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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. What are we doing to conserve gas?

    I think you should run, most (well the ones that want to win) always move to the center. Ex: Lil' Bush is a fanatical Conservative Chrisian, but that doesnt get the votes that "Compassionate Conservative" gets. Im pro war aswell... sometimes, everytime I think of Iraq or what I would do to France this little wavfile from "Stronghold" comes to mind "Burn them, Burn them all!!!", its an Engineer pouring boiling oil over the enemy... gruesome game. Speaking of, does anybody want to make a mod for the F-4 so that we may stick Napalm on our AA mounts... the more, the merrier.
  2. What if we'd tried this in WW2?

  3. Warning....this will make some of you very angry....

    This veterans day or was it last (you know what I mean). I was walking to class, and I saw a front license plate that said "Combat wounded Veteran" you know the one with the purple heart and what not. So I ripped out a peice of paper, and wrote down "Thank you and happy veterans day from a grateful American", and slipped it under the windshield. I really hope that made his/her day.

    OOOh goody, does this mean I get to simulate kills on conservatives (jk) Perhaps Saturday, like always skip? Only now we will have more people, and I will try to actually be there at the time that I set up for everyone... I'm just an XO, not a miracle worker, its hard to hold myself to what I demand of others. Personal invite for all on boihaz from the XO of VF143, join us (the puppies) every saturday night at 9pm EST for some laughs, some fun, and whatever else may surface. It's not very much fun shooting down your own squad mates you know.
  5. I've joined the fashion industry

    Very 80's, that look is in right now btw.
  6. What are we doing to conserve gas?

    I already belong to the Democratic party MUHUHAHAHA!!! The liberal stands alone on Biohaz. Beer didnt like my last (only) post on petrol conservation, and I dont think anybody listened to me.... alas atleast im trying. BTW, all liberals arent evil, just Janeane Garafalo, and those Limousine Liberals, you dont see many lower class, working individuals at those meaningless rallies do you? No, of course you dont, because they (we) have more to worry about (like feeding a family), than "Meh, the whales are being killed... someone save them ". Bunch of mincy little faggots, I hate them all, giving people like me a bad name, they almost make my skin crawl as much as the mere sight of John Ashcroft.
  7. Warning....this will make some of you very angry....

    If she were a boy on my hockey team, she would have gotten her ass layed out, everytime she even got near the puck, and then probably gotten the sh*t beaten outa her by me or someone else on the team, in the locker room between periods, and then beaten after the game. And thats if she turned her back on the Canadian flag, you dont want to know what happens if she turned her back on the American flag. But, I put her in the same class as those that hold there hand to their heart, and dont mean it (plastic people, I think that "Sunday" christians fall into this category aswell). As for me, I dont agree with all that America does, so I do not hold my hand over my heart, I just hold them in front of me, but I do it respectfully, and I most certainly do not sit down at a game during the anthem. I may just have a combination of laziness (too lazy to hold my hand up for a whole 2 mins), and having that damn song drilled into me every day for 13 years in public school (I think this may lead to some people doing it half heartedly). But she has the right to do as she pleases, although I think we can all pass judgment on her for having poor taste if nothing esle. And the gentleman that waved the flag in her face, had no right to do so, not because of speech, but for violating the space of the court. And I agree, it is hard for a team to pull it together while one or more members is making an ass out of themself... just look at my beloved FSU football team.
  8. What if we'd tried this in WW2?

    We = the people that dont care for the French and their views. I think I detect a bit of resentment towards me for being a student and not a serviceman. Dont you worry Steve, service is in my plan of the future, I'll be an officer, but its still service all the same. And, besides my family has helped protect this country, since before it was a country (we have done our time, and I will soon enough). But thats probably a moot point since you too have an English last name, and probably have generations in this country spanning back centuries aswell. And dont mind the anti-French bit, its become almost genetic in my family. Kill them because they speak a different language, kill them becuase they cant defend themselves, kill them because they dont wear deodorant, or just kill them because they refuse to go along with the rest of Europe. Here's a nice little quote that my dad got from an Italian he works with in the International Civil Aviation Authority. "For the French, it matters, to matter" If you cant understand that, it simply means that they will gladly make a fuss just to make a fuss, but will eventually just go along. They just want people to know that France is still around. I say F*ck them, and everything they stand for. WTF = What the F*ck. Cheers, Jason Robert Saffell The Saffell's defending America since 1732, and killing Frenchmen since the Viking invasions of France.
  9. What if we'd tried this in WW2?

    I dont get the meaning of your post, steve. WTF are you trying to say, I'm afraid I dont get it at all.
  10. Fast Eagle sick....

    thank god, he's okay, the squad would have fallen apart in no time without him... well maybe. :) Well atleast now I can feel relieved, now that my brief stint as CO is over.
  11. I found a new little thing in mp, that actually helps. If you ever get the message "terrain data on your machine is different then host", and he is running stock desert, but it comes up as *desert*, get on RW, and talk to the host and tell him to play with the terrain menu, and just reset it to desert fictional (even if it already says so on the host screen). I have had the terrain message a lot, but the other night I was flyin with a squad mate, and told him to mess with it, and he just did as I said, and the message went away, and we flew for like an hour. I stongly recommend voice comm, for this game, until the bugs are out. That way you can tell the host to wait for everyone to get in hangar (verify through voice comm) and sort out all the issues. Hope this helps a few of you out.
  12. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got accepted to FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY today!!! Finally after 4 years of slacking off in H.S., and 2 years of subpar Community College, I finally get to go where I belong... to the slacker paradise, where everybody enjoys a year long binge, which only serves to fuel the non-stop casual sex. Finally I can leave this wasteland. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D SO F*CKING HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers, Jay
  13. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey dagger, next year is VT's big year, they may not win the championship, but Miami's totally depleted, so do all us Floridians a favor, and get them Hokies to kick the sh*t outa the private school assholes's downsouth. Oh I found some great pics, of FSU kickin the sh*t outa Mike Vick in 99.... maybe I'll post em.
  14. What if we'd tried this in WW2?

    Cheif, I admire your sarcasm (its an great trait in my opinion). Personally, I think we should invade France immediatly after Iraq, give bits to the Germans, some to the Brits, a little bit to the Italians, some provinces to the Spaniards. Then we can give Belgium back to the Dutch (since the Belgians are f*cking useless, they're just frenchmen with a different name). What ever is left we can call "Nouvelle Etats Unis". I quote my favorite DJ. "If I controled the world, the first thing I would do, would be to cut out France, and push it out to sea, and sink it." -John Askew (British Trance DJ/artist) But seriously chief, rumors are going around that March 7th is D-Day.
  15. Cheif if it were up to me the whole damn naval arsenal would be flyable, even the E2C, I like the viggie too, and I wasnt discounting the A-7, its just that I think a tactical bomber should come before another Fighter Bomber, since the F-4 is already in (although its not a pure F/A), and that sh*tty A-4 is in, just having an A-6 loaded with snake eyes, would hot hot hot!!! Ooooo, oooo, they should add the Sea King, or Jolly Green (which ever paint job you prefer), so that we can do SAR missions into a hot LZ, with A-1's flyin in, oh god im getting goose bumps, thinking of the last scene in Flight of the Intruder.... It would be so f*cking bad ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The wing raised, and if it didnt, its a poor design, come to think of it the whole damn plane was a poor design (planes came bad red after missions, and no its not from playing paintball), how bout them A-4's with nose gear that dont turn.
  16. Thank god the F-14 Tomcat isnt a drug, for if it were, we would have lost the skipper a long time ago to an overdose. Who's making the Phoenix? Hey coyote, can I bribe you to make an A-6 when you finish the cat?
  17. My dad is a vet of Nam too, when I told him I got SF, and how its a Vietnam area game, and I told him there were no F-8's, A-7's, or A-6's, he went apesh*t. I told him I was gettin my ass kicked by migs, and he told me that F-4's only happened upon migs by accident, when he was on the Coral Sea (or was it the Oriskany), when an Alpha Strike went up they would send the flying Hydraulic leaks up (F-8's) to Da Nang, and lay in wait for the migs, F-4's would go in as fighter bombers, all those F-4 on mig kills we here about are just luck I guess. I really want the A-6 in the game, it had the absolute finest AS weapons system of its era, and served well in the Persian Gulf too, I could do without the F-8, because we already have a gun fighter in the game, and the F-4 serves as a good F/A, so I could do without the A-7, but the A-6 is definately a must. On an A-6 related story. Pops told me about those pesky Russian Trollers that would shadow the CV's, and tell the gooks every time an A-6 pulled up with shrikes, so every damn radar site in N. Gookville would shut down in like 5 mins. Soon the navy decided the best way to handle the trollers was to send a Sea King over the troller and f*ck with its comm (the antenna's cant handle serious lowlevel propwash), and then they would move a destroyer up alongside of the troller so as to block visual. Then bring up the A-6's that were armed with telephone poles (i dont know the designation for this weapon just the knickname, but its anti-radar), while the Intruder was on the cat, he would lock up on the radar sites, before they launched, so the gooks could shut down if they wanted, but they were already f*cked! Dont know why I put down this story, it just came to mind, as I dreamed of a flyable A-6. Cheers, Jay
  18. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is FSU playing Va. Tech this year? Or are you thinking of Miami?
  19. if you have it send it to me at snapple2993@aol.com. Please, i keep having problems with the button mapping. Cheers, Jay
  20. A cool banner

    While we are talking about patriotism, does anybody have the USN commercial where they are showing a bunch of pictures of what the navy has done, and all the tragedies we have faced the last few years, and at the end it just has the USN banner, and at the bottom it says "Defending Freedom for over 200 hundred years" or something along those lines. I tell ya, I only saw that commercial once, and I really think it was the best recruiting commercial I have ever seen, if not the best commercial period! Cheers, Jay
  21. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    F-L-O-R-I-D-A-S-T-A-T-E, Florida State, Florida State, WHOOO!!! Ya, I know its gay but its much better than UF, they hold hands, and rock back and forth, bunch of queers, and as for the Hurricanes, well lets just say I was a big OSU fan during the BCS championship game.
  22. How do I make a video?

    I have windows movie maker, and have no clue on how to use it, any tips? Cheers, Jay
  23. How do I make a video?

    Fraps? where do i get it?

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