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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Need The List Of All The Squadron

    Maybe this will help, its not a straight forward list, but lots and lots of info (gotta read through it). http://www.history.navy.mil/download/history/app24.pdf
  2. Stanley Cup Playoffs....

    Second round starts Thursday, think everybody's teams got through the first round. GO LEAFS GO!
  3. Ubisoft

    I love UBI! And IL2 is dee bestest! :D I dont play LOMAC because my crap Dell isnt up to speed, which obviously means that Far Cry would melt my computer. I didnt know Raven Shield was that bad, hmmmm, maybe I wont buy it..... Ghost Recon is better anyway B) . And Splinter Cell is da shiznit.
  4. Saddly there is no way to create no new maps for Il2, atleast not to my knowledge, I have never seen a totally new map come from outside the dev team. IL2 modding is limited to skinning and editing already created maps, which allows for new missions to be created. Like I said, I'm only like 95% sure that you cannot make new maps, you may want to try and get in contact with one of the dev guy's, Oleg is pretty accessible, although he's away on family stuff. You may just want to post something in Oleg's Ready Room on the IL2 boards at UBI ( http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=frm&s=400102&f=63110913 ), probably address it to Crazy Ivan, he's handling all the hard questions right now. <C> Snapple=JW=
  5. Nice Movie (how Low Can You Go?)

    Awesome movie, Dutchy!
  6. Brothers In Arms Announced

    I'd like to see a WWII FPS that doesnt have all those med packs, kinda give it a Ghost Recon feel. CoD's MP sucks, I cant say much more for BF1942 or MOHAA. The Tom Clancy games are still the best MP FPS' in my opinion. Havent picked up Far Cry yet though, dont think it'll run without an upgrade anyway. Oh and, this game does look very very good.
  7. Stanley Cup Playoffs....

    Ottawa is susceptible to the grit and determination of the St. John's Maple Leafs. Tucker, Domi, Roberts, and a few others may not get down about losing Mats and Newy, but those Euro's sure do lose heart quick (no offense Dutchy), just seems that guys like Bucket-o-Pucks and Mr. let me take a slap shot on a penalty shot (both Czechs) give it up unless there's an olympic medal involved. I suspect the Captain to be suited up for tonite..... Newy's a bit old though. Hmmm, Ronny Franchise could show some Pittsburg flare. Who knows, but tonite is a must win. PS: I got one series right so far...... Bye Bye St. Louis :D
  8. Stanley Cup Playoffs....

    Sh*t I forgot Nolan's not even playing..... power forward made out of glass
  9. Stanley Cup Playoffs....

    Newy havin back problems again, Sundin with an unknown leg injury. Nolan really has to start playin like he used too with San Jose, no excuse for a multi-time allstar to be playing like a 4th liner. Maybe somebody can convince Alex to start playin like he gives a sh*t, if he does, he has the ability to score on command. Errrrr, see how they do Friday, atleast I can watch that one on ESPN2. PS. Devils are done, was hopin that would be a brutal 7 gamer. Habs' season ends tonight.
  10. Ouch!

    Hmmmmm, I only got part of that.... yes he is
  11. Stanley Cup Playoffs....

    4-1 Sens
  12. Ouch!

    WTF? You used the L word at your age? Word of advice, dont use the crutches, even if it hurts, you'll get there faster if you hop
  13. Stanley Cup Playoffs....

    I'll see your bucket of pucks for Kaberle, and raise you a jock strap. To think that Bobby Clark would have traded Lindros for Cabby and Markov, and the Leafs refused, and then traded Markov anyway. Aki Berg is the worst IMHO, f*ckin hate that guy. Totally correct about people not getting hockey, Weasel. Took my friend Dan down to a Panthers game a while back, he couldnt follow hockey on TV too well (he's a baseball kinda guy................ssssslllllllooooooowwwwwww), but seeing a live game got him hooked. He doesnt play hockey, but when a games on, he'll definatly watch it. Sh*t even my mom became a hockey fan after she treated me to a Leafs home game for my 18th birthday. She finds Tie Domi to be as she put it "a fascinating creature", he's not a "who" in her mind, but a "what". Now whenever I visit her in Tennessee, we go to Knoxville Speed games..... really rough games B) . Ooooh, pucks starting in 20 minutes.... too bad I cant get the CBC down here, without spending 200 bucks on "NHL Center Ice" PS: MJ or Fates, we need a crying emoticon
  14. History Channel

    Hey now, they score just as often in pro-football, as they do in hockey.... would shoot outs get you interested? (shift to my thread for reply, no need to hijack this one ) Band o Brothers is awesome BTW.
  15. Oh man! Ima have me some fun with those pricks in their Ki-84's now. Oh yeah, the real hot rod's gonna be added. (below screen) Some peeps in that thread were saying that that particular spit, wasnt that good below 20000 ft. Well I doubt that it will be a total dog, needless to say... I CANT WAIT FOR DESERT FIGHTERS!
  16. What Have You Done For A Living?

    Bagger and Stocker at Winn Dixie grocery store. Worked retail at Ross and Dillards. Tele-marketer . Busboy at a country club (lasted like 2 days, really sh*tty place to work). And my longest lasting job, driver for Dominos for almost 2 years. Currently unemployed and broke because Dominos fired me for having too many speeding tickets..... oh the irony.
  17. Well, Im Back From Washington

    I was in D.C. a while back, about a month before 9-11 actually. Saw everything except for going into the White House. That commie ICBM (back and to the right of the Bell) looks awe inspiring from ground level. No pics of the Navy Memorial??? Kinda weird how its just on a corner, with no fan fair...no grass, just a bronze sailor and his sea bag. I agree with Skater about the Smithsonian... however, I always thought a T-Rex would be bigger . PC, you is one crazy mofo for going with 99 kids.
  18. Ubi Annonces Ghost Recon 2

    Awww, Dagger, I want a massive naval sim for the same era as LOMAC (still having Iowa class BB's :D ) Like Fleet command but better! As for EA, the only game worth a damn is NHL 2004, and its not perfect, just better than the competition. CoD's superior to MOHAA, so I guess EA's losing on all fronts. Too many years of dominance builds too big of an ego. UBI gets most of my gaming money now.
  19. Ubi Annonces Ghost Recon 2

    Sweet, its gonna be on PC. Just saw that those PS2 boys finally got Island Thunder... although with a new name and some addies. ALL HAIL UBI SOFT KINGS OF BOTH GROUND AND AIR COMBAT SIMS!!!!!!! Now if we can just get them to do a kick ass naval sim.
  20. Holds true for IL2, IL2 FB, and IL2 FB AEP, and I suspect that Pacific Fighters will be the same way. real shame that LOMAC isnt as skinable as the IL2 line
  21. Copy and paste the skin file into the appropriate aircraft folder in the C:\Program Files\Ubi Soft\IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles\PaintSchemes\Skins directory. Also, be sure that you downloaded a .bmp file from whatever website it was, and not a .psd.... FB no like you flying around in a template (unless you need that template to make a skin) If you are making skins, be sure to save it in bitmap format and in 256color. FB skins should only be 1mb (uncompressed).
  22. Jealousy

    Hmmm. I have a rather spoiled Chinese Pug back home. When she goes outside we really have to watch her because she thinks the whole neighborhood is hers. Usually I have to go pick her up or chase her back into the house, because if I just call her she just stares at me, gives a little snort and trots away, as if to say "NO!". This is probably because she is the Queen of the house, and does whatever she wants, and gets all the attention. Now to the jealousy thing. Whenever my sister comes to visit my dad, she brings her pug along. Now he is a real prick when it comes to being the center of attention, mainly because he is the center of attention at his house. So when he sees my pug being attended to, he freaks. He barks, and jumps around, but more importantly he attacks my dog! He's always trying to hump her, and chases her away from her food. Guess it just happens, because when some animals are used to being the only one around, they get really really jealous when they see another animal getting attention from their owners. Oddly enough my dog doesnt care when he's getting all the love.
  23. Bertuzzi's So Called "attack" On Moore

    Well I missed this moment in Hockey, since I was chillin in Daytona and Cocoa Beach this passed week. Anyway the non-hockey fans took this opporunity like the Marty McSorley on Brashear incident a while back, to criticize my sport for being to brutal. Well that's just great. Barry Melrose critisized those assholes on ABC today for being so damn hypocritical. Ya this would never happen in any other sport, but other equally violent acts happen in other sports and nobody b*tches about that. So why is it that non-hockey fans pick on this the greatest of games (IMHO)?

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