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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Comming Up On 1 Year At Biohaz

    Ahh I remember my first post. It was about the Su-35 and its exclusion from LOMAC. There weren't many members then (I'm #21), but MJ quickly replied with a helpful answer. From LOMAC I found Biohaz, from Biohaz I found SF, and soon found my squad, and rose from LT. jg, to LCDR in 3 days!!! Thanks for keeping up the site, I hope I get to see many more birthdays. Cheers, Jason Saffell
  2. Patch

    With all due respect "Snacky" you haven't been here long enough to see that we here on Biohaz take this game very seriously (hence the # of posts for this game). There have been some very very heated threads concerning this game. And Dagger is trying to prevent a repeat.
  3. Patch

    One of the things that really bothers me about this whole patch thing is that it has killed the community for the game. It's not in stores, and it has lost a lot of original fans. It could have been like IL2 or FB. What I mean is that you can go on HL any time of the day and there are over a hundred people playing online, I've seen it at like 500. The highest amount of people I saw on HL for SF was when patch 1 was released, and then the bitchery started, and then I came back the next day, and about half were gone, and I came back the next day and there was like 5 people. Now nobody is ever on, and the only way to play is to set up game times (and then pray that it works). The only time I've (well the time I could find) been able to play was a couple of months ago when Mudd, Striker, Tuckson, Laurant, and myself were able to get together. Now I had insomnia, Mudd was on vacation, and everybody else is in Europe. We were playing from like 3-7 am EST. What I'm getting at is that there is almost nobody even trying to play (our matchups were an accident). I dont have a whole lot of time to do much of anything except check email, throw up a few posts, and play the LOMAC Demo for like 20 mins a day.... I would really really rather be able to hop on HL and see people jam packed in there playing SF. I love the game, and I'm proud to say that my squad has held together for the most part, and I cant wait (pray) for this game to get fixed. I've been hard on this game in the past (really hard), but I've learned to accept that sh*t happens, and I've pissed away my money on worse things before, and will probably continue to do so. I appreciate the modders and community for keeping this game on life support, but honestly, the plugged might get pulled within the next year. We've lost a couple modders, and a great many of the players. Hell I've even put it away in my sh*tty games shoebox a few times, but I always pull it out every once and a while. But even I am starting to wonder if its not time to put it in the box with Age of Empires I, and I havent touched that in years. I'm not saying that I'll drop the game any time soon, but the patch has to come out by February. If TK wont set a deadline, then I will. By then I'm sure a much stabler flight sim will be available, and maybe it will have US carrier ops. Strategy First made an error straying from strategy games. And we have had to live with that error for a very long time. In short the whole situation is just too damn sad. And I blame TK more than anyone. Again I thank the modders for keeping this game alive for me, without them I would have no need to reinstall SF, and try out there handywork. You get more cred for Strike Fighters from me than any of the people who developed it. Cheers, Jason Saffell XO virtual VF-143
  4. Just found out today that my roomate, didnt get the tickets for the Miami game on saturday. This is after he convinced me that he could get better seats if he gave them to this dude he knows. Well now we have no tickets becuase they are all sold out, and this dude waited too long to go get the tickets. I coulda gottem last week, but noooooo. Looks like I wont be in the student section, but will be chillin on the couch.
  5. Well My Weeked Wont Be As Good As Planned

    I gotta FSU Ice Hockey team party after the game (need booze)... I've dropped off his dry cleaning and taken some sh*t for a presentation to his work this week on top of no tickets... I'm thinking 2 bottles of Seagrams 7 outa settle us up.
  6. Colts Take Bucks In Ot

    New addys we need. Pick up Boldin, Warrick for Keyshawn, and trade Sapp for Corey Simon.
  7. What Is This???

    Ya I was like... wtf Biohaz es en Espanol. A si, "Knights of Hell". Sorry for the spanish... I cheated for my 6 creds :D We should get somebody to interpret it. Edit: wait I think its in a Brazilian dialect of Portuguese.
  8. Colts Take Bucks In Ot

    I wish the Bucs would trade Keyshawn for Peter Warrick. Save a couple mil in salary, and get rid of the mouth, and finally add some agility to the receivers. I HATE USC AND NOTRE DAME GUYS!!! Oh and Nebraska and the scUM arent exactly favs either. Bunch of mouthy assholes. Except for Joe Montana.
  9. Colts Take Bucks In Ot

    As I've said before... the bucs start slow, and the colts finish low :D But Manning was really good at the end. I was impressed (dissapointed w/TB) with the colts, and they didnt even have the scUM at running back. YOU GUYS WERE SO LUCKY IN OT, MISSED THE FIRST FG, AND THEN THE BS PENALTY, AND THEN THE DRUNK NEARLY SHANKED IT AGAIN.... GUESS THERE'S A REASON FOR THE HORSE SHOE ON THE HELMET :P
  10. Patch

    Bird Dog, as a strategy sim fan, I have to inform you about strategy first. This is the first game that I have bought from them that did not work perfectly out of the box. This also looks like the only non Real Time Strategy game that they have ever made. The blame sits on Third Wire. Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron, Sudden Strike I and II, are all good games that had patches released in a timely manner, even though I never noticed a problem with the games pre-patch. Third Wire put out a Lemon, becuase of the Walmart crap, but it is taking way to damn long to fix this. And I am a very patient person, I dont stand in line all day, but I do sit in traffic for atleast 6 hours a day. I'm hoping they get it together real soon.
  11. Chiefs Beat Denver

    All's I gotta say is... F*CKIN BUCS
  12. Tip For Kids In School

    Mine is ASH 4000 something (Modern India), with Dr. Singh. Class just flat out blows. He doesnt use technology and I cant understand a single word he says, and it's in english (kinda).
  13. Chiefs Beat Denver

    That Dante Hall kid is somethin special though.... and the Priest is the shiznit.
  14. It's getting cold in Tallahassee. I was in orlando this weekend... it's still hot as hell, and really really muggy. As for the patch.... its as elusive as a.... :ph34r:
  15. Patch

    I'm still hopeful. B)
  16. SF carrier ops would be awesome!!! But I think interest is falling off a little bit. Beer did an amazing job with the carrier... too bad he cant get trapping and launching to work... I would imagine it to be a total pain in the ass to make this a reality. I'm just praying for ED to add some kind of non Kommi carrier ops to LOMAC. F-14 would be choice, but I guess I could live with the bug.
  17. Chiefs Beat Denver

    Ahhhh, the Bucs always start slow. But they always make the playoffs, and nobody thought they could do it last year. I dont get the shoe thing Everybody gonna watch the Canes lose to my team this saturday. I think its gonna be nationaly televised on ABC, on at noon EST.... I'll be in the student section.... maybe we'll rush the field after the win. :D
  18. New Arrival

    Congrats Skip. Hope your getting those kids delivered in NAVY hospitals. My nephew only cost like 40 bucks :D And my oldest sister cost like 10 back in '74.
  19. Fast Eagle......you still around?

    What a weekend... sooooooooo not fun. Anyway welcome back skipper, and Hedu... If it gets better (I dont really count on anything anymore, but there are miracles). Will you still wanna be part of the SF squad? I dont support the squad officially flying the demo (I dont think you can do mp anyway), but hey if UBI releases the F-14 with this bad boy, you can definatly count on my vote for adding LOMAC to our list of games. NOTE: F-18 would be a nice add too, but the Big Cat is what I wanna see. Good to see you both back around the forums again. Cheers, XO
  20. Everybody trying out the mods??? I just DL'd them all (or the 20 that I could find), but I cant test em till sunday night.... boo hoo.
  21. Okay, check it. So I snaggs the demo off the germans, on the day it came out (like we all did)... couldn't play cause I had to work. Came home and been on it atleast an hour a day. And here are my conclusions. 1: Track IR is gonna be a must for this game. The planes are way too damn quick for a hat :D. 2. This game is fun as F***!!! Especially rootin around with the hog. 3. I can live without perfect settings, but I would like to see the heat effects... I dont know what the deal is with some other systems, cause my aint top of the line (maybe like 2 years ago).... cant believe people are judging a games graphics and play on a "Pre-Demo"... now we are stuck with it, cause SOMEBODY cant hold their.... 4. I love my X45 even more now, thank god LOMAC isnt like flanker... or is it... maybe I just care more about getting the demo to work. And lastly a Q, anybody know where I can get PC hardware nice and cheap, I'm lookin at maybe some more ram, graphics card, and track IR??? Cheers, Mista Saffell PS: I have a few screens, but I'm the retard and cant figure out how to add attachments.
  22. What Do You Think Of The New Forums?

    Ya, I'm the asshole with the poor opinion. Well actually I meant to click the go back to phpbb option, but these things happen It's kinda handy, but it wont show my sig (no gif allowed), and I cant figure out how to attach stuff.
  23. very nice vid indeed missa mudd :D
  24. Anybody got one figured out for this game, I'd do it but, I'm to tired, and busy to tweek it for hours. Please somebody post one :D

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