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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Hmmm. I dont know if posting a pick of Crown and Coke is worthwhile. 2000 was pretty fine year.... Angela Little, Playmate of the Month August '98. Who the hell is '84 (forgive me I was 1 year old).
  2. Galen Thurber up to his old tricks...

    Hmmm... date rape??? I dont remember if I said that was okay or not, wait no, I dont remember date rape ever coming up over here, racism, maybe in the loosest most mild of contexts, death threats... well I wont miss him. I dont know what a cyber attack is. Impersonations of who??? What like a joke? I hope he reads this, it would be fun to play with this simpleton for a bit. F*cking Tosser!
  3. Citadel Hell

    I'll add a little something here. 50% of all freshmen... actually I think its nearing 60%... will not return for a 2nd semester at any institution of higher learning. That is a fact. All college students have to deal with pressure (yours is just more up front, and perhaps designed), some kids miss mommy and daddy, others cannot handle not being supervised (party too much), and most just fail becuase they cant hack it on tests and papers. I dont care what anyone has told you, I know some may disagree with me when I say that an education is the most important thing you can achieve. Sure, some say its "service" but you cant be a dumb sh*t and last long there now can you? Just remember that you are there to get a degree and go on to the real military. And dont you let anybody knock you out of your path. My old Psych teacher told me that the most important thing to remember when it comes to education is... "STICK", no matter what, and no matter how long. Get that damn degree, or you will never reach the goals that you set... unless being an enlisted lifer is a goal Good Luck, and hit those books! Cheers, Mista Saffell
  4. I dont have any jet sims except for SF; well I have Flanker but I dont play it because my Saitek isnt very compatible. And I'm wondering if we as a community are going to turn this fabulous sim into some sort of balls to the wall in tight guns and heaters war online. Would we be limiting this game by doing so, are we condemned to this? If it becomes a long range fight for who gets the lock first gets the kill; and will that be making the whole mp experience limited to flying the F-15. Or will we opt for the balls to the wall fight, and all end up flying a Su-27? The question I'm getting at is, are we just going to have to settle for one kind of game, becuase eventually we are going to come to a consensus on what we want mp to be. In SF it is either who gets the lock first wins, or they both lose, or its just guns, and whoever is flying the mig-17 or Super Echo (properly) wins. Now, of course I dont want to have one kind of game. My idea of the ideal LOMAC experience would be to have like 40 people flying all kinds of planes, and performing all kinds of roles. With ground targets, and the ability to knock out airfields. I honestly do not know what a Jet sim of this era is like online. So I guess I'm relying on the people that have played flanker, and F-22, and F-18 online to tell me what it is like. And finally, what would you prefer? A balls to the wall fight, or shootem down from 30 miles away?
  5. Citadel Hell

    Hmmm... this is why I live off campus, and even if I didnt, they dont have inspections, except for stashes of booze... At UCF they have cleaning ladies in the dorms Got dust... the help will take care of it.
  6. Ahem... LOMAC is essentially Flanker 3.0. I think it was at one time going to be called Flanker 3.0 "Flanker Attack".
  7. Just tell yourself that there is no more patches, and then when it does come you will crap your pants and be ultra happy about it. Repeat after me. "There are going to be no more patches". Cheers, and enjoy the wait Mista Saffell
  8. Forget Maddon Check this out!

    GAYNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1st person in madden is; you just dont pick the play (you are just a player), but you dont get to see through a players eyes. I say this as someone who has had every single Madden game since '93... GO BUY SOMETHING ELSE UNLESS YOU LIKE PLAYING THE OWNER MODE LIKE ME, because not a whole lot has changed, except fro adding new moves, and sharper graphics, and a deeper playbook... That vid really makes me want that 1st person view.
  9. Forget Maddon Check this out!

    Hmm... Madden has 1st person view too... I think... I havent checked it out yet, it also has coach mode (just calling plays). And the offseason is 10 times better than it was last year. Do me a favor, and tell me how good the owner mode is in ESPN. Oh madden now has training camp in the offseason so you can actually use those damn drills to improve your players. But ESPN looks better, and I think the titties bounce on the cheerleaders :D Note: Worst thing about Madden football..... IS JOHN MADDEN WONT SHUT THE F*CK UP!
  10. I dont consider myself to be religious, but I do believe in examining religion, and all of them teach that one will pay for his actions in this life or the next... act like a sh*thead, and you will end up living in sh*t. And vica versa.
  11. JESUS! I first learned of it from the inside of IL2... it says Sping 2002. Well atleast it's safe to say that a lot of people have been waiting for a very very long time, and nobody's bitchery has made a dent in the release date... well maybe the PR dept. of UBI
  12. Hey Chief! Look what I found

    This guy has all kinds of little stuff like patches, and hats, and pins, and lighters, even some old uni's. I'm thinkin about gettin pops the Coral Sea Zippo... but it's messed up
  13. Hey Chief! Look what I found

    Ya I saw the VF-143 mug, but I'm lookin for something for pops. I think they have a bunch of patches for VF-111 and USS Coral Sea, and they have a mug for USS Coral Sea, and some other seller has that lighter I was talkin about, but it needs flint and the wheel is jammed on it, and I dont know how to fix that. I looked for USS Oriskany stuff too, but I think my dad would rather have CV 43 stuff, since it was his favorite boat, and VF-111 holds a special place in his life, but all they have is patches, and he doesnt have much need for those.
  14. Yes, 2 months is not a big deal anymore. I've given up on set dates, infact I'd rather them stop stringing us along, and just release it out of the blue. Good God they are already a year behind from their initial estimates, so it's not like any of us that have been following this game from the beginning can really feel hurt by not getting a demo. And if you are devastated about not having a demo... well find something else, becuase tears and complaints wont make the LOMAC fairy pay you a special visit. Cheers, Jay
  15. Well there's a thought. Actually I was playing some guy on EA Matchup with NHL 2003, a while back, and I had like 5 goal lead, then I blew it, but not becuase he was worth a damn (he used auto aim, and you can pull off some really really cheesy goals that way). I ended up losing like 8-7, when the game closed and we were sitting on the exit screen, he kept calling me a whinny loser, and then he started calling me a N***** over and over again, and I'm not even black. Telling me that I shouldnt be playing hockey cause it was a white man's game. All I had to say to him was, ya it takes real skill to let the computer do all the work. But why the outrage and hatred??? I just know that I would kick the sh*t out of anyone that called me that or even called anyone around me that (in that context). I really really despise idiocy, and immaturity. So yes I do agree, that flight simmers tend to have a higher code of conduct, but we do have our undesireables. Thankfully we can usually root them out here. Once, again thank you MJ for having "RULES", and thanks to the rest of the Biohaz community for atleast acting professional, but at the same time not being anal. I think the overall tone of our group here, keeps some of the wilder ones from getting out of control.
  16. Hey Chief! Look what I found

    YOU CAN DO IT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBAY! Just search for the item # and then click on the sellers other stuff... as if anyone with a PC doesnt know how to use eBay
  17. Yes, and just think if we can institute Carrier Ops! I wonder if that will be available in mp.
  18. Biohaz Football Pool - Interested??

    Hmm.... I think I'll be going with my Central Florida (Tampa Bay) Bucs... How bout a college football pool??? Guess who'd I'd pick 8) When are you planning on forming this, anyway?
  19. Well didya, cause it looks different.
  20. Describe your job.

    I didn't know he was in demand. Didn't he win an award for some sh*tty homemade movie??? I dont know, I dont watch award shows... except for the NHL awards.
  21. As I've said before (on the LOMAC forum), we (the hardcore freaks) are not the ones that bring in all the cash. We are the ones that provide that initial boost sales. Just look at SF, people are still buying it (not many, but a few). They need to market this game to the fullest, and not kill it with a premature demo release. After all, wouldnt you like to see a few hundred perhaps thousand new simmers playing online? LOMAC is our best hope for preserving flight sims. If it does well, perhaps we will see future instalments in the LOMAC line, and hopefully a few more comanies will spend money on our genre. Now if ED was ready to send out the Final product in November, then I would be all for it, but they are not ready, and they may delay it again (I hope not). So releasing the demo to please a couple thousand hardcore posters does not make sense on a grand scale. One more thing, the fact that the previews were handed out, should be good enough for us hardcore peeps. Atleast now we get more first hand info on the game, and get to request some screens, and vids. Once again, the posters on the forums have already signed on for LOMAC, and they dont need the DEMO to persuade their pocket books. I see some people talkin smack over on other forums, about how they wont be buying the game, and that might stay true for a little bit, but eventually that little box is going to ware on those people and they will end up buying it. And even if a small minority of idiots still refuse to buy LOMAC, I dont think UBI's gonna sweat'em at all. As for me, as a college student, a DEMO does not sway my opinion on whether or not to buy a game... I'll be wondering if not eating for a week is worth a new game... I'm still feeling the hole in my account from buying the new madden. Cheers, Enjoy the wait Mista Saffell Noles-37, Heels-0
  22. heres kitty..

    Somebody wanna get a screen of my hometown (Melboure FL), its just south of the cape, I'd say a minute or 2 south in full AB with an F-14, or you could fly out of Melbourne International, fly north like 30 secs from airport and my house should be right there. PS: Melbourne is on the West side of the intercoastal waterway by the cape.
  23. They have a whole list of aircraft that are up for future addition. Copied from www.lo-mac.com Will there be additional flyable aircraft for Lock On? No. We are striving for detailed modeling of each flyable aircraft and there are only so many we can do and maintain a high quality standard. Our list of flyable aircraft is frozen for the initial release. The addition of more flyable aircraft for future Lock On products is being given serious consideration Return to Top What AI-only aircraft will be included? In addition to the eight flyable aircraft, 50 AI-controlled aircraft will be included. These aircraft are all modeled in exacting detail and include accurate weapon payloads and flight dynamics. These aircraft include the: *F-16C *F-4E *F-5E *F-14A *F/A-18C *S-3B *F-117 *B-1B *B-52H *Mirage 2000-5 *Tornado IDS *KC-10 *E-3 *E-2C *C-17 *C-130J *AH-64A *AH-64D *AH-1W *UH-60 *UH-1 *CH-47 *SH-60 *SH-3 *MiG-31 *MiG-25P *MiG-25R *MiG-23ML *MiG-27 *Su-17M4 *Su-24 *Su-30 *Su-34 *Su-39 *Tu-22M3 *Tu-95 *Tu-160 *A-50 *IL-78 *IL-76 *An-26B *An-30M *Tu-142 *Ka-50 *Ka-52 *Mi-24D *Mi-8MT *Mi-26 *Ka-27 [/color] It's been my understanding that the F-18 is up for consideration, because there has been some bitching about not having US carrier ops (I've bitched too), and it's not to hard to imagine the Tornado being added or the Mirage (maybe to satisfy UK or French demands), but that is just pure speculation, but it seems logical from a basic customer relations POV. Cheers, Jay

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