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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. The post your pic thread

    Here's my sh*tty mug.
  2. Cup Crazy!

    NJ plays has played the best "D" for the past 8 or so years, with Pat Burns behind the bench the team "D" has only gotten better, eventually NJ will start going back to the hard nosed brutal checking that has knocked Ottawa out of the playoffs the previous 3 years (by Toronto), I would not count Minn. out yet its only been one game, and they seem to be able to come back from anything, "Jiggy's" gonna faulter in one of the games and will probably lose it after that, same thing happened to Kevin Weekes last year... when it comes down to it I think NJ's gonna take Ottawa in 6 games, and be able to beat whoever comes out of the west in 5. Note: I hate the Devil's but they do have the track record, and nobody is better than Brodeur in the playoffs, not even Roy or Giguere.
  3. So I see, all these fantastic new planes coming out, the F-14, A-7, etc., etc., but I have yet to see any news of someone planning on doing an A-6. I know all of you supreme modders, are busy working on other projects, but I was just wondering if any of you has given any real thought to doing an A-6.
  4. I know its dying, but I just dont want to let it go, kinda like the A-6 being retired. God I cant wait for it to be in SF. :D
  5. Tornado sirens twice today

    Tornado's You want cool, try Hurricanes. I havent had the misfortune of having to go through a major one (when Andrew was coming we left, but it struck around Miami... 150 miles south), but we stayed for Hurricane Erin (level 1) back in '95 or something, we lost a couple trees, a few neighbors had roof's with some major leaks in'em, but the really cool part was when the winds stopped, we had 4 ft of water just show up (it's not like those floods you guys get where you have a little warning, and you can sand bag your house in), my dad ran outa cigs, and milk, so he canoed a mile away through the streets to the nearest grocery store, while he was gone we hooked up some boogie boards to the back of our old 4X4 GMC Jimmy (back when that was a Tahoe), and wake boarded through the neighborhood, people with lower houses were pist becuase the wake was pushing up into their homes The next day all the water was gone, because Florida is made out of sand, and no amount of water stays for too long. Note: Putting up plywood around windows is a BITCH!!! Oh and we have a screened in porch so that sucks bad. Also a level 5 (they said it was a 4, so people wouldn't freak ) Cane was supposed to hit us a few years back (I think it was Floyd), we hauled ass up to Tally to stay with my sisters, thats after we boarded up (as if it helps)
  6. Should Biohaz add some FPS forums?

    Ghost Recon and its add ons, most definately, great game, and most of the posters on the ubi forum for it, is a dick! As are a great many number of the people that play the game in mp for some reason. So I suggest we start up a little GR clan here, so as to not have all those friendly fire issues (I hate it when people do that). Splinter Cell.... hmmm... :D And why not the bloodiest game ever made... Sudden Strike II, so many explosions, so much death.
  7. Cup Crazy!

    Smart money's on New Jersey. Then Dallas, but they have a young inexperienced goalie. Maybe Phili, but half their team is concussed from the series against the dirty Leafs :D . If Ottawa can play they way that they are supposed to, then they could be the favorite, but they usually cant get it done. As for Vancouver, Minn, TB, and Anaheim... No way in hell that any of those teams get passed NJ. I hate the Devils, but if I had money to bet with, then NJ would be the way to go.
  8. finally 500 posts!

    Posting Freaks: Ranger, Dagger, and my CO Soon to be Freaks, PCpilot, Me, and SDirickson MJ has the posts, be he is a moderator, so he doesnt count.
  9. Cup Crazy!

    Leafs are in the East, Wings are in the West, they both used to be in the west about 5 years ago... in the same division (the Norris). I guess I have to root for Tampa Bay now, and Minnesota, gotta love that team. Leafs just imploded in game 7, I think Pat Quinn may get fired, and the whole team get reordered, they did it a while back, they'll do it again.
  10. About this girl winning the CMH?

    I agree whole heartedly PC, my sister was training for intel out at Ft. Chauchuca* (as a marine), and some asshole 2nd Lt. was trying to make these intel peeps into front line grunts, by running up and down the mountains around the base with a full load, Stef (my sis) blew out her knee becuase of this. So now she gets a check from the gov. every month for the rest of her life, plus the G.I. bill, and only did a year and a half in the crotch. As for the gays, some of those bull dykes are far tougher than any man I know, think its becuase they really really want to be a man more than anything, but they are still women and lack the physical strength to do it right. As for the gay men, I have never seen any one person more tenacious then a gay man that feels threatened. And gays work with other gays very well, we have a tittie bar (Bare Assettes) next to a gay bar (the cold keg) which is also next to the redneck bar (the county line), and I witnessed a fight between 3 drunk rednecks and 3 drunk fags as I was delivering pizza to the titty bar, and the fags kicked ass bad. Just another pointless story from me. As for Ms. Lynch, I guess she gets a purple heart, maybe a bronze star.
  11. Cup Crazy!

    Game 7... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Do the Dutch try to get into the Olympics?
  12. finally 500 posts!

    And then there were three.
  13. Cup Crazy!

    Leaf's win game six in double OT to force game 7.
  14. Iraqi's revolt in Baghdad

    I dont think the boys on the hill asked anyone. Notice they'll probably be getting a raise this year. Can't believe they hit SS, that's just wrong. What ever happened to the "Lock Box"?
  15. And if my memory serves me correctly, we saw it in hot shots part I. (falling apart). Anybody remember Iron eagle II? F-4's playing migs... cheese.
  16. GOD! First the Leafs win in Double OT to send it to game 7, and now Ranger's posting screenies of an A-6... can this night get any better?
  17. NO! NO! NO! There is nothing wrong with a squadron of Cats... yes they may not have the A2G capability of the Hornet, but when you have the possibility of anti-ship missles coming in salvos, then you need a Cat to kill the bombers before those anti-ship missles get launched. (dont leave anything about the phoenix shooting down missles... I already know) It's just more economical to shoot down the bomber rather than each missle. The F-18 does not have the avionics to do the job, so you need the cat. Now as for the game, both the Hornet and Cat, are pointless ideas... great wishes... but pointless. This is not a navair game (unfortunately), that is why I voted for the Tornado (the balls to the wall plane). Put the Hornet up against a Flanker, and then you'll see those hornet pilots begging for a Cat pilot to be up in the air. Send a phoenix up its ass, and then send in the Hornets.
  18. I'm not much for AF planes, but I will say that the F-5 looks damn good.
  19. Iraqi's revolt in Baghdad

    Ya I dont really see much of reason to get into it, I actually agree with Ranger on this topic :o . I cant believe some of the people they have coming on the news talkin about how its gonna be so easy, for example Fox News is now the retired generals network, but they did have one guy with a good head on his shoulders talking about how bad the war could go, kinda going against the strategy that was being praised. He was asking questions like what happened to the 100,000 Iraqi soldiers that we had yet to kill or capture. Needless to say that that particular "analyst" was not back on fox news. All I can say about the war so far is, that I really do not like how the media is turning it into a football game. I personally like still photos, there is no need for everyone (even MTV) to have a combat corespondent. Why do they feel the need to cut away from the other news and go to a new fire fight. Next thing you know we'll be putting cheerleaders with the men. USA! USA! USA! WHOOOOOO. 2nd thing I have to say. As I have picked up on some political talk on this thread. To all you wonderful Republican servicemen and veterans, your fantastic new Republican Congress has just cut your veterans benefits to help pay for the tax "cut". So I say be very skeptical of anyone (especially politicians) who wave the flag, because that same flag makes a very good blanket for the dirty deeds that they are trying to hide. Saying my piece, I'm not saying that you should all become liberals or something, just giving you my opinion, it shouldn't be offensive, as that is not the tone of this statement. But I do feel somewhat cheated by having my cookies constantly screwing up. :D Enjoy or loathe the war in your own special way, just dont start tail gating in front of your nearest military base (or protesting for that matter)... that would be far to much. Just leave our boys alone, and let them do their job, send letters, and presents if you will, but not hate mail. One more thing (sorry, but I had to do this). I was driving down US 192 (quite often), and everytime I drive by this particular intersection, I see three middle aged women with anti-war/anti-whatever signs (they are in front of the mall), no more than 60 feet away is a panhandling bum (in front of Best Buy), and I always think to myself... "One in the same". If you must post after this, keep it real, keep it cool, keep it civil. 8) Cheers, Jay
  20. Iraqi's revolt in Baghdad

    Thank god my cookies have been messed up, or I would have had something to say on this thread, then it would have snowballed into another melee. :D
  21. Cup Crazy!

    I didn't know World Cup of Hockey was this year. I hope the Dutch get in just to see'em play. NHL2003 has a bunch of Euro teams for tourny play, but not a dutch team. Even the Italians are in but not the Dutch, kinda odd. The big six is retarded, USA, Canada, Czech Rep., Russia, Finland, and Sweden, all field thier Major Junior (Canada), National Pro teams, and College Allstars (USA), for the prelims, and then when the round robin play starts, the pro's that want to play get a spot, so all those guys that had to go through qualifying rounds have to sit at home while the pro's win medals... gay if you ask me. That and how the NBA and NHL fields its pro's for the Olympics... I think the MLB is thinking of doing that soon.
  22. 100 year flying. Vote for: beautyfull, historic, best!

    Beautiful: Legacy by Embraer Historic: B-52 Best: Su-37
  23. I dont know which one I looked at last nite, the links you guys gave to sim HQ were havin a problem comin up so I just did the manual thing, looks like somebody wants to do an EA-5B too, so maybe when the game gets all sorted out, we can do full on alpha strikes with mp coop... sweeeeeeet!
  24. Cup Crazy!

    Baaahhh carrots. back to the cup, who are you cheering for now that Detroit is out, can you get the games live there? I'm supprised nobody else has gotten into this thread, there's a few more pucks fans on this forum. Lord Oliver, if you read this, I share your pain... I told you CUJO sucks. :D
  25. a Desert Shield era patch

    That is really cool cheif... hope you had a part in coming up with it.

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