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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Why people follow dictators

    Oh I knew you'd come up with somethin like that. But I loathe the Army. Of course you already knew that the Navy is in my future, or have you purged that from you memory? Or is it that you demand that I join the service immediatly? Or is it just that Civies arent allowed to say anything that even remotely concerns you?
  2. Cup Crazy!

    Sorry that the wings are out of it. Nothing would be better than a final between 2 original 6 teams. But hey lets talk about more dutch stuff, since I find it to be facinating. I heard that carrots are originally purple (this is not a joke), but the dutch did some wierd gene splicing thing (or some fertilitizing thing) centuries ago, and they turned the purple carrots... orange (the national color). Is this true? Odd question from an odd person.
  3. Why people follow dictators

    Tell Jaeger that I am sorry for using the term "Race", perhaps in this overly "P.C." world I should have used "common classification", and I did speak of the parts of Germany, I know that someone from Bavaria refers to themself as Bavarian before german. And when I said German was a language... well sh*t it is, with many dialects. Ranger, anytime you wanna send me a free ticket to somewhere (round trip), I'll be glad to do all the travel'n you want me to do. Until I get the chance to trot the globe, I'm just gonna put in my 2 or 3 cents. And Ranger I dont write posts just for you, I write them for the majority of the people on the forum, I try to generalize. Otherwise it will sound like a term paper. Now I know you will probably, come up with some smart one liner to come back at me with, but I really dont care. I appologize to your wife, for the miswording, but I will never appologize to you for not just shutting up and bending to almighty freak of all posting freaks.
  4. another french joke

    Five surgeons are discussing who makes the best patients to operate on: The first surgeon says, "I like to see accountants on my operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered." The second responds, "Yeah, but you should try electricians. Everything inside them is color-coded." The third surgeon says, "No, I really think librarians are the best; everything inside them is in alphabetical order." The fourth surgeon chimes in: "You know, I like construction workers. They always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end and when the job takes longer than you said it would." But the fifth surgeon shuts them all up when he observes: "The French are the easiest to operate on. There's no gutts, no heart, no balls and no spine. Plus the head and ass are interchangeable.
  5. Why people follow dictators

    Austrian is a nationality, German is a race and language. You forget that in the creation of a unified German state, the smaller countries like Hessen and Saxony decided to opt against creating Gross Deutchland (big Germany) which would include the Austro Hungarian empire (not that the Austrians would want to join anyway). But alas the King of Prussia refused the crown of a unified Germany in saying "that he would not accept a crown offered up from the gutter" as to say that the people in Prussia were better than those in the rest of Germany. Shortly there after the Prussians decided to create a unified German state (the empire of Germany), In doing so they went to war with Austria (Bismarck held back the Kaiser from marching through Vienna, because he knew that Austria would be more important as a friend rather than a foe later on, so they spared the Austrians the humilation of losing their Capital). After the Austrians came the French in the Franco-Prussian war, and was ended when the Prussians marched through Paris (the 1st time), and a unified German state was then created. So Austrians are Germanic people they have common values and language, just like Americans are Anglo in most of our common values, and of course our language. So Hitler was a German from Austria, the Holy Roman Empire comes to mind again when speaking of a psuedo Unified Germany. Dutchy, what is the Nederlands black page (aside from extreme brutatility in colonialism), I'd like to know just to catch up on more history. Now on games, does anyone know of a good RTS game about WWI?, not a map game, but an RTS game with moveable units (like sudden strike).
  6. Cup Crazy!

    Damn I cant read Dutch. But I can read the 5-0 score in the Tigers favor. I heard somewhere that the Dutch invented the Ice Skate; skating around on the frozen canals, or dykes or something. I recall seeing a drawing of a child playing hockey with a big ass windmill in the background. Is this true? You guys kick ass at speed skating!
  7. Why people follow dictators

    Damn I forgot about the games. Enough about the dicktators from me, I hate them, I dont really care why people follow them, but I do believe that eventually all of those assholes will run their courses and then more will pop-up to take their places.
  8. The beautiful RA-5C Vigilante

    toned down, to the not so beautiful boys of "Bent".
  9. Cup Crazy!

    Ya my bro in law is from the U P (michigan), loves the wings, he was stoked about getting CUJO in the offseason, and I warned him about CUJO, people love him, but I'm a goalie, and I know sh*t when I see it. Too bad I was hoping for a Leafs vs Wings final, that wont happen unless Detroit pulls off a miracle.
  10. Why people follow dictators

    Our depression was a result of internal factors, becuase of our depression the rest of the world followed. Germany's was from outrageous demands on behalf of the french and to a certain extent the brits. Germany's fields didnt go baren, ours did. But if you recall Germany was on the rise even before hitler, just as we were thanks to the new deal. Hitler promised a new Empire and glory, Glory was a big part of German folklore ever since the Prussians united the peoples into a single german homeland (minus Austria). To the Prussians, nothing was more important than strength and appearance to the outside world. But yes the situation was bad in Germany, but they followed Hitler for ideological reasons, not becuase their belly's told them to. Read up on german industry from the mid 19th century until after the first world war, and you will find out why nobody had a job after WWI. and how Hitler gave them jobs. Mayan's were not latin, they were indigenous.
  11. another french joke

    I have yet to meet a Frenchman or French Canadian that was worth a damn. And I've known many of them, now as for Haitian's... I've only known one, and he was one of the coolest people I had ever met. It's humor, so either laugh, or ignore and roll your eyes, but dont be the guy that brings down the humor. If one person just smiles at one of my jokes, then I have done my part. :D And if you are trying to infer something about Floridians... you're right, we are tasteless, hedonistic, drunkards with sun tans. And thats why all you Wankers north of us come here to actually enjoy life. note: when I speak of florida, I mean the beach communities, Orlando and greater Miami, not the rednecks that are in the middle of the state, and that aweful panhandle.
  12. Why people follow dictators

    Well da... isnt my theory, it is my spanish prof's. What about pre-war USA, we didnt follow a dictator, and we were hit the hardest (drought and inflation).
  13. The beautiful RA-5C Vigilante

    It's so god damned big. I want my A-6
  14. Why people follow dictators

    In my last spanish class, we very rarely spoke spanish (hence me not knowing a word now), but we spoke about spanish and the spanish peoples of the world. Now my prof (Dr. Cornelius), who is half American and half Costa Rican, is a very learned man, he dabbles in philosophy and physics. He also believes in Karma and whatnot. Now the theory behind why the countries south of us have so many dictators and why perhaps spain has had a few, is that the spanish language does not allow for someone to control another with language. Like, you cannot order some one to do something. You can insist, and raise hell, but you cannot force someone to do something (the words do not exist in spanish). So here you have a whole group of people that cannot be ordered around. But in this "Freedom" of language, they spawn dictators that rule with Iron fists, its almost like they get the opposite of what they asked for/speak of... literally. Just a little odd tid bit I thought I would share on the topic.
  15. My son, pictures from Iraq...

    Nice pics pc! Go Navy!
  16. Democracy, Whiskey, Sexy

    Those are the three words used by a newly liberated Iraqi man, on what he thinks us Yanks are bringing over there. Any thoughts from you guys on this. Note: Bill Maher had a T-shirt of this... I really want one.
  17. Hey dutchy!

    Having a bit of trouble searching dutch vinyl, keep getting german stuff, the engine's must be confusing dutch with deutch. But the Blackhole site looks good, I see they just signed Guy Ornadel... one of my favorite DJ's (dont know if he's dutch). As for Stuart, I'll have to check it out. Although its hard to rely on Ibiza for whats hot, as all those assholes get the vinyl a year before it's released, and half the sh*t that gets big in Ibiza is crap, but usually has some catchy bit to it like Zombie Nation, or Sandstorm, or even 9 pm. I like my trance to be complex, with many layers. Robert Smit (a dutchman) is good at laying down a good mix of complexity. But if DJ Stuart, is anything like the other dutch dj's and producer's, it should be pretty good. Thanks for the info, and keep checkin around for me, I really appreciate it. Jay
  18. Hawks Vs. Orangemen...place bets now.

    That McNamara (I think) the white guy who drains three's was very impressive.
  19. Guess what this is pic of

    Looks like the cover of the BOB dvd or vhs.
  20. sunday would be great, I'll be checking here and HL, PC is your screenname on HL the same as it is here?
  21. Hey dutchy!

    I was wondering why it was Elvis vs JXL and not Junkie XL, then again elvis was a junkie towards the end... perhaps thats what was a offensive. Also Tiesto is DJ of the year according to dj magazine, the dutch are coming up in the world.
  22. We should set up a time soon, so that I may use you for target practice! [/b]
  23. Hey dutchy!

    No, not a real dj yet, but soon... I hope. No most people where I live, and I think its safe to say that in the U.S. as a whole real dance music has yet to take hold. Hip Hop is still the deamon that has yet to be slayed. Most people think of "Techno" (a terrible term), as some sort of underground rave crap, when it is really global. Alas the only places to hear quality dance music where I live are down in Miami. But as for me I am a fan of Dutch trance, or as some refer to it as Inteligent Trance. :D
  24. Saturday is a no go, and friday... well sh*t its too late now, sunday is my only chance, or its gonna have to wait till next week.
  25. Slow pub day

    We all need Razberi Stoli with RED BULL!!!

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