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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. well I guess its me, I dont think FE is really gone though, he's still posting a little, you could post it here, and I could pick it up, I'm sure Chief would too, then I could email it to the squad, or maybe FE could stick it on the site. Squads kinda banged up right now, people are over the place, some with dead computers, so maybe we can sit on this for a bit.
  2. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: A fine job, indeed!
  3. Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    Tell Free Willy that the Rave is dead... dead, dead, dead! Glow Sticks are oh so gay. Next time you see her ask her what DJ's she likes. Rule O Thumb, if the asshole has to put "DJ" in front of thier name (they usually have some gay stage name after DJ), then they are not worth a F*CK, and most certainly are not some sort of talented superstar. Real dj's use their real names, or when they get massive they shorten it down to like half their name... like that asshole Paul Oakenfold who is now just "Oakenfold", god what a sell out, I hear atleast 5 or six of his tunes everyday, and they arent on the radio, they are commercials... sell out bitch. Tell her that she's the F*CKIN poser, cause she's just following a fad, that died in 95 and came back in 01 for like a month. It's dead and it's not coming back. People go to clubs now, they dont go out to the woods, with glow sticks and dance around in the moonlight like a bunch of wierdo's. Oh ya the inline sh*t didnt last long, i wasnt very good either... hey can that kid who racked himself even do and ali*? Sh*t even I could do that.
  4. ok saddam has 48 hrs and counting down..

    Yes he is a pilot in the real VF143, lucky bastard, I'd like to frag a few camel f*ckers.
  5. Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    atta boy! Get into them nice firm young titties. :P On a side note, I listen to dance music (its not called techno), but I'm no raver, I'm a clubber, unfortunately all the clubs suck ass around here, but Paul Van Dyk is coming to the House of Blues in Orlando in like a month, its gonna be wicked. Rave's are dead, real one's havent been around in a couple of years, and they sucked back then too. What pisses me off about Americans and dance music, is how they (most) think its some sort of fad, or its "underground", when its f*cking global, you cannot go to a club anywhere in europe or asia, or sh*t anywhere outside the US, without hearing trance or house music. Notice nobody is into glow sticks and sh*t, well maybe where you live, stuff usually goes like this NY 1st, then Cali, then Florida, then everywhere else. Oh ya, and American dance music sucks ass for some reason, all of our dj's are sh*t, it's so sad. PVD is German, well atleast when I go hear him I wont have to listen to sh*tty hip hop all night... thats all we get where I live, thats why I'm becoming a DJ, to convert some of these poor souls, and show them what real club life is. Oh ya Cylix, I used to be a punker, I sucked at skating though, so I tried aggressive inline (sell out poser punk ass bitch). I was never to much into new skool sh*t though, I still pop in some Clash or Sex Pistols, maybe some Rancid... NOFX f*ckin rocks though! Even though they arent really punk. WTF is up with this p*ssy ass poser sh*t taking over now, Good Charlotte? come on... this is why I hate MTV, well that and pop, and the fact that they dont play videos for more than 2 mins. Down with the Buzz Clip back with full length videos. I may be some half ass dj club mongrel, but my roots are in hardcore punk (i forgot to add in the Casualties and the Exploited), this is why I dont put up with sh*t from no one. I really like how us young guns are starting to communicate more, makes the bullsh*t so much more tolerable.
  6. A screw it.....lets go kill someone

    I think this was a joke, perhaps it would be suiting if we all live in Sparta during thier golden age (or lack there of), maybe Prussia from the 18th to 20th centuries would be another good idea, you know everybody is in the military except for the women, they just had to make more men. A quote from Frederich the Great's father... the asshole who beat his only son for wanting to play the piano and read books. "There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a strong soldier standing at attention." Whoa! and thats not a fake quote, this man had some serious amounts of testosterone, needed more puntane.... only had two kids. Maybe he was gay?
  7. What if it happened to the French?

    One last thing, the fighting men and women of the world may give and protect the rights of thier people, they do not have the right to take them away. When they think they do, that is what is called a coup, and then no one accept for the fighters have any rights. Again you are bordering on fascism and or militarism.
  8. What if it happened to the French?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2003 13:15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah! Good Work, everybody. I appreciate all the effort from all who participated. I'll Be checking the regular skinning sites to see when these baby's are ready for download. Is it possible to make a skin for the pilots... maybe start making squadron helmets? Cheers, Jay OH SH*T, look what I found back in the biohaz lockers, a thankyou to everyone for helping, I do believe that included you.
  9. What if it happened to the French?

    comparing me to some computer geek that sends out threatening pm's, is like comparing your ego, to that of a failed burger flipper... just makes no sense at all.
  10. What if it happened to the French?

    Perhaps this was lost after reading all of the post. The issue is not france or the military, they are both means of me expressing myself. The issue is the double standard. What I mean by this is that I am not allowed to voice my opinion freely, without facing attacks from Ranger. This does not just go for posts concerning the military or politics. In virtually all of my posts that seemed to be somewhat heated, ranger has felt the need to repremand me. I'll site a few. In my last mp venting, nothing came of it other than a couple of people needing the launcher, but ranger and I went round and round.(I asked MJ to lock the thread to keep it from becoming heated) I posted a link that was pro-isreali, and I'm not even pro-isreali, but in that post a sayed my mother thinks she's a jew, only two people replied. One of them was ranger, and he said he was going to sort me out about judaism, when there was no need. But again we went round and round. If I post anything concerning politics, the military, or really anything concerning our world, ranger posts immediatly after me, and tries to sort me out. WTF is this? Lay off for christ's sake. Perhaps I have generalized this post a bit, but I believe in past performance, and in my vast knowledge (NO SH*T) about world history, mostly concerning wars, the french have been delinquent in almost all of them. And their polls have been showing that the vast majority of people in France do not support a war, and really do not support any action anywhere at all. I stress again, I do not recall any positive or neutral posts from ranger when they are replies to my posts. The last one I can remember was when he was trying to work on a VF111 skin for me, and that was before I became part of VF143. So I may not have served, and I may only be 20, but I tell you this as a fellow human being, "No one will ever have the right to take away my freedom to voice my opinions on anything." For that I would die. The ability to speak our minds freely is what separates man from the rest of the animal kingdom, and no one, not you, not me, not the military, not the president, no one will ever be able to take away our right to think and speak as free thinking people. You are bordering on totalitarianism when you start telling people they done have the right to speak freely, the Nazi's did it, Stalin did it, Castro has done it. When people have to fit into a certain group in order to be able to freely converse without fear of reprisal then you have KILLED FREEDOM! Good Day! to you sir. I salute you for your contribution as a soldier, but you have lost the meaning of the constitution, and dont try and tell me sh*t about the constitution, I'm a law student, I now that peice of paper like the back of my own hand. And oh ya I read a sh*tload, most of its old, but I havent misenterpreted any of it. So you can take that go learn so more attitude and stick it where the sun doesnt shine. And thats not a personal attack... this is... you want me to be educated... well you should learn how to spell correctly, and I dont care if you think you are spelling phonetically, you do a damn poor job of it. Toss Off!
  11. Unexpected effects of the MOAB.....hehehehe....

    NONE! :D , but I am a student and scholar of history, I can sleep through any history class and get an A+, and I've done so many a times. Ranger just because you were in the military, doesnt make you an expert on military matters, you know Reagan (the prick) loved the Heritage Foundation for their advice, and half of those assholes are just Harvard and Yale grads, that have never done sh*t except read books. Oh ya that Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are doing a fine job , we should be taking more pointers from the SAS and Belfast PD.
  12. My other hobby.....my M274 Mule

    next up chief, you need to get one of those tractors (mules), really haul some sh*t around with that. I really want a Jeepnie*, how cool are those, god damn do the flips have some flavor.
  13. Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    I saw that the russians were celbrating it the other day, think it was a day off or something, ofcourse their easter is off too, but thats just because they are orthodox. I wear black aswell, seems to be the only color I like, and I f*ckin hate goths. I see nothing wrong with sporting some black hushpuppies, with some black pressed slacks, and an untucked unbuttoned black linen top, how smooth is that sh*t, it flies in any club, but it blows for outside down here... so f*cking hot. It's freezing everywhere else, and its like 92 here today.... yuck.
  14. Unexpected effects of the MOAB.....hehehehe....

    So has every other country, that has existed prior to 1776. So whats your point?
  15. What if it happened to the French?

    I have never ever criticized the french military, nor have I cirticized any other nations military. I ciritcize their government and the french people for who they are and what they stand for. Do you forget ranger that the military is merely a tool of the government and the government is merely a tool of the people. I have never said that the frenchman are poor fighters, they have had many poor commanders, and an even worse government. This holds true for the Italians and the Iraqi's and every other army that has had a bad run in conflicts. My point was that the french are building a huge military, and they dont use it. The french people are quick to run, so what does their military have to fight for? The french underground was great, but they were not the majority of frenchman, now where they. Ever heard the story of the frenchies looking down the road to see what army was marching up, so they could run in and pull out the matching flag? Thier military is a great one, but the government and the country as a whole, isnt worth two sh*ts, and that is why you only see one french flag on your little Gulf War map, when their should have been 10, they had the troops, they had the planes, and they had the ships, so where were they. I'll tell you, the boats where all anchored in Le Havre, and Brest, the troops were sitting in their barracks and the planes were in hangars. Not because they didnt want to go but because the country didnt want them to go. The country sucks and thats all there is to it. Just look at the brits, 90% of their navy is in there with us, and atleast 1/3 of their army is with our marines. And a large part of thier country is not for the war. Chirac has no balls, and neither have any other french heads of state other than Louis XIV and Napoleon, and the both of them were as arogant as they come. And I'm getting sick of hearing this bullsh*t about how, boohoo you havent served you cant talk about military matters, let me tell you something, there are a lot of people out there, military and civilian that are tired of the french, just because you hold some special place in your heart for the frenchmen you served with, doesnt give you the right to shoot down a comment of mine or anyone elses, when it goes against your beliefs and your experiences. You have the right to your own opinion and I have my right to mine, you do not have the right to say that my feelings on the matter are meaningless and unfounded because I have never served. Once again I made a statement about my feelings, and once again I have been shot down because I am a 20 year old college student and am not military man, this double standard has gone far enough, and it sickens me to know that you took an oathe to protect the constitution, and yet you ignore my right to freedom of speech. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that you have to fight for it to enjoy its liberties, all you have to do is be on U.S. property/soil. So if you want to post pics of the french, then do so, but dont add in something like "Snapple you arent allowed to say anything bad about the french because you've never served with them." That's bullsh*t and you know it, get off your high horse and come down to reality, and find out that you are not better than me or anyone else on this forum. You are not the authority on all matters on biohaz, yet you still manage to pick out my posts, and leave some f*cked up remark... grow up, and sort yourself out. I still say F*CK THE FRENCH. :evil:
  16. Unexpected effects of the MOAB.....hehehehe....

    I fail to see how french and freedon corelate, perhaps its to free us from all things french. I guess I got the joke, or maybe I didnt. F*CK THE FRENCH! :twisted:
  17. Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    Sh*t I forgot to get my "Blow me I'm English" T-shirt made. I dont need an Irish holiday as an excuse to get sh*tfaced, but happy St. Pats anyway. :D :D :D
  18. What if it happened to the French?

    I hate them, I always have and I always will, I dont care what they've done for us in the past. Their contributions to us, are minute in comparison to what we have done for them. I'll say this from a historically correct perspective. Nobody has ever liked the french, and the french dont like anyone other than themselves, and sometimes they are even disontent with themselves. They have had a war with virtually every country/race/religion in the world, and they have won damn few of those wars. Americans forget that we have taken part in just as many wars against the french as we have against the brits or the germans. They have never been a freind of the American people, and they are not friends to anyone else. They have always taken more than they give, and they never say thank you. They were poor allies to the Brits in the Crimean War, they never stood with the Russians in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and it is showing now that they will and have been poor allies to us. They have persecuted millions, slaughtered innocents, contributed to dictatorships, and have failed to do anything for the good of all mankind... ever. The best thing that ever happened to Europe was for Charles De Gaulle to pull France out of NATO, the worst thing to happen was when we let them back in. I hate them for their lack of integrity, I hate them for their hypocracy, I hate them for their stubborness, I hate them for still being around. Thier has never been a need for a France, and their never will be. Things were much better when the country was devided into autonamous provinces (half were held by England). They are selfish, rude, and lazy. It would suit me just fine if the country was dismembered tommorrow. I hope that everyone here knows that the only country in Europe that has been increasing thier military over the last couple of decades has been france. They are looking into Super Carriers... they already have one or two that have 3 cats on'em, lets not forget that they pulled out of EUROFIGHTER, and now the RAFALE is fully operational, and its numbers are growing. Nobody builds a military unless they plan on using it somewhere. I hate to sound like a some sort of dark prophet, but the French have lost most of thier colonial possessions, and they dont have a commonwealth like Britain, remember Hitler got the Germans attention by promising them a return to greatness. Something I wish a few of you would think about. They are not above breaking alliances and attacking former members of that alliance, it has been quite common in their history. We dont need the French, and neither does anyone else. I reheard a quote from Otto Von Bismarck yesterday, something along the lines of "the greatest thing in the future, is that Britain and America speak the same language". I first read it in a book titled "Blood and Iron" it was a biography of Bismarck. This will always be true, and it is showing now, Tony Blair is risking his head for us, this is something that no frechman has ever done. The few times that they have come close to showing support for us, is when they have a score to settle with our enemy or that they have something greater to gain. Remember Napoleon I. is still Frances greatest hero, and according to them he never lost. And as Americans, we think that the past does not affect the future, because we are a young country, and we dont have much of a past. The French were the scurge of the planet long before we arrived, and sooner or later they will try and become the scurge again. Not because they want to be a scurge, but because they think they are better than everyone else. I dont care if they lent trucks, planes, ammo, tanks, medical supplies. Until a proportionate amount of frenchman have fought for us (and/or the world), as compared to the amount of money, and men, that the rest of the world has sacrificed for them, they will not be considered by me to be a part of civilization. They are vagrants, bums, and cheating assholes, that prop themselves up with falsities, and everyone around them ends up paying for it. They have never shown a dedication to anything other than themselves, and they never will. END
  19. WOOHOO! I met the girl of my dreams!

    just wait a couple more years, and then you have to start worrying about them being to young, (they need daddy's consent to f*ck you, good luck in getting it). There is nothing worse than being cock blocked by yourself when some fine ass ho tells you she's like 16, and then it's no, no, no, no. I had a friend of mine get all f*cked over by this underager, she got obssessed with him, but he wouldnt have s**t to do with her, so her bitch ass decided to say that he raped her, she couldnt prove the rape, but she had a few peeps come out and say they had sex, he was 22 when this happened she was 17. He didnt go to jail, but he is now a registered sex offender, just because he wanted some young thing for a one nighter. Girls are getting devious out there man, dress up lookin like some club dancer, titties up on plate, and god damn, they wanna play it off like "oh I just wear these 10 square inches of clothing because its easier to dance in", WTF!!! Again I stress, if you wanna get layed, go for the girl that looks like she's alone, and totally sh*tfaced, take her to the bathroom, maybe your car, but always make sure that she never finds out your name, then she'll get your number and call you all the F*CKING TIME! Best thing to do is go to other HS's parties, get in quietly, get some ass discretely, and get out quickly. You dont know who you had sex with, they dont know who you are, and the best part is that nobody exept for the people you came with know who you are. I wonder if our older compadres, are envious of our young age. One more thing, if you are ever in the Brevard County Florida area, Satellite HS parties, are the best place to get layed, the parties suck ass, but all the girls are hot as sh*t, and all of'em are usually off their asses on ecstacy or oxycontins, sh*t they dont even know their own names, so you dont have to worry about them remembering yours. I went to Eau Gallie HS btw, in Melbourne Florida, Satellite HS is like 15 mins from me in Satellite Beach. But I cant go anymore, because I'm too old, dont want to be a sex offender. Happy trapping, and may your future exploits bring you many a furpie's! Oh, ya, good job again cowboy, I'm still searching for that one special girl, to make me forget about all the girls that fit the above desciption.
  20. WOOHOO! I met the girl of my dreams!

    Yes, Dirickson, 3 dates max, buts thats if you just pick up the good ones, no need for the floozies, you know the ones that usually hang all over you at a party (for two reasons, they need support otherwise the will fall down, and of course they are horney as hell). God I hate them, too many years of casual sex with half-passed out girls, will really get boring (know what I mean). This is what sets me apart from all the other assholes that will be attending FSU with me. Most of those guys got layed like 4-5 times in HS, so now the sex drive is runnin like red lining nascar... I wonder what would happen if you gave Viagra to the average male freshman... hmmm... that could get messy. All I want now, is a decent, respectable, bright, somewhat sober female of between 19-21 years of age, oh ya she better be fit enough to f*ck! Thought I may have found one, about a year ago, but before I could ask her out, she started going with this bouncer at the sh*ttiest club in town, I mean come'on wtf is that, atleast go out with the owner, or a dj (can get you into many clubs).... hint... hint. Damn, I think its my reputation for being a peice of sh*t that scares all the good ones away, but god damnit I've been pretty sober for like a year or something, and I have a job now, and I'm nice (kinda). Maybe I should just work out 12 hours a day, and then beat myself in the head with a 2x4 a couple thousand times, and then maybe I'll be attractive. In case you havent realized it yet, I'm getting pretty fed up with the my lack of a real meaningful love life. If any of you older chaps read this, could you tell me if women become more mature in their pickings of guys as they get older?
  21. WOOHOO! I met the girl of my dreams!

    :thumbup: :thumbup: Two thumbs up... fine holiday fun!
  22. WOOHOO! I met the girl of my dreams!

    Well sh*t, better get some ass within 1 week, otherwise I'm gonna be a little dissapointed. By date 3 you should be layed!
  23. hey Sdrickson, Cylix, Snapple, DigitalOverload check it out!

    Hey! I graduated in 2001, but I'll be god damned I still get treated like a 4th grader by my parents. f*ck it, I'll put it in my sig too.
  24. WOOHOO! I met the girl of my dreams!

    HEY! I'm not a kid anymore, I turned 20 yesterday, I'm a big kid now, however I am tired of having that "member" attached to my name, I've been here longer than most, I'm on the first page of the members list, I should have seniority! On a side note, I'm getting really really tired of floozies. Are there any girls out there that arent midly to severely retarded, dont know maybe my standards are to high. Just seems that every girl I know only goes out with mid 20's assholes that will never leave this pissant town, and most of them are usually bouncers or bartenders, I mean come on ladies, have some self respect. Sh*t, I cant wait to get to FSU, then I'll just have to go through a whole new crowd of floozies, but Tallahassee has a much finer selection, compared to miserable old Melbourne. I have no advise for you cowboy, other than stay away from fast food joints.
  25. It's no use trying anymore, I cant join games, the voice comm usually f*cks up the game, and even if I do get in a game that actually works, it crashes after about 15 minutes, and then its a trial to get it back up and running. I only play 3 games online, and SF seems to be the most imcomparably sh*tty mp game ever created (atleast it is for me). IL2 runs f*ckin beatifully with a room full of people (and I'm running 56k), Ghost Recon kicks ass, with however many people. I'm not really complaining, I'm simply making a statement. Whenever patch 2 comes out, it better fix all of the bugs (and I mean every single one), otherwise I'm sure I wont be the only one using this cd for a coaster, or even as a frisbie. I love the F-4, and I love the single play (now), and I've heard rumors of an A-6 in the works( :D ), but as of my last few days of trying to get the game to work in mp, I really am starting to lose all respect for this game. I admire the vision that TK had, in creating a game for this time period, and I admire all of the hard work that the modders, and skinners, have done for this game, but I'm just beginning to wonder if all of the effort has been in vane. It's saddening to me to see such a sh*tty product be put out on the market, but it is becoming the norm for all games now. I find it to be revolting, to see that a company can just say to themselves "hey, we can just put the product out the way it is, and then patch it whenever". I hope that someone on UBI picks up this thread, and uses it as words of warning. It doesnt matter how long it takes LOMAC to come out, just make sure that it is atleast 95% complete when it does come out, and that missing 5% better not be MP SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know how long my vacation, from the stress of attempted MP in SF, will be, but I will say that it is a much needed one. For now it will sit on my CD shelf in the shadow of such games as IL2, Rogue Spear, Ghost Recon (and its Xpacks), Madden 2003, Tropico, and even the horrid NHL 2003 (it may not look that good, but atleast it doesn't crash, and it didnt take a year to come out with a patch). All of the games listed above, work perfectly, or atleast at an acceptable level, and that was before they were patched. I may continue to fly my single player missions, but I will not be making an overwhelming effort in mp anymore, until I hear some real, concrete, resounding complements of patch 2. Sincerely, Jason Saffell XO, VF-143 Pukin' Dogs

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