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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. One more thing, I dont see many people from other squads trying to get it to work in mp. When I go to HL, I usually see most of my squad, and usually JD, Doghouse, seeing GOATBOY in there lately, and a few others... you know who you are. I dont see half the people that bitch about mp, actually trying to do "MP", in fact I cant remember seeing ranger in there since the patch got released. Before anyone decides to rip my squad, remember that we are the ones doing the grunt work over at HL. My question is, when do we start seeing the Black Shadows, and all the others making a real attempt to get it to work. You do know what trouble shooting is. So far its been 143 and Weasel doin ther troubleshooting. My advise is get off of BIOHAZ, and get off you ass, and try and fly. If I can find the time between my full class load and my 40+ hour work week to get over there and try this thing, all of you sure as hell can. Note: on patch release day, HL was full, the day after there were like 8 people, notice I was there to see the 8 people, dont you ever critique my dedication to this game until, you yourself show some drive for improvement. My original post was an announcement of a vacation (imply's I'd been fighting it so long, I needed a break). That means that I will be back on HL, and I have been back on HL since my original post.(just not flying, but rather talking with people and seeing how the game is going, and what they are doing to get it to work) So TOSS OFF!!! Till you get my credentials straight.
  2. I'm not a Jew, but my mom thinks she is, so she sent this to me. It's really quite good... especialy the end of the flash presentation. http://www.alisrael.com/tamuz/
  3. A link I think that you all should click on.

    Its, cool, I got you meaning and I agree.
  4. I actually complemented TK on his vision, I didnt say anything good about LOMAC, instead I was hoping someone on UBI might pick up this post as words of warning. I know its been postponed 4 times, as I've said many times on this forum, "It doesnt matter how long it takes it to come out, just as long as it does come out, and it comes out in reasonable working order." I've never judged TK's character, I simply said that past performance is a measuring stick for future products, one would hope that the level of satisfaction would go up, but in SF's case it has gone down. I have made attempts to make the game better, me and Weasel (a beta tester for SF), exchanged (its in one of his posts somewhere) a little on how to help get mp running, everytime the mp actually works (rarely, but when it does) I post how I got it to work. I'm not a modder, or a skinner, and I sure as hell am not a game expert, but I am a consumer, and that gives me the right to gripe, piss and moan, or sing the praises of a product. As is, if SF does get working at or before the LOMAC release date, I will probably be flying SF more, because I dont see much in LOMAC for me outside of the graphics. I dont like Air Force planes, and the two Russian planes I do like are not in the game, so LOMAC will probably get limited play from me, FB would probably be a better buy in my opinion. Gecko I appreciate you post, it was well thought out, and well written. Cheers, Jay
  5. Coming along nicely... keep up the magnificent work.
  6. A link I think that you all should click on.

    Did you even look at the link? I think you missed what my statement meant. Jews are considered to be of a different race, some call them hebrews or Israelites. But if you are trying to turn this into some sort of racial discussion, then there are only 3 "real" kinds of Human Beings, and it comes from bone structure, not skin color, religion, language, or anything else visible to our senses. Notice: we are all human's, nothing will ever change that, and no one will ever be able to take that away from another. The reason why I involved the jewish bit, is because of my correlation between my mother and "Jew", and how no one else other than my mother or those in her circle of friends, would have sent out such an email (to me). Therefore, I submitted to you a link, not on my Anglo-American "Whitey" behalf, but on the behalf of the Global Jewish Community. And isnt it nice to know that there is one country left that believes in action, instead of reaction, and/or anticipation which is then followed by twidling of thumbs.
  7. A link I think that you all should click on.

    OOOH! I just saw all the other sh*t you can click on, on each page, be sure to check it out, good stuff for you pilot types.
  8. Where to buy LOMAC

    Does this, no dynamic campaign mean that, the russians will always win?
  9. I would agree, past performance is not a pardon for current shortcomings. As I've said before, this game is one of the few black marks on the Strategy First name.
  10. New Sig Ideas.....

    I never said it was big. :?
  11. Where to buy LOMAC

    And it will be playable on UBI... thank god, no more stablility problems.
  12. New Sig Ideas.....

    Just read your post on Freelancer, so I get the space bit now. Maybe try something eclectic, something that shows all of your gaming expertise.
  13. New Sig Ideas.....

    Honestly... the first one is kinda cheesy, not because of the artwork, but because G.I. Joe is had. Second one is a little over the top, kinda spacy. I like the one you have now, maybe you could change it a little bit if you dont like it, maybe add a missle comin off the rail, or show a kill of yours. Just some ideas, no need to take offense.
  14. Flyable F/A-18....

    I thought the Sukhoi Su-33 was in the game, unless of course they cut it.
  15. Dude did you get enough cash saved up for the HOTAS Cougar? I didnt quit completely, but.... 3 weeks of not smoking allowed me to save up like another hundred bucks, and my turntables should be on the way, within the next week. I'll probably have to end up quitting again, and again, and again. But I will, I've promised my lungs. Cheers, Jay post some pics of that Phat Cougar when you finally get it, I still dont know what one looks like.
  16. Whats a better video card?

    Im runnin the GeForce 4, with 64mb and DVI, love it, love it, love it, I just need more memory, and a faster processor, of course you could always get a 128mb :D , god I knows I wish I could.
  17. Dagger!

    ill probably have to try again in like a week, gotta buy a mixer... thinking maybe a Pioneer DJM 500 they run for like 400 on Ebay. Then there's always vinyl, and you can buy like 5 records for the cost of a carton. Its cool savage, Fast Eagle, has only recently quit, with his life in the balance and all. Just dont let it slide for too long, or atleast cut back, like me, its helpin me out in the cash dept. alot.
  18. That'll do, Dave, that'll do. :D
  19. Dagger!

    Whoa!!! Ranger comes through again!!! I dont know what half that sh*t means, but it must be good. Dagger... a banjo...? Well, its no worse than turntables.
  20. AMX

    Now if only they could make the Legacy as fast and have the same (or better range) than the Gulfstream G-550. But the Legacy is a much sexier plane than any other biz jet, and I havent really seen any military mods for Gulfsteams.
  21. President Bush's speech, Feb. 26, 2003

    I didnt hear the speech, could you list some high points for me?
  22. AMX

    Where did this gem come from? I had no idea anybody was making it. Ooooh.... Embraer, they got a new Biz Jet out, think its named the "Legacy", but not to sure, just know my dad had a poster he brought back from some aviation vendors conference, what a magnificent plane. God just think if they could combine everything into Italo-Brasilian, you get the incredibly chic with the Italian, and the oh so sexy with the Brasilian. THIS PLANE IS A MUST.... please make it available ASAP :D :D :D Cheers, Jay
  23. I've joined the fashion industry

    Also, buy large hoop earings for your wives, and lots of hair spray. I just hope they dont bring back the early 90's, the horror of grunge, I cant believe I used to dress that way. Oh and 80's is cool, but late 70's is even better, if you are out clubbin that is, but tight pants and oversized collard shirts may not be such a good idea in the midwest. Oh god I'm getting memories of my last trip to South Beach, blissful madness. :D :twisted:
  24. What is Erythoblastosis Fetalis? If you figure this one out, you either read/speak latin, or you are just the smartest person on this forum, or you are a doctor. PS. this is helping me study for my bio exam in 7 hours.
  25. Absolutely nothing to do with flight sims... but if you can

    Well done, damnit if I could add clapping hands I would. BTW I knew the answer, but I was just hoping somebody else knew it, maybe one of your guys wife's had to get the injection, that would have been cool (kinda). I will most certainly remember this bit for the test, hopefull there will be like 50 questions of nothing but crap on RH+-, but I doubt it. Well done again Cowboy, well done!!!

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