... just keep makin his head bigger :P
  13. Nhl 2004 Review

    One more thing. If you guys with '03 want roster's up to date. Check out. http://www.nhldepot.net/ All kinds of cool stuff for many EA NHL games, including up to date rosters for '03. Cheers, Saffell
  14. Nhl 2004 Review

    Hey! Has the players skating around the puck pissed you off yet? You know you try to pick up the puck, and you end up just skating around it... practically doing button hooks around the damn thing..... lots and lots of people were pisssssssed off about that.... starting calling it a BETA version.... but then again people will be people, some assholes actually think '04 is a beta... just because its hard. I keep tellin'em... hey its a sim, it should be hard. One more thing, when and if you guys pick up '04, get a dual analog controller... I love my gravis Eliminator (PS2 set up...kinda). Some people are bitching about having to learn all the buttons in game (you now have a shift+ something for actions). They think its hard.... I say "Hey! its no sweat compared to learning any flight sim with an X45 :D ".... like 15 button options for NHL '04... 15 :P :P :P hahahahahaha!!!!
  15. A Sim I'd Like To See Developed

    I've said it before... so I'll say it again. The Hornet looks way way way too good to be AI only. I wont be shocked if this is added for the RELEASE... but I will be very pleased. Not saying that I'm counting on it, but it looks like the strongest possible near-future add-on. with the bug.... comes..... U.S. CARRIER OPS! I'm really hoping for LOMAC to be a long line of addon's. One of the things I loved about the Janes series, was all the different places to fly/fight. I had the big collection (USNF/USMF/Euro Fghters. etc.) And if I recall correctly, they had one campaign, for Ukraine, Kamchatka (or was it Korea?), Falklands, and one in the Baltic. I'd like to see all of these options, and more. Hopefully they will add a few new maps or someone can mod them, and make a really good middle eastern campaign. But ofcourse this is all speculation and wishful thinking. But I will keep my fingers crossed until ED says "No! We will never do that". Oh... the Big Cat is the plane I really wanna see added. Oooooo Oh!... Just thought of a Grenada campaign... wouldnt be long, but kick ass!
  16. I ran across this on EA boards for NHL 2004 (people dont like it even though it is, the first hockey sim ever.... guess they dont play flight sims). http://pages.infinit.net/gamepage/retard.bmp the visits to the EA boards, just make me wanna come back to the sanity of biohaz.
  17. Nhl 2004 Review

    Download the Nhl 2004 Demo (top post has link) and you'll see a real difference.
  18. A Navy Joke.....

    God I hope the sodomy thing wasnt at the Cid, I was just makin a joke with no truthful content.... if it is true.... dont try out for football Dirickson.
  19. Off To See Kiss And Areosmith

    Oh god... another neo-punk. Punk is dead... wtf is Dropkick Murphy's anyway... its like drunk Irish union rally songs..... Get Up is a pretty good tune though. DEFTONES!!!! But TRANCE is still my fav. KISS stole their look from the Misfits..... Danzig has the best voice in the history of rock.
  20. Oh Yeah!

    Thank you West Virginia. Now if VT or UT can knock of Miami, or both, and Oklahoma loses..... Oklahoma State :P :P :P We'll be lookin good for the Sugar Bowl.
  21. A Navy Joke.....

    You have no women!.... I dont want to know what goes on in the Cid.... my fragile heterosexual mind may not be able to handle it :P just jestin ya Dirickson.... keep yer arse clear of sausage.... who knows what kind of sick hazing they may have in mind for you
  22. A Navy Joke.....

    Oh no no no, we party for days in tallahassee.... without sleep.
  23. A Sim I'd Like To See Developed

    Could not agree more. This is something I'm hoping gets added to LOMAC. I remember in USNF, having to fly cover for the Marine landing force, seeing LCAC's running up on the beaches was pretty cool. Now take that format, and add LOMAC graphics and models, and you have my dream sim. I'm talkin somethin like a combo between Fleet Command, USNF, and some kind of Amphidious landing thing. But from a flight sim point of view. Having shore bombardment, and Alpha strikes while the Marines are landing, then protecting the beach head, and supporting the move inland. I think our best hope would be for some kind of LOMAC add-on, and yes I would pay for it. Personally, all I want to fly in LOMAC (right now) is the A-10. Until they add some carrier ops for us Yanks, for now the A-10 flights will be placing second to NHL 2004. But if they were to add some kind of X pack with the Navy/Marine stuff.... I may never leave my house again. Cheers, Saffell
  24. A Navy Joke.....

    Hey! that was only once, and I contained myself lastnight... thankfully, otherwise I may have understood, and perhaps agreed with schizo :P ..... seagram's 7..... you bring a smile to my face :D However, I will give props to schizo for being able to type while intoxicated.
  25. A Navy Joke.....

    I just tried looking for this Whipple character (online). There was a Cpt. Whipple, who was born in England, and died in Providence town in 1685. Another Whipple, was a Commodore, or a Commander (dont remember), but apparently he was the dude that got Johnny Appleseed started on his little idea. With this info, I am now even more confused than before. Please schizo, enlighten us.

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