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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. LOMACs A-10

    As long as it fly's I'm happy...
  2. No the TATU vid that cant be posted, because Mr Mudd is killing everybody's bandwidth with his vids (just look at the views on this thread).
  3. I Fought the Law...

    Hmm... I download music aswell (from WinMX), although its usually a bitch to get a good connection, but I do have like 200 tracks that I have managed to get, and unknown amounts of various mpegs . But I really feel that these music companies need to look at the Ministry of Sound model. "Create your own playlist from any of the 200,000 + tracks available If you know what you like and what you're looking for, then create your own playlists with the Ministry of Sound. Get 500 credits for only £4.99. This gives you either 500 streams, 50 downloads, or 5 burns a month." I dont use it (because I'm really really really cheap), but look at this 500 streams (get a ripper like total recorder, and thats 500 songs for like 7 dollars). Now ministry is primarily a dance music oriented company, but they do have a large selection of hip hop, and ambient toons. The thing is that MOS is the owner of like 20 sub labels, and have UK licensing with numerous American labels. check out http://www.ministryofsound.com/Downloads I dont see why the artists are bitching, they get their money directly from the record company, and thats before the album is made. The record company has to eat it either way, of that 15 dollars per album (roughly 9 goes into the record company. Sellers usually have to buy the records for like 12 dollars a peice (even at bulk), and artists only see a couple bucks from that 12. Most artists get their money from touring (unless you sell s**te like Mariah Carey or s**tney). So the artist is just the mouthpeice for the label, since the CEO's are losing the cash... whoo0 they lost like a mil for the year damn they have to stick with last years model of the 911 turbo... what a shame. I say hey dickhead, I had to work for my cash, and you put 1 good track out of 12, and act like you are being robbed. Now with that said, I would like to look at another option. I (as a pseudo DJ) spend a large part of my online time looking at music, and the finest site that I have come across is https://everecords.org.uk/acatalog/index.html it si my favorite label's online shop. Here you can stream or download large chunks of all their songs from all of their sublabels. So I listen to like 2 1/2 mins of a 5 minute song and from there I see if I want to order that peice of vinyl. Not all record sites are ran this way (most that cater to DJ's are), and thats when I just look for an alternative site. I think the bottom line is that, record execs are suffering (or maybe not) from the same disease that is rampant throughout all industry. CEO's just want to pinch those pennies until Abe screams for mercy. All they have to do is switch over to some kind of economical downloading service and they would be set, but instead they wanna take the legal route and make examples out of college kids (FSU is monitoring oncampus bandwidth... thank god I live off campus). Damn, I need stop now, I could go on forever. I'll close with "THESE CEO'S are F*CKING SH*T and need to get some humanity in them, and maybe even start producing music that doesnt suck so f*cking bad. And when are we gonna get a real rock band??? How bout something being played in the clubs that isnt fitty sh*tty cent, and when is Sh*tney gonna get ran over by a bus, and then urinated on by a hobo. Can we get rid of hip hop for all time, when is fashion gonna turn away from men wearing moo moo's and doo rags? I hate to say this, but I may have applauded the sick twisted terrorist f*cks if they went after the MTV building instead of the WTC... no we would never be that fortunate... although from a tactical stand point, the MTV building would have been a much more devastating target... Imagine if the teeny boppers couldn't watch Carson ever again... and maybe all the boy bands, and all those look alike blonde bombshells were in the building too... my god parents would have to spend time with their kids, and the economy might come to a complete hault, you would have 3/4 of the under 18 pop in therapy 6 days a week, and mommy and daddy would have to be there. Yes Osama is a f*cking moron for picking the wrong target... Whoever sends a Maverick through TRL gets free beer for life on me. Sorry, sorry, sorry, I will stop now, but the lack of decent music today is something that really really bothers me, and I blame it on the record execs for catering to "Video" and for MTV for playing that Crap!!!!!!! Sorry, If I offended anyone. Jason Saffell
  4. Where was you at 9-11-2001

    I was in my freshman year at Brevard Community College, I found out about the mess from a guy in my Algebra class. At first I couldnt believe him, I dont think many people knew what was going on, cause nobody was talking about it, or even seemed knowledgeable at the time. I dipped out of Algebra like 20 mins early and drove home to see what was going on. I wasnt shocked, since people had been telling us it would happen someday, but I was very very sad since it was clearly the most absurd tragedy to date. I went back to school, and by then the admins had wheeled out tv's into the open walkways, and people were huddled around them. I went to my Western Civ. class, and just sat there like everybody else... speechless, horrified, morbid, and furious.
  5. So what A2A weapon does have a range of 250 nm... sure as hell isnt the Phoenix.
  6. supposedly it's rated at like 90 nm; according to Janes, the Russian KS-172 has the longest range of any A2A missle (250 miles), but I'm sure somebody will pop up and tell us that all russian hardware is s**te, and that there is no way they could ever make anything that compares to american ingenuity. But if you ask me (the great doubter), nobody knows for certain what any of these weapons can do until they put them up against real adversaries (god help us if they do)... And no Iraq and Serbia are not cutting edge adversaries.... So in short, the phoenix may or may not be the farthest reaching A2A missle in the world, but it is certainly the farthest reaching in the West... It would have been nice if the F-14 mod didnt die, I guess we will all just have to cross our fingers for ED to add it to LOMAC someday.
  7. Leni Riefenstahl dies at 101 (it was just a Nazi)

    Do you mean she wasnt a card carrying member? She shot propoganda for the twisted f*cks, thats just as bad as herding people into gas chambers. (Atleast it is in my opinion)
  8. Oooooo, Techno, hot little lesbians, and LOMAC.... I give it two thumbs up, and I havent even seen it
  9. I'm really getting back into SF here lately, and I am just trying to get together all the planes that I missed when I was "not happy with SF". I have downloaded: Thud, FJ3m, A-1H, and Super Echo Cheers, and Thanks, Mista Saffell
  10. I'm interested in what kind of air defense the Navy can put up (apart from aircraft). Specifically I wanted to see the PHALANX System in action. Maybe you could sacrifice yourself for a nice screen?
  11. This was an accomplishment for me. I am really bad at landing, and this time I took a LA-7 in with loss of engine power, and only one landing gear, and executed a perfect landing, balancing the plane using the rudder and ailerons to unicycle it to a suitable stopping speed. Notice everything is intact exept for the right gear.
  12. I got it! Havent played with it yet, but its there. nice little 17meg dl (after 1.1b), cant wait for some more planes.
  13. That would be cool if it came out in 19 days, but I seriously doubt it...
  14. PlanetBattlefield POTD

    ... What the F*CK is that?
  15. There is a resemblence

    I think she looks like Alf :D
  16. I see that the Prowler is coming around, and now an A-10 and a new model for the Skyhawk. Just wondering whats goin on with the A-6.
  17. Galen Thurber up to his old tricks...

    You have to admit, his parents are not very nice people... Oh the shame and humilation... Why would you ever name your child Galen Thurber? It's just tragic.
  18. Track IR Who has it

    Does it make you alot better at playing? How much does it cost?
  19. Track IR Who has it

    I dont get it. You put a little dot on your forehead and the track IR follows it. Now lets say you turn your head to the left, so the view in the game turns to the left, but you are now facing left, and since the monitor does not move (da), dont you have to look cock eyed at the screen? Or what?, I really dont understand the amount of movement that is required by the user.
  20. Galen Thurber up to his old tricks...

    Oh that poster is priceless, it just shows the flawlessness of Column 5's modding ability... must be a navy/usmc touch. Damn! I wanted to be Leo DeCrappio
  21. Wow, I didnt even know he was refering to the patch, only 3 months, cannot be, its been way longer than that.
  22. Galen Thurber up to his old tricks...

    Hey! Thug and goon are complements in my book. You are all a bunch sons of b*tches, so stand up straight, and congradulate yourselves.
  23. Track IR Who has it

    Doesnt it lead to motion sickness???

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