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Everything posted by snapple2993


    I'm staring at my 3 remaining student coupons... Miami (oct. 11), Wake (oct. 25), NCSt. (Nov. 15).... Wake looks real good (but it is Wake ), and that Damn Wolfpack is lookin for 3 in row.... plus we got the Crocs at the end of the season, and UVA doesnt suck either. Duke we can beat with the 3rd string, and I really really think we can beat Miami... Brock Berlin shoulda stayed in Gainesville. What worries me is a possible hangover if we beat the Storks. Sh*t we got ND in Southbend on all saints day.... And to think that my brother in law from Michigan says that the Florida State Schedule is cake every year.... wonder what the Wolverines are gonna do now :D Man... 8 games to go... I suddenly feel a bit worried. You're right about the Playoff system.... I agree completely. Hey! Cowboy wants to go to KU! Would you have happened to have seen the KU vs FSU game back in '93 (i think). When the Noles stopped KU inside the 1 yard line 4 times in a row :D BIG D BROOKS WAS IN ON THAT!!! GO BUCS, GO NOLES The road to the Superbowl goes through Tampa, the road to New Orleans runs through Tallahassee Maybe Sapp needs to take dancin lessons from Allen Augustin (Below after a sack)
  2. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    Ya we had some Native American or half Native kid lined up to go ahead of Rix (I think, or thats what I heard) he was the number one HS QB or somethin like 3 years ago, and I believe he pulled a Randy Moss (caught with dope). Fabian Walker (the 2nd QB) is as dumb as they come (or so I've heard), but the rumor is also that he is a better athlete than Charlie. :o :o :o The 3rd QB (the one I like) is Wyatt Sexton (Bill Sexton's [our QB coach] kid). He kinda reminds me of a Kanell or Wienke. They need somebody to sit back there and make strong accurate throws like a QB is supposed to, and just hand it off to one of the 3 killer backs. Maybe, Jeff Bowden needs to stop trying to run a Mark Richt offense becuase that crap isnt workin anymore... What did UGA do this weekend Atleast we dont have another Thad Busby
  3. Bear Attacks Sub

    No pic....

    Man, me and Seawolf got all kinds of Football in common... Definatly GO BUCS! How bout that Warren Sapp TD... too bad he's a cane.... but the pass came from a nole
  5. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    Heard the N word story at downtown Po Boys, think I was drinkin with some of the local business types (my roomies friends), this was last year right before the UF game. Either way, he is not loved on campus. I have yet to meet a Rix fan. From what I hear, he keeps to himself, and doesnt mingle with the general populous or even the rest of the team... (maybe its something he picked up in Santa Margarita CA... :x ). Bobby loves Mr. Pix so all of us in Nole Nation are stuck with him either way. Maybe we should blame Bobby for not having a Junior ready to go after Wienke left.... wait.... Bobby cant be blamed for anything :D Ya he's young but all of those records are gone now (with a good bit of blame on his shoulders), damn 8 win seasons, we better not look like some Big Ten team this year. 1 more thing, if we lose to Duke this weekend... I'm hanging myself from the rafters of Tully. EDIT: Oh, Seawolf, how did you feel at the end of the Miami game last year? Were ya watchin live?
  6. Ouch...

    RU 21 or some crap like that. It's a new drug that was developed by the Russians to help spies from being intoxicated (a sober Russian ), I just read about it today in either the USA Today or the FSView, anyway it turns out that this stuff does not keep you from getting drunk but it does matabolize the booze quicker, so when you finally do pass out, you wont wake up with any hangover. I think its like 20 bucks for 20 pills, and available online somewhere (its legal). Problem is that you have to take 1 pill for each drink you have... but whats a drink???
  7. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    Whats up with this... didnt know you and I had such animosity But great advice on that last post... see I'm looking for a list of beers that I think I should sample for myself. All input is appreciated. My fav of all time was this home made Cream Ale that this chick Erin had her dad make for our graduation party (may '01) (back when the mini brew craze was going on.) I'm looking for something that I can find on a regular basis. So please leave suggestions and discriptions of your prefered brew (no panzy ass smirnoff ice)
  8. Ouch...

    Welcome to the life
  9. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    I'll check the beer advice. Hmmm.... he isnt gay but he is an ass [comment changed from fag to ass]. Skins got the hogettes??? And still got the band (only one in the NFL, right). Oh and those damn Braves fans in Atlanta stole the tomahawk chop from us :D EDIT: I am not a real beer drinker, I prefer any kind of liquor that is not flavored with cocanuts and is not tequila. Whiskey is great, Vodka is better.... I've been told that spirits are worse for you than beer, why, I fail to see the difference between a case and a bottle??? BUT BEER IS CHEAP :D
  10. My thoughts on Colorado at Florida State

    Here's the thing with Corona, I find it to be kinda crappy with the lime, and without the lime it gets all fizzy. I hope maybe some of you life long beer drinkers can help with this.... I am looking for a beer that is smooth yet crisp, and goes down good when guzzled and is also good for chillin at the bar (sippin over a period of like 5 mins). Last weekend I was playin drinkin games with Miller and Bud lite. Now I had no probs with either of these beers (out of kegs... bud tends to not be good out of a can). Now I was a good boy this weekend, and was only allowed to drink beer, and only able to handle (taste) 3 corona all day, because the lime made it taste kinda funny and without it, it was just to damn carbonated. So what would be the best beer for me. Remember it has to go down smooth in all situations. As for Chris Pix, he may have had good numbers this weekend, but if you were able to see the whole field you would've seen that he missed many ops to get even more yards. He probably could've finished with 500+ if he didnt make certain decisions.... like.... running too damn soon, and not looking at his checks. There was atleast 5 times when Greg Jones was open in the flat with about 15 yards of running room (which means 20+ yards when Greg gets the ball), and Pix never even looked over there. And excuse my disgust, but he is still the most hated player on campus. Stemming from his first 2 seasons (self explanatory), and the fact that he alienated most of the team by using the word n***** in one of his arguments with a fellow player (note there is only like 10 white guys on the noles).... it seems like a small thing, but it did not go over well, and considering he's from Cali, and thinks he's some kind of golden boy... He's gotta earn the love of this campus, and having a few good games isnt gonna do it, maybe 2 National titles is the cure, but even there thats a long shot.
  11. I really like that 2nd shot... kinda looks like Nam Monsoon or something. Good Job Dagger, keep up the good work! <C> Mr. Saffell
  12. When fear is stronger than pain

    Hope that aint your kid
  13. Standard for me is to uninstall and then reinstall (ya I know it sucks). I've had graphics problems, mod problems, overall gameplay probs and the only thing that seems to make it go away for atleast a little bit is to completely reinstall the game and all the other stuff you had with it. Ofcourse I'm no authority <C> Jason Saffell
  14. quentin terentino and Top Gun

    Holy SH*t that was funny.... forwarding to Gay John and his flamer friends.... right now!
  15. Avast Me Scurvies!

    Yer a sick man MrMudd Go become a Tropican with TROPICO 2 PIRATE ISLE... bunch of f*cking wierdo's that play that game :D :D :D
  16. The Biohaz Store is now online!

    Just wondering if your doing good on sales MJ? You got my 30+ bucks, whats that like 1/10 of your monthly bill . EVERYBODY NEEDS TO BUY SOMETHING SO MRMUDD CAN POST HIS VIDEO'S RIGHT HERE ON BIOHAZ Thanks for the site, thanks for the merchandise. Mr. Saffell
  17. From watching your vids I've noticed that you just go poof when you crash. Is there any break up of the plane when crashing at slower speeds and lower g's. Or is it that the plane stays together or it blows up. I'm trying to see if we have kind of an FB damage model where you can have wings come off and the cockpit go rolling around, or is it just poof?
  18. Fast Eagle......you still around?

    Last weekend was rough (I dont party during the week... well maybe a few beers), and this weekend I have promised myself a respite... I want to be conscience for the NFL games. I may just say scew it and not go to the Colorado game, even though I have a ticket. Oh and upper division classes arent fun. OCS is gonna look good after graduation
  19. Fast Eagle......you still around?

    I've been in touch with Gator, Shogunny, and Aintas recently (Gator and Sho last night). So the squad isnt exactly toast. They are all just waiting for patch 2.... like everyone else that owns the game.
  20. hows it look if you land in the field? Get dirt in the engine's and flame out? Surely we're gonna see a good bit of field landings in mp (like FB), it would be good to know if the planes gonna explode Give it a couple whirls, and tell us what kinda G's you can slam down with.... PLEASE
  21. Fast Eagle......you still around?

    He hasnt replied to any of my ICQ messages... I guess he's gonna go awol again for a bit maybe he'll magically appear when Patch 2 magically appears.
  22. Su Stall movie

    Somebody wanna show my dumb ass how to set up my ftp, and you wankers can suck my Cable dry while I'm at school
  23. Su Stall movie

    Ya I gots it. (from his FTP) I liked when he pulled that cobra in a climb and then nosed up back into the climb... He may have been using the 27 on that one instead of the 33... It would have been nice if he pulled the sommersault* instead of going back into the climb.
  24. Su Stall movie

    You mean mr mudds vid??? I believe there was no more bandwidth to be had, ofcourse you should pm him and see whats up.
  25. getting ready for Isabel...

    Cane Checklist: Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer. 1 surfboard, 1 four wheel drive pickup, 1 tow rope (for wake boarding in the street) 1 roll of duct tape... ya know for the windows Hurricane Erin back in like '94 was really fun... even though it was only a level 1, the eye came in like 10 miles south of my house and then it rained for like 12 hours straight...... THEN WE WENT WAKE BOARDING!!!

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