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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Whats better than flying with you squad mates? When patch 2 comes out someday, there will be lots of squad on squad play. Dont be left out!!! Squad vs Squad, and inter-squad play is the best way to sharpen your skills. VF-143 Pukin Dogs are recruiting. Requirements are as follows. Must be somewhat fond of the Navy. We fly F-4's with the VF-143 skin. Must be dedicated enough to show up at practice. Practice is not everyday. Must be somewhat of a "class" individual, in other words, not a disrespectful, immature individual. Must answer your email (within a reasonable time frame). Contact with other squad mates helps to gel as a team, and allows for ease of coordination. Your abilities as a simming pilot will not be scrutinized, it doesnt matter if you just bought the game today, and are barely able to get off the ground. Your skills will improve if you practice. Any questions, and applications should be sent to: fast_eagle@pukindogs.net Tell him sunny sent you. Cheers, Jay A.K.A. Sundowner, newly appointed X.O. of VF-143
  2. And you thought I would let this post die. To many noobs pokin around BIOHAZ, cant just let them miss out on joining the finest virtual fighter squadron Strike Fighters has to offer. Jason Saffell AKA Sundowner, XO VF-143 Pukin Dogs www.pukindogs.net noobs, read top post please. 8)
  3. Ughhhh....programming class

    Atleast its not Liberal Arts Math I...... so easy, yet so boring, think we did something with probability today... useful for gambling. 8)
  4. Boycott Paris Airshow?

    F*CK! I wanted to go this year, then again I would be in hell since I've always hated the French. Ewwwwwwww, just the thought of those Frogs at Disney, with no deodorant on, makes me want to puke. Bunch of assholes. I wish they had never come back into NATO, they never do anything anyway, and if the commies had gone through Germany, the Frogs would've just surrendered immediatly. I'd better stop now before I go on bantering.
  5. Warning....this will make some of you very angry....

    Cheers! Mate.
  6. Damn, I'm really suprised Jeff doesnt have it on the site.
  7. Warning....this will make some of you very angry....

    This kinda reminds me of a movie I once saw. It was pre-fall of the wall, and it was pretty sh*tty. But it had giant Mech Wars, like dudes in these 100 foot tall robot suits, and it was between the US and the USSR, and they would fight over sh*t like Alaska (that was actually in the movie). But nothing like that would ever fly anymore since there is only one superpower. Simulated War why not just bring back the real spirit of the Olympics. Settle our differences on the field of competition... without having to kill eachother. Another pipe dream from me.
  8. "R" should not be CTDing the game anymore... not if the patch is installed correctly. Then again I have it mapped on my Satiek X45... no need for a keyboard, then again you could always get a COUGAR HOTAS. 8) 8) 8)
  9. Sh*t... I'm always chill.
  10. Warning....this will make some of you very angry....

    Most would agree with that. (I am in that most category)
  11. Warning....this will make some of you very angry....

    Karl Marx would agree with you completely. Anybody know where the purest of form of communism exists... here in America, except we call them Amish, all are equal, and all get an equal share by doing their equal part. Good Luck getting this to work on a grand scale in a country founded by Calvinists. Jean Calvin, actually said god wants you to make money, this of course made the Dutch and British take to it very quickly. Money means income which leads to income desparity, which is the reverse of communism. It will never ever work any country as long as people want to own sh*t that there neighbors dont own (which makes your neighbors want better sh*t then you, which of course is the base for comsumerism, which is the base of capitalism). My dad has a Vette, guess what I want a f*ckin Ferrari. Communism is only good for country's that have never had any form of democratic govenment, and or some form of free trade, no these just dont start working after a decade (notice Russia). So take your toilet dream (American communism), and flush it away, we cant even get socialism to take in this country, and you want full on communism? It's all good fun if your talking economics, but any psychologist would laugh his ass off at the mere idea of communism. It goes against all basic human/animal instinct. Search for realism before you look for utopia. :D Cheers, Jay Registered Democrat, and moderate socialist (not a communist).
  12. The Nazi's are at it again. Now they want to get rid of all live music, not just raves, and club nights, but rock shows, and hip hop concerts, and probably even folk/country events. All this is based on the drug policies going around now. (An asshole decides to do some drugs at an event, and the organizers/owners can be thrown in jail, and the venue can be shut down.) If you are into live tunes, and you think that there is a chance of someone using an illegal substance at these shows (that includes moonshine for you hicks), you could be getting f*cked. The city of Orlando FL, has already instituted the no electronic dance music after 11pm law (which further kills the nightlife in the already boring Orlando). This is a Federal Bill, and I emplore you to add your signature to the petition; via email at http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org Thank you, Jason Saffell
  13. Live music ban going before congress... help!

    I guess they just want us to just go to work, and then go to church (all week), and never go out and have any fun. Whats the point of goin out if there's not even gonna be a DJ there? Next thing you know they'll be pushin, is a ban on all violent video games, probably anything with explosions, or animated blood... oh wait maybe they already tried that? :?
  14. Charlie Daniels, a true American

  15. I have it, as does most of the squad, I'll try and send it to you through some sort of download, try and get with Violator, he uses it alot (I've tried with him, and I works about 1/4) it usually works for him. Violator, has DSL, as I do not, so he may be a better option, even though its a very small file.
  16. This squadron was created because of Stike Fighters, and no it will not die because of the mp issues. Not everyone in the squadron is having the same problems that I am having. Violator, and Shogunny, and I think Kidgalahad, are running it fairly well. As for the rest of the squad we are still working with it. Our practices are still on, and our dedication to this game has not waivered. I have said it before and I will say it again, the posts that I have made on this thread, were an announcement of a vacation from the mp hassles, and yes I have tried mp since the original post. It strikes me that gecko, overlooked my original post as mere ventilation, and as I complemented him on his writing abilities, he may have overlooked my feelings completely. Those feelings were reinstated with my third long post, this seemed to set him off (perhaps), as I did not complement him, again. He will not be flamed, and he is not being flamed now. But as he has chosen to leave this thread, he will not be able to see what I am writing. This thread was created as a statement, it was turned into a discussion, which clarified a few things, and served to still blur a few aswell. I pm'ed MJ on perhaps locking this thread (hence his post), as I the original author thought it may have been spiraling out of control, and could have possibly resulted in some bad blood being created. The loss of Gecko only serves to show me correct. But then again thats the problem with posting in general, you get to many opinions from all sides, very little facts, and when opinions clash, people get upset, and usually no one comes out the victor. I say again, this post was intended to be a statement, hence the "I" being used in the title, otherwise I would have titled it like this "Tired of the mp bullsh*t?", but I did not, and it would have suited me just fine if no one replied, just as long as I was able to show my frustrations. I do not apologize for my words, as they represent my true feelings, and they hold in themselves what I as a gamer hold to be true. These are my opinions, and if one wishes to agree or disagree with them, then they have that right. I would never demand anyone to agree with me, I only demand that one should make up their own mind, and do as they see fit, not as I, or a beta tester, or a game designer, or anyone in the world would see fit. Do what YOU will with your copy of Strike Fighters, as for me, mine will stay ready at hand, as I am not going anywhere. Jason Saffell XO virtual VF-143
  17. New Poll!!

    I'm not seeing it on the shelves of Best Buy or EB anymore. (where I live)
  18. It's still a peice of sh*t. Hey ranger what happens when you cook Chicken for to short a time.... you get sal manela*, thats what. And thats what we got.
  19. Read post below FATES... mine that is not rangers, 2 people posted while i was typing... damn. Mine is quite succulent. 8)
  20. You havent the right to tell us what we can and cannot say.
  21. Ya it is, Rangers in my sh*t on two posts... maybe more... I wont take the time to check. So.... instead of posting more, and more banter on things that we would all like to happen, and throwing around more and more slander... I decided to change my avatar. BTW, I've always loved your sig, Fates. Cheers, Jay Hedu, you are on the right track, but sometimes, you have to bite the bullet... notice the one thing people are bitching about with the new planes that are being made like the F-105, is that we have no FM stuff from TK, so they have to be based on other planes. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and put myself at great risk, and actually mock those of you into software. If you call yourself a "Software Engineer" then smack yourself, because you arent an engineer, you lack the mathematical discipline in college, to be called an engineer. Got that bit from my dad, he's currently the world authority on TCAS and Mode S, if you know what that is then you know how tough that sh*t is to get right, and he laughs at Software weenies. They all think they are god becuase they can write code, so they dont need any help in fixing there product. And thats fine when all you have to do is run it on a cpu, but when you put it in an airplane and it has to work with transponders, and if the software fails, people die. You can take all this gaming bullsh*t, and protecting TK, and stuff it up your ass, put him in a real company, and throw him to the wolves, and see if he puts out another sh*t product... If he does he'll be giving testimony in front of a senate oversight commitee, and then probably to the International Civil Aviation Authority, and after he's been raked over the coals, he wont be able to get another job in the industry, to save his ass. If he worked on one of my dads projects, and it took him this long to get it together (well not yet), his ass would have been chewed by a former CPO in "real" wartime navy, and if he f*cked up again, his ass would have been canned. Let me asked all of you this, if a medal of honor winner decided to go AWOL, and go on a shooting spree... would you excuse his actions becuase he is a medal of honor winner. If you do, then I have lost all respect for you as a reasonable human being. If a sh*t product comes out, then it deserves sh*t reviews, and if the producers want those reviews to do a 180, then they better turn that sh*t into gold, and do it real quick. It is not the consumers job to fix a product (well maybe it is in software, since the softies think they are god). I'll say this, I feel real bad for the people that have the walmart version, they got the big pile of sh*t, and now they just get to throw another terd on top of that pile. But it can be fixed, and it will be. Excuse me for turning this into another heated post, it wasnt supposed to be, but it is now, and I'm glad it is. I just realy hope that all of the comsumers work in getting this to work, doesnt get f*cked by patch 2, in which we the consumers may have to start all over again. I'm sick of it all, im sick of people protecting a man that has wronged the consumer, I'm sick of people (those of you that can actually help, im talking to the beta testers) making excuses. And if you beta testers can get through to TK, you should take all of this posts to heart, and show him that, yes people are very very upset. And if you cant get through to him (whether it be by email, or whatever), you are only showing to yourself, and all of us that this product has been put out by a company that does not care for the consumer. Afterall if they dont listen to the beta testers, they sure as hell wont listen to the consumers, and if they dont listen to the beta testers, then that makes you job pointless. Whoa, I just looked at how much i wrote... thats a sh*tload, and I'm not even angry, just inquisitive, and a bit impetuous.
  22. [quote name=" If you are beta testting' date=' can you tell us if MP is being worked on?[/quote] That would be nice

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