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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Describe your job.

    Future punchline to a lawyer joke
  2. It rains almost everyday, and when it doesn't its like 95 degrees. Also, first week of school was a bitch. <C>
  3. I just think its kind of sad to see this level of maturity being shown on the boards. It's just a game, and dont think everybody who's bitching is some 13 year old kid; I bet half of the people whinning are guys in there 30's and 40's. I really do not think the demo should be leaked; it would hurt the standing of the DEV Team with UBIsoft. Personally I do not know where people get the time to bitch like this.... christ its the end of week one of classes and I have 300 pages of crap to read. People just need to find something else to do. I have a lot of video games, but they are more of a substitute for TV during down time, and that is all LOMAC will be for me, unless it is such a phenomenal game that I want to give up all life outside of my room.... and this isnt likely. So all I have to say to some of these people is doing something else, play another game (Madden 04 is out, and its good), go to the beach if you can, Bar B Q, go get sh*tfaced, just do something and stop bitching about some demo being pushed back a couple of weeks (if you had a life outsided of flightsims.... like a job or something, then a month will fly by, and before you know it the final product will be here). Cheers, Jay Note: Not intended as a reply to this thread, just my feelings on the matter.
  4. God there are some d*cks over there. I almost forgot why I havent even been to another sim site (besides this one) in like 8 months. It's sad to see the LOMAC board stoop to the IL2 level, but it was bound to happen. Take a trip over there, and read the hate and angst and you will see why this is the only site worth coming to when it comes to LOMAC. Thanks again MJ for not being a c*ck.
  5. I think its just a massive Meth epedemic in the sim community. See they are anxious, and unnerved, and in a general state idiotic frenzy. Either that or some people just need to find something a little more stable to lean their lives against. As we have seen, there are weirdo's in our midst. Note: the meth thing is a joke. But people really just need to chill, and go outside or something.
  6. Hmm... it's not like anything is written in stone when it comes to LOMAC, so nobody should get angry about this (I'm sure the other LOMAC boards are freaking out). Remember it was Spring '02 for final release, but hey, sh*t happens. I was kinda hoping for a demo really soon, but its not like I'm in tears. It will come out someday, and everybody will be happy... god I hope for UBI's sake. And, ya, they really need a new PR department (must be run by a bunch of c*ck teasers).
  7. Note: what I meant in "Free for all" would be what we have seen in the vids of the ground war. Two sides in a massive conflict. I dont know how spawning is going to work, but I am tired of playing FB, and trying to blow up a ship or column, and always being picked off by some d*ck in a P-47 or Me-262. It would just be cool to see, helo's and ground forces all fighting below you while you provide cover for A-10's or Su-25's. I wont be easing into this game the way I did with IL2 (I used to fly in wonderwoman view, and now I hate being out of my cockpit). I'm planning on learning this game to the max. At one time all I wanted to do was fly the Flanker, but I really dont like Russian planes, and also dont like AF planes... but I do think the hog looks alright (its growing on me little by little). My beef is, I just really wanna be able to be blowing crap up on the ground (while I wait for US carrier ops), and not have to worry about some Kommi in a mig popping me becuase some F-15 pilot decided to chase a mig 20nm away from the combat zone. I guess I'm just hoping for a much better experience online. IL2 doesnt show a whole lot of teamwork, and SF... is well... SF. From what I have read it really depends on the mp code capabilities. 4v4 (maybe for A2A) isnt really my thing, as I said I'm into the massive thing, and I'm looking forward to playing this game with all of you.
  8. Hmmm.... I'm kinda wanting a free for all. All weapons, all planes. Say starting at like 50 nm. I'd really like to see carrier ops in mp. Imagine having 2 navies and 2 land based groups. And having the ability to knock out these carriers and airfields. In which case the Navy boys would have to find land bases, and if the airfields got knocked out, having to find a secondary base. I'm kind of a group 2 guy. I like to blow up things in IL2, but I find most people just like to shoot at eachother, and that sucks when flying an He-111. But in SF, I like to dog fight and I use external views, but only when I'm not in a dog fight.... I like to look at my plane . I'm just hoping for something massive and unseen in mp before. Kinda like the Alpha strike thing I've been dying for in SF.... I do want that A-6. And I really really really want the hornet and cat for LOMAC. Thanks for the info, Cheers, Jay Anybody else got some wishes or comments.... feel free to post.
  9. New Truck!

    I miss my truck, I used to have a 2000 Chevy Blazer (white). I could really use it when trying to find parking on campus. It would be nice to be able to climb over a few curbs to park in the grass. Now I got this little ass Ford Probe... so weak.
  10. heres kitty..

    So is there Air to Air combat for FS or is that just for CFS??? I wondering because I'm seeing some really cool stuff coming from this game, and I dont know if I should spend the huge sum of cash to get it (being a poor student and all). I wish we had the Big Cat for SF....
  11. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    Actually it has been bothering me since the time he posted it. As you (MJ) know, me and Ranger have never been on good terms. I didnt want to bring it up, because it may not have been a good idea to sling mud, or question a member like that. He also claims to be a Jew, in my "A link I think you all should click on" post. It just always rubbed me the wrong way, how he was always able to make himself look like the guy who had the right to be offended by (specifically) my posts, even if the post didnt warrant it. Whoever the hell he is, it's safe to say that he isnt who we thought he was, and that he isnt part of the Biohaz family anymore.
  12. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    Here's the gem I was looking for. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ranger332 Member #: 148 Lying Scumbag Joined: 17 Nov 2002 Posts: 1747 Location: Texas Posted: 10 Mar 2003 21:16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this need to come to a stop it has nothing to add to the game and serves no function that will benifet anyone so lets drop it AND AS A BLACK MALE CURRENTLY SERVING AGAIN THE THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA THOUGH WE GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE OFFENCIVE THAT DOSENT ME USE IT. LETS ALL TAKE A BREATH AND GET BACK TO THE GAMES. this space could have been better used to talk about mp probs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notice Ranger is a BLACK MALE in the post.
  13. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    As the XO of the sister squadron to Black Shadow flight, and for the most part the standing CO since Fast Eagle is predisposed with "REAL" military matters. I find it all to be incredibly troubling. Ranger has been a useful poster at times, and at other times has gotten deep beneath my skin. He is the only member that had gone round and round with me on military topics. I am only a 20 year old college student with little to no knowledge of military life. But as the son of a Navy Vietnam Veteran, who now works to protect the flying public. I can only remember a story that my father told me a few years ago. It was about body bags; how he had to unload them when he was at Miramar, and back in the 80's he had to go to a crash site of a jetliner (a TCAS accident: his expertise) and he saw still more body bags. And now my fathers only purpose in life is to protect the people of the United States and the World (works on Hi-Jack mode). All of the efforts of the Civil and Military community to protect all of us should be commended. And when someone tries to act the part, just to get attention, I am deeply saddened. For Ranger332 to claim to be someone that served his military proudly and honorably is a very disturbing and yet foggy proposition. We do not know the mental history of this individual. It is obvious that he does not have multiple personalities, since all his alias's have a common mentality. But it is safe to say that he is not right in the head. I am now cutting Black Shadow flight away from VF-143, all members (apart from Ranger and his alias's) of Black Shadow flight are welcome to join the dogs. Although this may not be complete cut (on the internet) since FE is away, but be assured that this decision will more than likely be completely supported by my CO. This is just an increadibly sad day for the Biohaz Crew. I will close with a statement I used in a conversation with Ranger back in march.... They are vagrants, bums, and cheating assholes, that prop themselves up with falsities, and everyone around them ends up paying for it. They have never shown a dedication to anything other than themselves, and they never will. Note: this was not intended to be against Ranger in the original posting, but it is now Note:2: I am still looking through the old posts for examples of his questionable character.
  14. ok where am I now?

    St. Peter's Basillica, Vatican City :D
  15. ok where am I now?

    St. Peters?
  16. ok where am I now?

    Hmm I almost thought Florence with that first pic, but the colosium gives it away... ROME!
  17. HOAX - A Salute to PW - HOAX

    <S> :!: Perhaps we could send his family something (collectively) once the details are sorted out.
  18. The Biohaz Store is now online!

  19. Well Here's an interesting pic.

    Any guesses of what it is... it's easy if you look at it for a bit.
  20. Well Here's an interesting pic.

    The picture was sent to me by my sister, she is a meteorolist in Iowa with the National Weather Service. If you look close enough at the area that is NYC, you can see some tiny spots of light, and what looks like what maybe Buffalo, and maybe Toronto. That huge patch of light up there aroung montana is probably the Edmonton and Calgary area, both cities are HUGE! As for my sister sending me a fake, I dont know for sure, but I really doubt it. But perhaps it is a fake. It still shows the blackout area very well.
  21. Well Here's an interesting pic.

    Dutchy, put your mouse pointer on the first slash on the top, and move down like 3 inches, ITS HUGE, Most of the NE U.S.
  22. Sneaky F*cking Russian (from the movie Snatch)
  23. Well Here's an interesting pic.

    Good Job Tiwaz, I'll forgive Dutchy since he may not have gotten the inflated news.

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