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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Yawn...

    Come Play SF if you cant sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. This Link is Awesome!

    http://www.astercity.net/~tobik/pingpong.html Cheers, Jay
  3. Hardcore Flight Sims on Consoles? am I nutz?

    Well if the idea of flight simming on a console were to really come about, it would have to be done by microsoft, maybe introduce MSFS to it, and see how it goes. It's not like they would care if they lost a little money.
  4. Damn, I wonder if I can get a leopard print thong?
  5. Hardcore Flight Sims on Consoles? am I nutz?

    Very true, infact thats the argument that I've heard from my friends that say PC games suck... in the familiar " Yeah, dude but they gotta support sh*tty computers too, and you always gotta upgrade". But think about this... lots of people have owned every single gaming system that has come out in the past 10 years, and that is a whole lot of cash. And all it does is boost the graphics. Until they come out with a system that looks like total reality, then I'm not buying it, because a new system will come out every year or two, in the same way that you have to upgrade vid cards and such. Atleast with a PC, you dont have upgrade everything; but a vid card can hurt the pocket.
  6. So are we playing again tommorrow??? Who's gonna jump in on this?
  7. Reno Air Races are coming soon......

    That is one beefy looking prop job 8)
  8. An EBAY item for you F-4 Phantom "Phans!"

    When are ya gonna post some pics of your shinny new Bathroom? :D
  9. Hardcore Flight Sims on Consoles? am I nutz?

    your probably right about systems completely taking over the market , but the thing is that flight sims just arent all that popular in comparison... again All an XBOX needs is Internet Explorer, Word, and Power Point, and I wouldnt need a PC, but then again XBOX would just be a Little PC
  10. An EBAY item for you F-4 Phantom "Phans!"

    Hmm... no bid yet, or are ya just waitin; chief?
  11. Hardcore Flight Sims on Consoles? am I nutz?

    I forgot, there was a sim that came out on PS2 (I think), it had some kid playing it (on the commercial), he had a full helmet on and had his grandma's O2 hooked up and he was playing this sim.... I didnt see the ad play very often and you can tell it made an impression on me, seeing how I cant remember the name. All signs point to failure for that particular game... good ad though. I think its possible, and not a bad idea, but it just isnt plausable on a macro scale.
  12. Hardcore Flight Sims on Consoles? am I nutz?

    No, real flight simming will always be apart of the PC world. Besides LOMAC probably wouldnt run on XBOX, maybe PS3 or XBOX 2, but think about it, flight sims are rooted in the PC gaming world... sports games are not. Something about college students hudled in a dorm room drinking beer and eating pizza while they take turns talking sh*t to eachother over a friendly game of Madden. Now can you see this with a PC??? Sure, it doesnt sound to far fetched until you delve into the psyche of a gamer. You have 3 types, the guy that plays sports and fighting games, and occasionally an FPS or GTA, or a racing game; get the idea of who this person is? He probably isnt too into having to learn how to use a 7 mode Russian weapons system , infact I would be suprised if this average joe even knew what radar was. I have seen it with my own eyes, flight sims are just too hard for regular people to learn. The other type of gamer is the one that is stuck in another world... the RPG gamer... need I say more (not poking at anyone) but spells and goblins aren't my thing. The last type of gamer would be the guy that plays crap that is rooted in some form of reality and or history... Most FPS's and Flight sims, and probably an RTS. Those people are a much smaller group than the 1st group but a larger one than the 2nd. But if you look at the games that the 1st group (average joe) plays, you will see that they make up the overwhelming bulk of games. Just look at all the sports games that are made, and then fighting games, and racing games. I think the XBOX is capable of running a few sims, but its just not economical for a company to sink money into a genre that is not all that popular. It wouldnt take much to convert the hardware to say an XBOX but think of the risk in converting all that hardware, and if it doesnt pay off, then that company is out a whole lot of money. Note: I belong to groups 1 and 3 of gamer. But sims are the most fun. In short, the buying public in general still looks at PC gaming as the "DORK" of gaming; its okay to play on an XBOX but the computer is still for "smart people" even though windows is easy enough for a 3 yr old, and since Sims are attached to a PC stigma... they too are kinda dorkish... but not as fruity as something like D&D online. Again, please nobody take offence to what I have said. It's just my 2 cents. Cheers, Jay
  13. Screenshots

    Are there carrier ops in this, or is it just eye candy?
  14. Very nice vid, thanks for posting it MJ.
  15. Kick ASS Jeff, you covered the big thing that I was thinking about... Ejection, I was wondering if this was modeled worth a damn... and it looks pretty good. Thanks for reading my mind. Cheers, Jay [EDIT] And the news of a possible/probable F-18 for US is just to good a news to explain... now if they add an F-14 too.... :D
  16. talk about dedication! Big UP! To the Mudd
  17. Well on HL you can change you screen name which is you call sign. In SF single play my callsign is just "Sundowner" but my screen name is VF_143 Sundowner so that is what shows up during an MP game.
  18. Well it looks like the F-4E just switched to default, but as for the Airbase not showing up on Stiker's... that is inexplicable. It could be that it is just another MP problem, where both players are not on the same map, but in the same sky.
  19. Whoa, so you couldn't see the Airbase we landed at? That is F*CKIN weird, and as for the skin, I guess everybody has to have it if they want to see it, otherwise its just the defualt. I really wish SF had automatic skin download like FB. Like I said before the only skins that I have are VF143 (obviously), VF51 CAG, and VF111. I usually rotate them, but they are always installed.
  20. New Air Force Uniform

    Quit building Stealth bombers, and the AF can have whatever uni they want. McNamara was a worthless war conducter but atleast he knew how to save money on the little things... (the M-16). As for the Bellbottoms, my dad had a pair of custom made ones (for dress), they were skin tight until just below the knee, and then they flared out to like 4 feet; He looked like f*ckin Elvis.... ah the 70's, that fashion is coming back you know.
  21. A not-so-intelligent BAM..

    Is there such a thing as an attractive BAM? I know my sister's grad at Paris Island was full of Fugly's.

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