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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Sorry, I keep posting for this, but my brain is fried and I keep remembering crap like 5 mins after I post. But I hope whoever downloads this, has a pretty good system. Nothing that cant handle the big missions in FB. I'm running 1.8 GHZ P4, 512 mb RAM, and 64mb Nvidia GeForce 3.
  2. here's a couple screens of what you can expect.
  3. Holy Sh*t! This was time consuming. Now I kinda feel for those guys that build campaigns... but then again its there job. I've spent atleast 6 hours today, on tweeking the mission, and it still isnt perfect. It's kind of a "dynamic" mission. And some may find it to be like the "Low Level at Kerch" mission, except this one is Kerch on 750 cc's of steroids. You are in the #1 flight of He-111's (armed with torpedoes), you are attacking from the north. #2 flight of He-111's will come from the south (with 4 500 kgs). 1 flight of Ju-87's will bomb airfield, 2nd flight will bomb armor depot. Your only fighter cover is 4 D-9's. Now here is where it becomes "Dynamic", your flight will probably be shot out of the sky by ship based AAA, if the 3 U-Boats entering the harbour do not sink atleast 2 of the flak capable ships. Also #2 flight of 111's will probably be shot to bits, if the D-9's do not take care of or atleast delay the flight of LA-7 ShVaks. It's a good mission, it's only about 30 mins long (try not to use time compress cause theres no need) I have placed static cams in various areas, to let you see all the cool crap I put in the game. There are barrage balloons, sirens, search lites (you are going to attack right after midnight), flak, you are also flying through T-Storms. All and all its just fun to watch whats goin on. There is a skirmish on the front that I have found to be not so "Hot" since they cant see eachother... MEH! So here it is.
  4. Snapped this one after I dropped 2 500kg's somewhere near this yak online (I blew my 111 up in the process). The guy I bombed, was like (WTF! JUST HIT ME!), I think he may have been tossed and turned a bit, looks like a giant shotgun got'em pretty good.
  5. So where do I get the mission? Heres one I've been workin on. Started out with a fictional mission over Sebastopol (well had a Leningrad one at first but it sucked). Anyway started with 2X4 filghts of He 111's one with torpedos and the other with 4 500kg's. Followed by 2X4 flights of Ju-87's with 1 500 and 2 250's. Fighter support was 1X4 of D-9's, and 1X4 K-4's. Objectives are as follows. He-111's destroy the Fleet docked at Sebastopol (Marat, 2 Kirovs, 1 old Cruiser, 3 DD type 7's, and 4 cargo vesels). #1 flight of Ju-87's to destroy parked aircraft at Russian Airbase SSE of Sebastopol. #2 flight of Ju-87's to destroy armor depot between Sebastopol and airfield. K-4's take CAP over N. Sebastopol. (Docks) D-9's take CAP over S. Sebastopol. (Airfield) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Russians have 2 flights of LA-7 ShVaks patroling N and S sectors. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> King Tigers moving in from 4 directions, are to punch through soviet lines (IS-2's and T-34-85's) and advance into center of Sebastopol. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U-boats moving in to try and sink a few of the ships mored in Sebastopol. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soviet MBR's flying to try and find these U-Boats. Flak is all over the city. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< In case you cant tell, but the initial run of this was choppy at best, and no planes on either side survived... but 2 Ju-87's did make it to the Tanks and hit their targets, and then were shot down by flak. Further moddling, made me scale back to no MBR's, half the ships, 1 U-boat, no K-4's, and only 1 flight LA's, also had to knock back on the AAA, and Tanks, so now it runs pretty smooth, but it is near impossible for the He-111 to do any damage. I was able to realease my torpedos as I was shot down at 30m and they sunk one Cruiser, the rest of my flight was blown out of the sky by flak from the ships, the other flight was lost aswell. Soviet LA's were all destroyed, and so were the D-9's, in the end the flight of Ju-87's that attacked the airfield made it back home (2 with hung ordinance... BASTARDS!). Only the Cruiser that I sunk... well sunk. As for that Leningrad mission that I eluded to, there was so much flak, that I had to put it on Invincible to just get within site of the city, and I tried to get a screen of all the AAA for you guys, and well I hit "Print Screen" and the game crashed... lol.
  6. DAMN IT! Somebody delete one of those posts (cause I cant edit). And I forgot to mention the game, this sim has sooooooo much potential. I really really really hope they want to branch out into other theatres. I was thinking (as I was flying an He 111 online) "Damn this German wish I were a heavy bomber" and I suddenly wanted a B-17. They could do it with enough patches but that may not be economically feesible*. They could use the same graphics, but have games like "P-51 Mustang... Cadillac of the Sky", or "B-29 Superfortress... Super Nuker". Imagine having to fly Close A2G support for an amphibious landing, or Shooting up a Ju-87 over London in a Spitfire. UBI could kick the sh*t outa microsoft in the flight sim world. I wont even look at CFS I and II anymore, I just play IL2 FB :D
  7. Damn Japs, always messin with the Russians! They had a nice and bloody war in 1905, most people remember the loss of the Baltic Fleet, however if you really want to look into this war, you will find that it had some pretty interesting impacts on world politics. Like Britain mining parts of the English Channel to hopefully sink Russian ships, and Kaiser Wilhelm urging Nicholas to defend Europe from the heathens to the east, and the French not acting as allys to the Russians, actually the Germans were the only ones to help the Russians in this war, they let the Fleet use one of their coaling stations in one of the German colonies (maybe Africa). Not to mention the encirclement of Port Arthor by the Japs, and the humiliating defeat to follow, Russia was not prepared for the war, the Siberain railway was still having to ferry trains across lake Baikal. And the ineptness of the supreme commander in the field. All these fun facts and more in Solzhenitsyn's "August 1914: The Red Wheel Part I." If you can bear the boredom that is Russian literature. Oh about that skirmish in 1939, I think there may have been one before, but I got this from a chick I used to know (Naomi Miyamoto), her grand dad was in one of those skirmishes and got captured (sent to Siberia) she relayed to me that when he took a sh*t, it froze instantly. Now thats COLD!
  8. Cup Crazy!

    Any bets on the Finals? I say Devils in 5 games.
  9. It is lost in that great abyss called time... along with LOMAC. But there is good news for both games, new stuff is added all the time to SF, and LOMAC gives us more screens and vids. I havent been playing SF, but when the A-6 comes out, I will surely reinstall it. :D Cheers, Jay
  10. flying online

    Sure, I will hold up my committment to my squad. I will have cable modem in less than a month, but then again I will be at FSU, and video games may have to be put on the things to do when I'm not getting drunk and pickin up underclass bimbos list. But I'm sure I can find an hour or so a day to play online. Cheers, Jay
  11. To MadJeff and other Moderators

    Its the only non music or hockey site I come to! :D
  12. I'm going to tell a story about a video game that I may have told before. See there is a company that has a long lineage of fine video games. Most of their profits have come from there sports games. They have dabled in a few others, I recall F-22 interceptor for Sega Genesis being my first flight sim. this company had built up a reputation and a vast fan base that company's like sega (games) are still fighting to compete with. since 1995 I have owned every copy of NHL hockey on either Sega or Computer. Now the game had changed many times, at one time you could not fight but you could make players heads bleed, but for the most part the game improved steadily. In the later versions of this game (try to think of every version as a patch, because thats what they are) the graphics got better and better and the game play got better. When NHL 2001 came out I was very very impressed with the whole game except for the crowd (that was cheese). Now the 02 version was not much of an improvement outside of rosters and a little bit better animation. 2003 was and is a complete peice of sh*t, the graphics are aweful (they are smooth but the players look like they have downs syndrome... with the exeption of a few decent looking ones) the game play is just terrible and alot of people that bought this game were complaining that EA had released a BETA version instead of finishing it, and they just like Third Wire released a patch that fixed a few things but not all of them. The community for this game was outraged (you think that the sim boards get heated )... but I bet you that most of those people that were bitching still played the game just as I did (in truth if I had a better internet connection I wouldnt be playing Flight Sims online, I would be playing on EA matchup, I have no promises for my involvement when I move to Tallahassee and get cable modem). So I guess the moral of the story is, if you really like a genre of games, that you should stick with a sim no matter what, not becuase someone tells you to or that you should have some loyalty or that they demand you have patience, but because its what you like to do. I didnt play NHL for most of the time I had it, but when playoffs started I finished a whole season and playoffs before the end of the 2nd round. It's an addiction, but a good one, and if flight simming is your addiction then embrace it with open arms, take the good with the bad. Yes I've been very critical of SF in the past but I blame IL2 for that, becuase after playing it online, I became a MP addict (I used to play the campaigns constantly), and thats all I looked at flight sims for, I havent even played the campaigns in SF, or FB for that matter. SF is a good game, it has vast amounts of talent in its community, so it probably wont die. It is uninstalled on my cpu, and collecting dust on my CD shelf, but the software doesnt have an expiration date, and I'm positive that I will reinstall it someday. Note: this is not a reply to anyones remarks, just my comparison between two games that will eventually sort themselves out. Hopefully patch 2 will be out soon, and hopefully it will fix the bugs. And I pray that NHL 2004 will return the game to its former prominence (EA is already talkin sh*t about how good its gonna be :? ). Jason Saffell
  13. Band of Brothers

    band of brothers was amazing, as for SPR... If the Edward Burns character had been cut out, and Matt Damon was replaced with anyone other than Ben Affleck then it would have been perfect... Tom Sizemore* was awesome but not as good as his role in "Flight of the Intruder" (Box Man). Best episode in BOB, when they found a concentration camp for the first time (in my opinion).
  14. Pukin' Dogs, fall in for Quarters......

    I'm HERE!!! A-6??? 8) that would be cool, if we could do what I suggested a while ago (alpha strikes)... All navy of course :D i love the A-6, but I will admit that my bombing skills are rather poor in comparison to my A2A skills. Also chief, I have been able to get in touch with more than half the squad, and it's seems that they and I as are you and skip are all awaiting patch 2.
  15. Hey dutchy!

    Do you know of any online Dutch record shops? I'm trying to get my hands on some vinyl from Ferry Corsten, Robert Smit, Tiesto, etc. And the only place that has any dutch trance is a UK recordshop, and my almighty dollar is getting the sh*t kicked out of it by the GB Pound. Dont know how old you are, if you are in your 20's you can probably help, or ask your son if you have one.
  16. Hey dutchy!

    Fat Boy Slim performed in front of something like 250,000 people last year in Brighton Beach in Britain. i just bought Tiesto's new mix album "Nyana" (is that a dutch word?). It's pretty good, but I think he should have used more of his own stuff on it. As for my DJing stuff, I have yet to even attempt a gig... I need more records, and I have just now figured out how to use my mixer to the fullest. I'd say I need maybe another 50-70 records, and a lot more proactice before I try for any gigs, hopefully Tallahassee will need a dj with my toons (im moving there in about a month).
  17. The post your pic thread

    Yep, but I have to keep the security setting on high, otherwise all of the cookies that I just wiped away come back as soon as I tool around the site for more than 30 seconds. I dont know anything about code, whatever, but there may be a problem with the login cookie for each login process (pm's, posts, initial login), have you fixed the avatar setting so you cant link to any image on the internet and make it your avatar? Like I told you, someone could put a 1000 X 1000 vagina (or whatever) up there.
  18. Army Aviation Question

    hmmmm... I dont really know why they are called leathernecks... for some reason my mom got me the mag subscritption when I was 4 (what wierd family), but I will make an educated guess... perhaps from the sunburn? Well wait Brits sunburn, our boys tend to tan for some reason tanning is the creation of leather, am I on the right track? Marines being up in the scaffolding* picking off the enemy. Dont be knockin the St. Johns mofo, remember Andy Jackson couldn't beat the Seminoles because of the swamp, the farther south you go in Florida, the worse it gets, we've got gators in the sewer system here... sh*t we feed pizza to the one that lives in the canal next to my job (domino's). Eventually you run into the everglades where I have personally shot and killed a 14ft gator (keep that on the downlow, one of those expeditions with my crazy colombian in-laws. Only place that comes close to the Florida swamps is the Achifilaya* basin 'round Baton Rouge (I hate driving over that bridge on I-10). As for Nam, tigers and banana vipers will take the cake. Sh*t how did this turn from aviation into a naval discussion, and then into this nonsense :?: screw it I'm gonna go play Tropico 2.
  19. The post your pic thread

    the cookies that allow for log in, editing, all the little pictures MJ has, etc, etc. Mine are all messed up so I have my security setting on max so I have to log in over and over and over to post anything, and I cant take down the security setting otherwise I get flooded with cookies, and i cant post becuase it shows "invalid session", MJ and I have been over this and nothing works. I just blame it on AOL.
  20. Army Aviation Question

    For some reason I remember the Navy having these things called "Boarding Parties", made up of sailors, well before anyone thought of having a specialized landing force. And I do believe the navy has a sh*load of small arms on board just in case (right), I've seen pictures in my dad's old cruise book of hundreds of M-1's (I assume they've moved to M-16's now). For you marines, I will say this the restaraunt on Paris Island blows (so did the coffee at graduation), and the swamp is pussy ass!!! And have any of you (marine or army) had to do any training in the St. Johns river basin... you know for swamp training.
  21. AOL needs some censors/editors

    So what's the number 1 party school? I hate my AOL :x
  22. The post your pic thread

    I'd edit it, if it weren't for these god damn cookies!
  23. SH*T!!! I just know my system wont be able to run this game, to good a graphics, and I dont have the cash to go buy a new video card (I'm running 64mb GeForce 3), it just looks to damn good.
  24. I dont know if it's possible to top the "Nuke", but I like this one.
  25. Hey dutchy!

    YES! Had to get these from recordstore.co.uk

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