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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Best Day In A While

    Not to be a troll, but maybe you Kansas peeps can help me with this. For the past 5 or 6 years, all we've heard about is KSU, KSU, KSU, its gonna be their big year in the Big 12. And they always always always blow it. Why is this.... what I mean is what is the word in Kansas.
  2. F***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE A MID-TERM TOMMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I can give the demo a go for a little bit.... just a little bit, and then I'll study EDIT: I'm only getting like 15kbs dl with bit torrent... is this the norm?
  3. MY thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    One more from me. GREG JONES FOR HEISMAN! Edit: Aww Hell, why not give it to P.K.
  4. MY thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    Meh... Sorry its more of a FSU fan thing... Me and Seawolf. Sorry you guys with crap college football have to be jealous
  5. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    As you may know my school (THEE Florida State University) just destroyed the Beefalos of Colorado (who beat CSU, which means the state of Florida is better than Colorado ), now I was actually sober today so I was able to notice a few things while at the game. 1. Corona extra is the worst beer in the world, I dont think I will ever drink it again... wtf is with the lime??? 2. The people of Colorado need to start sending some hotter cheerleaders to their away games (unless those were the starters... in which case this is sad). The cheerleaders were chubby and pasty white... if you come to Florida atleast hit the tanning bed, and dropping some pounds wont hurt either. (in short I could have picked out a squad of "Florida 5's" from the student section that would have been way hotter than the CU cheerleaders.) 3. Jeremy Bloom needs to go back to skiing... his little TD catch may have made sportscenter, but the rest of his game didnt impress me at all. 4. Back to the cheerleaders (since the score was like 400 to 7 when I lost interest). I would just like to say that the FSU cheerleaders are far more talented than the CU cheerleaders. How am I supposed to see camel toe from the CU chics if they cant even do a backflip? Our girls always give us a nice long shot when they lift up their legs :D And they jump around and sh*t... christ you'd think they all worked in the tittie bar during the summer. 5. I witnessed the worst job in the world today (or is it?). There is a person that has a shovel and a bucket and that person wheres a white cowboy hat :?: :?: :?: . This person uses that shovel and bucket to clean up after "Renegade" (Chief Oceola's Horse) during the game. What I mean is when the horse takes a dump... there's the dude, but think about it, this person gets to walk around the sidelines and gets killer shots of the game, and all he's gotta do is clean up poo 6. Chris Rix is still a fag. 7. The sun needs to move farther away when I am in a stadium full of sweaty, smelly coeds (i dont like being one of them).... God it was hot today. 8. They should have wet t-shirt contests at half-time instead of the band. 9. Escalators should be installed in all public places, specifically the sidewalk that goes down Pensacola St. to the Stadium. 10. Northern and Western Football is no match for Southern Football :D F-L-O-R-I-D-A-S-T-A-T-E FLORIDA STATE, FLORIDA STATE, FLORIDA STATE, WHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SEE ATTACHED FILE
  6. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    It wasn't Peter's fault... it was the clerk... I swear, he's an angel Lets hope that incident never gets repeated.
  7. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    Its Official. Florida State has a full blown moron for a QB. I was just watching PTI, and apparently (strong rumor) Mr. Rix has (days after his handicapped incident) been caught parking in an out patient only spot (he isnt) at some doctors office or hospital or clinic.... point is, he doesnt learn!
  8. In your Opinion!?!

    Thats why you get rid of all the settlements and give them some part of the country, and put up a buffer zone, and not allow anybody to cross into isreal or palestine... if they try you blow them up. I'm talkin barbed wire and mine fields here, not a check point between two buildings. If this doesnt work... forcibly deport them to somewhere and let somebody else deal with the prob (thats my P.C. view). Come on lads, I know there's some more opinions out there, just dont let it escalate into name calling or "my invisible man is better than yours" crap. Now, I know I posted before Mudd did.... odd :?
  9. Restroom Humor

    I am barely sitting down when I hear a voice from the other stall saying: "Hi, how are you?" I'm not the type to start a conversation or fraternize in men's rooms at a rest stop but, I don't know what got into me, so I answer, somewhat embarrassedly: "Not bad!" And the other guy says: "So what's up with you?" What a question? At that point, I'm thinking this is too bizarre so I say: "I'm like you, just traveling east!" Then I hear the guy say nervously... "LISTEN!!! I'll have to call you back, there's an idiot in the other stall who keeps answering all my questions, bye!" DAMN CELL PHONES! :twisted:
  10. When fear is stronger than pain

    on second look, maybe he was just practicing for the long jump :roll: got one hop outa 3... kinda
  11. In your Opinion!?!

    Demilitarized Zone... like the border between North and South Korea... except this time the whole area is a DMZ. The people dont suck, but the policies do! Yes I know that the goal is not for the IDF to kill civies... thats why I said ACCIDENT/ATTRITION... SH*T HAPPENS. HAMAS tries to kill civies, IDF just gets them by mistake. I used 100 as a nice round number, not as an actual body count.
  12. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    It's on ESPN.com (no talk on campus yet) I'll see if my Mass Media Law class has a discussion about it tonight (6-9 pm). I'll post if I hear anything new about this idiot.
  13. In your Opinion!?!

    Hmm... dont want to start anything here, as this is a touchy topic... BUT! How can I resist. Personally I would turn the area into a DMZ, atleast until a free Palestine can be set up, and then have a closed border between Isreal and Palestine. As for the pilots quitting... I've never approved of shelling neighborhoods with 120mm and rockets. But then again, the suicide bombers dont seem to learn.... hence the DMZ idea. I know, I know, no more IDF, but the cycle will never end until somebody from the outside steps up and shows more balls than having a luncheon at Camp David. IDF kills civies through accident/attrition (they get one terrorist and kill 100 civies). Hamas kills 100 civies... just to kill civies. BOTH SIDES SUCK IN MY OPINION, and pilots can have whatever convictions they want, its up to their superiors to figure out what to do next.
  14. Vacation's Over - Biohaz Site News

    As I've said before, this is the only sim/game site that I come to. There is just no reason to put up with some of "those" people on other boards. It's always nice to know that you can post almost anything, and get a conversation going, and not have it turn into a flame. And its also nice to know that if one is not knowledgeable on aspects of a particular sim, that they can ask a question and not be made to feel like an idiot for asking. I've got a T-Shirt and Sim fuel container, and am waiting on a UBWH T-shirt, but I'm sure I can find some spare dough to throw at my most frequented website. I'm against required payments (gives me an anti democratic feeling... paying for a voice), but I am all for donations, and people should be happy to give what they can. If I can, then anybody can! Again thanks for having a killer website! Cheers, Mr. Saffell X.O. Pukin' Puppies Edit: MJ, do you take personal checks?... that 2 bucks for a money order can feed a poor college kid for a day
  15. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    Nope, didnt hear about it.... but I got 4 classes tommorrow, and I am shaking my head right now, knowing that there is gonna be some serious bitching going on. I'm gonna go check the wires to see what he's gonna get for this. Edit: Just checked it.... thats brilliant, notice that he got turned in by fellow students (hint hint). So what do we have on Rix. He sleeps to much (late to class, and misses classes). Is late to team meetings, and misses team meetings. Uses an illegal parking sticker. Lives off campus (not with the rest of the team). I think he lives alone. Drives an SUV (has no friends, and no job... rich boy... too much car for one guy). I wish Bobby, would start giving Wyatt Sexton some more playing time.
  16. OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH... AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH That was very very cool indeed. I always liked the SF explosions, but you have somehow made them look incredible.
  17. When fear is stronger than pain

    on second look, it seems that the child may have a depth perseption problem (jumped early), either that or its retardation. Or both Until we find out, I'll withhold scoring... its not right to give slower kids anything less than an 8.
  18. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    HAHAHAHA... Spoken like a true Tallahassee Native (ofcourse I'm new). I'm always prepared with a flask of crown, and a flask of skyy (Beer's for thirst quenching). This way I can mix with anything. (I do this because I'm the cheapest son of a b*tch in the world, and I like to get nice and sh*tty before I have to pay 10 bucks for a martini, hopefully avoid paying all together) I just realized that there has been way way way to much talk about boozin on the Biohaz lately. Christ its tuning into anti-alcoholics-anonymous
  19. Local brew post

    im with dutchy... beer is for consumption as a beverage... not to be used to get you drunk (doesnt work fast enough)... But, Dude, Jager is disgusting :x I dont have a pic, but a good local brew we had back in Melbourne was from Charlie and Jakes Brewery and BBQ, It was called Brown bottom Ale, it had a chick getting her bikini bottom pulled off by a gator on the label.... As for taste... it was beer
  20. Is there....

    Sorry I havent been on HL in while Striker... wanna set up some time for flying.... It would be nice if MRMUDD WOULD HOST!!! Since he had the exellent connection last time we all got together... man that was like a month ago.
  21. Is there....

    Strategy First dropped it? Or TW es kaput?
  22. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    Surely you jest 8) Nah, I am probably the most sarcastic person on this board
  23. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    How do I get my hands on that? Does it come cold in the mail?... All we got is whats in the super markets... and ofcourse the keg stand. Not a whole lot of variety.

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