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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. As my dad always says (in reference to having a really fast car, and trying to get away from the man), "you cant out run Motorola",i.e, drive as fast as you want, but you better hide real fast, because radio, and helicopters are much faster than any car. Soon, you will outgrow the whole car phase, sad to say (im only 19, but I grew up too fast due to conditions), eventually you will be looking into cars that get 60 mpg, and go 0-60 in about 20 seconds, I hate my SUV, I get like 17 mpg, and I'm a driver for dominos, gas is a real bitch. Speaking of gas, the price is $1.70 for regular here, what is it for everybody else?
  2. I'm not big on cars really, but my two best friends are really into them. My friend Ross just bought a twin turbo 300zx (forget what year), but its bad ass, and the Z-28's are already messin with him (good f*ckin luck). The thing that puzzles me, is how the meatheads in the mustangs and camaro's think they can beat a turbo Z or Supra...? Now if they are driving a saleen, or maybe a cobra... maybe, they may have something to talk about, as for the guys in preludes, and integras, and even tiburons (so sad), I dont know who they think they are trying to sh*t. WRX is bad ass though, even though im not fond of Subaru's. In all honesty, I just want a new Volvo S80, that way I can be driving a very nice car, that is designed like a f*ckin tank, I just need 45g's, anybody wanna help with that? :D
  3. Happy birthday! :D I turn 20 on the ides of march. I want a new Z so bad... just such a sexy car. The new supra is in the works (or so ive heard), as is the turbo Z, for now i must drive a 2000 chevy blazer LT. Oh well theres always the lottery. Cheers, Jay And I hope you all have many more birthdays to come!
  4. 50 points if...

    What does the rope on top of this cap (USMC officer dress cap)signify.
  5. A patch (not for the game...don't get too excited)

    I submit these (on hedu's behalf)
  6. 50 points if...

    sorry, I have the beginnings of dyslexia... I think, and I hope not. Dirickson
  7. 50 points if...

    Bastard... thats what I saw, I was hoping I would get a marine to answer, well done Dickerson, well done. I just thought it was a very nice peice of obscure american history... now tell me, why do the marines carry a saracen sword, an since when and why is there a red stripe on the pant leg... that wasnt on the sniper expose on the history channel.
  8. I stumbled across this on the Europa Universalis forum while I was looking for a hint (speaking of, does anybody know how to use nukes in Hearts of Iron?) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> piero Major Registered: Jul 2001 Location: Geneva, Helvetia Posts: 545 France rules! I love it! The following advice for American travelers going to France was compiled from information provided by the US State Department, the CIA, the US Chamber of Commerce, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and some very expensive spy satellites that the French don't know about. It is intended as a guide for American travelers only. >>> General Overview France is a medium-sized foreign country situated in the continent of Europe. It is an important member of the world community, though not nearly as important as it thinks. It is bounded by Germany, Spain, Switzerland and some smaller nations of no particular importance and with not very good shopping. France is a very old country with many treasures, such as the Louvre and Eurodisney. Among its contributions to western civilization are champagne, Camembert cheese and the guillotine. Although France likes to think of itself as a modern nation, air conditioning is little used and it is next to impossible for Americans to get decent Mexican food. One continuing exasperation for American visitors is that local people insist on speaking in French, though many will speak English if shouted at. Watch your money at all times. >>> The People France has a population of 56 million people. 52 million of these drink and smoke (the other 4 million are small children). All French people drive like lunatics, are dangerously oversexed, and have no concept of standing patiently in a queue. The French people are in general gloomy, temperamental, proud, arrogant, aloof and undisciplined; those are their good points. Most French citizens are Roman Catholic, though you would hardly guess it from their behavior. Many people are communists. Men sometimes have girls' names like Marie or Michel, and they kiss each other when they meet. American travelers are advised to travel in groups and wear baseball caps and colorful trousers for easier recognition. >>> Safety In general, France is a safe destination, although travelers must be aware that from time to time it is invaded by Germany. Traditionally, the French surrender immediately and, apart from a temporary shortage of Scotch whisky and increased difficulty in getting baseball scores and stock market prices, life for the American visitor generally goes on much as before. A tunnel connecting France to Britain beneath the English channel has been opened in recent years to make it easier for the French government to flee to London during future German invasions. >>> History France's historical figures are Louis XIV, the Huguenots, Joan of Arc, Jacques Cousteau and Charles de Gaulle, who was President for many years and is now an airport. Government The French form of government is democratic, but noisy elections are held more or less continuously and always result in a draw. The French love administration, so, for government purposes the country is divided into regions, departments, districts, municipalities, towns, communes, villages, cafes, and telephone kiosks. Each of these has its own government and elections. Parliament consists of two chambers, the Upper and Lower, though confusingly they are both on the ground floor, and whose members are either Gaullists or Communists, neither of whom should be trusted by the traveler. Parliament's principal occupation is setting off atomic bombs in the South Pacific and acting indignant and surprised when other countries complain. According to the most current American State Department intelligence, the President is now someone named Jacques. Further information is not available at this time. >>> Culture The French pride themselves on their culture, though it is not easy to see why. All their music sounds the same and they have never made a movie that you would want to watch for anything but the nude scenes. >>> Cuisine Let's face it, no matter how much garlic you put on it, a snail is just slug with a shell on its back. Croissants, on the other hand, are excellent, although it is impossible for most Americans to pronounce this word. In general, travellers are advised to stick to cheeseburgers. >>> Economy France has a large and diversified economy, second only to Germany's in Europe, which is surprising, because the French hardly work at all. If they are not spending four hours dawdling over lunch, they are on strike and blocking the roads with their trucks and tractors. France's principal exports, in order of importance to the economy, are wine, nuclear weapons, perfume, guided missiles, champagne, guns, grenade launchers, land mines, tanks, attack aircraft, miscellaneous armaments and cheese. >>> Public Holidays France has more holidays than any other nation in the world. Among its 361 national holidays are: 197 Saints' days, 37 National Liberation Days, 16 Declaration of Republic Days, 54 Return of Charles de Gaulle in triumph as if he won the war, single-handed Days, 18 Napolean sent into Exile Days, 17 Napolean Called Back from Exile Days, and 2 "France is Great and the Rest of the World is Rubbish" Days. Conclusion France enjoys a rich history, a picturesque and varied landscape, and a temperate climate. In short, it would be a very nice country if it was not inhabited by French people. The best thing that can be said for France is that it is not Germany. A word of warning: The consular services of the United States government are intended solely for the promotion of the interests of American businesses such as McDonald's, Pizza Hut and the Coca-Cola Corporation. In the event that you are the victim of a crime or serious injury involving at least the loss of a limb, report to the American Embassy between the hours of 5.l5 am and 5.20 am on a Tuesday or Wednesday, and a consular official who is supremely indifferent to your plight will give you a list of qualified dentists or something similarly useless. Remember, no one ordered you to go abroad. Personally, we always take our holidays at Miami Beach, and you are advised to as well. Thank you and good luck. __________________ Panem et Circenes ! "Truth is always revolutionary." --- Gramsci Last edited by piero on 08-05-2002 at 07:39
  9. Jeff call off your SPAM GOONS

    I thought he said he got banned from HL for being an aethiest (well one of the reasons). I wonder what type of personal life he leads, perhaps none at all, since he is so negative What an oddball :?
  10. Harvard vs. Florida State... good laugh

    Published on Thursday, February 06, 2003 Joe College, Where Art Thou? A quest by Peter L. Hopkins No writer attributed Article Options Email this article to a friend Send a letter to the editor Print this article In a sterling case of wanting most what you don’t have, Harvard students have developed a major preoccupation with the inadequacies of our campus social life. We lament that weekends at Harvard begin only on Fridays and last only until the early hours of Sunday morning. When there are actually parties, we complain that there are not enough or that they are not well attended—or that they are too well attended and insufficiently ventilated. Driving this relentless self-criticism is a vague and somewhat variable notion of the so-called mythical “other schools” against which we measure the merits of our own social life. The “other schools” are essentially a composite of everything which we believe Harvard lacks or, quite simply, the ideal party school. At “other schools,” there are parties every night, which rage tirelessly into the wee hours of the morning. These fêtes disband only at daybreak and only so their patrons might go forth to mate vigorously with one another as well as to attend to various incidental needs, such as nourishment, sleep and personal hygiene, that will make possible a return to partying the very next evening to begin the whole process anew. In the interest of uncovering just how unlike “other schools” Harvard truly is, two friends and I ventured southward over intersession to Florida State University (FSU), a legendary name in the pantheon of great party schools. It was my hope that a thorough examination of the FSU body social might be just the selfless act of public service that could reveal by comparison the major sources of Harvard’s social failings and potentially help remedy them once and for all. Even if I couldn’t single-handedly cure Harvard’s party ills through my pilgrimage to FSU, I felt relatively certain that I could get myself pretty damn drunk. As an elite party school, FSU’s credentials are unquestioned. FSU has all the of the essential elements of a great party school: it is home to one of the nation’s illustrious college football teams, the Seminoles, has a massive undergraduate population of almost 25,000 (55% is female) and resides in Tallahassee, Florida, a town that has long looked forgivingly upon underage drinking and other college revelry. In turn, FSU has perennially appeared on list after list that trumpet the nation’s biggest party schools. Both the Princeton Review and Rolling Stone magazine have at different times bestowed upon FSU the title of the nation’s most social institution for higher learning. My own first impression of FSU social life, however, was how strangely similar it was to Harvard social life. One of the most popular campus bars at FSU, the Palace Saloon (2 parts saloon, no part palace), is a college bar much like any other. Aside from its southern quaintness (the walls were adorned with the hoods of NASCARs and there was a perpetual line to have a turn at the video game “Deer Hunter”), the Palace Saloon could easily have been Harvard’s own Red Line or Daedalus on a busy weekend night. Around the crowded bar, alcohol was served in abundance, men talked to women, women talked to men and, at least by appearances, a good time was had by all, especially by the two bloodlusting huntresses who simply refused to relinquish control of the bright orange shotguns tethered to the Deer Hunter game. In fact, there was nothing at all unusual about the Palace Saloon, except that it was filled to capacity at almost 2 a.m. on a Monday night (Tuesday morning), its busiest night of the week. It’s hard to imagine anything filled to capacity at 2 a.m. on a Monday in Cambridge, except for the library, but that closes at 1 a.m. It is not necessarily the nature of the events or their venues that distinguish the parties of FSU from those of Harvard but rather their frequency. The social calendar in Tallahassee works on a six-night schedule as opposed to a one or two or zero night rotation in Cambridge. In a defiant act of social scheduling, FSU has anointed Tuesday as the peak of its weekly festivities. Tuesday’s very approach in the weekly calendar is heralded like the coming of the messiah. Quite literally, in fact. I watched on as one FSU undergrad proclaimed, “Jesus Christ! Tomorrow’s Tuesday!” before slumping drunkenly into the outstretched arms of two friends who were ready to help escort him home after he had finished his evening of pre-partying. And, why shouldn’t Tuesdays be so keenly anticipated? What better way to deliver one’s self from the bondage of two successive days of class than to get absolutely s**t-faced so you can’t remember that you still have three more to go? As evidence that partying and piety are not mutually exclusive, Sunday is the one-day of the week when FSU actually rests. Except, of course, on “holidays” such as Super Bowl Sunday, which occasions partying as if it were Tuesday. My meager Harvard training quickly proved insufficient to handle the rigors of FSU social life. By day seven of my research excursion to FSU, even the milk in my morning corn flakes started to reek of the taste of Natty Light. My inability to withstand seven days of the lifestyle that many FSU students have spent four (or more) college years perfecting proves that nature may be a limiting factor in one’s quest to become the perfect partier. Yet, even if the average Harvard man or woman is not meant to party like they mean it every night, I did note certain aspects of FSU campus life that seemed to inspire in me a will to party on even through the fog of my relentless inebriation. Like FSU, Harvard needs a large public space to foster the sort of daytime socializing necessary to lay the foundations for raucous nighttime partying. In Tallahassee, this function is served by the local grocery store, Publix, which was recently voted the best place in America to find a date by Playboy Magazine. Publix, or “Club Publix” as it is affectionately known by FSU students, is indeed one part grocery store and one part meat market, where tanned and toned co-eds parade the aisles while bands of slobbering fraternity boys follow in tow waiting for just the right moment to offer their services in lifting up a particularly cumbersome bottle of Diet Coke or fat-free salad dressing. Where better to stoke the flame of romance first kindled in the frozen food aisle than a party that same evening? One Publix shopper who identified herself as an FSU undergrad said that it was the sales and not the studs that made her a loyal patron. In almost the same breath, however, she confided that a number of her sorority sisters, a cousin (or two) and her own sister had far fewer reservations about stopping by the Publix in search of a loaf of bread and/or a new boyfriend. “Oh yeah, my friends really, really like to shop at Publix.” Harvard also needs to discover the joys of T-ball and other sorority sports more generally. I had the distinct pleasure of attending a sorority T-ball tournament during my stay in Tallahassee. While the proceeds of the event were given to charity, I assure you that the true beneficiaries were the spectators. The fire of competition that can be achieved only when two sororities square head-to-head on the (T-ball) field of battle seemed to speak to every red-blooded fraternity brother in attendance. The image of glory that is the leaping and the bounding of young female athletes as they decide and decide again which of the three bases they want to run to first knows no equal in all of sport. From what I could tell of FSU, T-ball really has nothing to do with directly promoting parties on campus so much as fostering the general air of contentment and goodwill in which parties thrive. In addition, bonfires seem to be critical to successful parties. Almost every party I attended had an outdoor bonfire to complement the indoor revelry and, thus, I cannot help but conclude that the bonfire must possess some yet-unstudied party-making property. Something about large fires seemed to enchant the FSU students and make them want to drink more such that several among them felt compelled to jump over or through (as it were) the pyre’s leaping flames. What fun! Of course, there is still the lingering issue of classes, a problem faced by FSU and Harvard students alike. As one FSU partygoer informed me quite authoritatively, “Classes just get in the way of partying.” Given their tendency to stand in the way of a good time, one wonders why colleges even have classes at all. Yet, rather than skipping class entirely, she highly recommended simply taking a lighter course load. She told me of her recent enrollment in “Writing about Buffy the Vampire Slayer” which she was slotted into because of the popularity of “Writing about the Simpsons.” So, in conclusion, I have surmised a basic equation that condenses my findings into a single, elegant theorem, which may very well one day help make Harvard the FSU of the North. (Supermarkets) + (T-Ball) + (Fire, both literally and figuratively) – (Classes) + BEER = FUN Now, go and out have some fun while I spend the rest of the semester sobering up. Peter L. Hopkins ’04 is a Government concentrator in Quincy House. He and traveling companions John M. Barkett ’04 and John L. Durant ’05 are now Publix preferred shoppers. Copyright © 2002, The Harvard Crimson Inc. | Privacy Policy | Terms and 8) GO NOLES!!!
  11. Harvard vs. Florida State... good laugh

    Dickerson... why dont you forget about the acadamies, and come down here, I'm sure with all of your credentials you could get in easy, and probably get a scholarship (you just gotta apply now!), I think there is both navy and AF ROTC on campus... but who cares, I assure you that taking a few of our florida beach bunnies for a ride is just as gratifying (if not more so), than any airplane. God I love this state, the hottest women, the best weather (its 75 degrees, while the NE goes through the worst blizzard ever), so much sh*t to do, just walking around my CC campus, I will see more ass, than I have in any other state (exept Cali). Even my brother in law is baffled by the marvelous views, his exact words... "how could anyone ever be gay in this state?" and I dont know how to answer him. Cheers, Jay
  12. Jeff call off your SPAM GOONS

    A worthless sh*te that boy is, good thing you banned him... I didnt know he ran simhq (did somebody say that?). oh well, I guess all of those posts, were going on while my internet was down, I hate to miss the fun. Cheers, Jay

    I'm smoking as I type this. Damn. Alright here's the dilema. I'm saving for my decks and mixer, and every week I drop 20 something bucks on a carton of Marlboro Mediums. I work as a Pizza delivery guy, and I make pretty good money, but I'm spending like 100 dollars a month on smokes + gas everytime I buy cigs, so its ike 50/60 bucks outa my checking acount everytime I do this. I should've had enough money by the end of January, but now it looks like the end of February is the new date. Not to mention I used to run 3 miles a day in HS, and now I get winded walking up the stairs to get to my classes. I think if I tried to run a mile now... I would DIE. Oh yeah I cant play hockey anymore becuase all of the movements required by a goalie, make me wanna puke (oh and I have tendonitis everywhere). Who nows maybe nicotine dries out the lubrication in joints. HELP ME PLEASE. Everytime I try to quit I get to day 3 and I snap. I can make it on 3 cigs a day (barely), but then the pack goes stale and its a waste of money. DAMN YOU BIG TOBACCO... DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL (Alabama).

    I think I may have broken, im not smoking in my car(I drive alot), and im not smoking during class breaks, but as long as there's cigs around me, I cant help it, and its not the nicotine, I just like smoking, alas I'll keep trying. It's just sitting in front of this screen, and after meals, is such a bitch. I'll consider it a tactical victory, since im not buying cigs, and im not chain smoking anymore, that'll do till I can really get myself in the state of mind. Try, try, and try again.
  15. LO:MAC Website gone?

    Im just now getting into flanker, and in the arial refuling turorial, the guy is talking about the great graphics he says, "if you like the flanker, graphics, just wait until you see lock on". I cringed when I heard this, just the thought of those incredible looking landscapes makes me all giddy. If LOMAC gets cancelled... there should be F*CKING MURDERS!!!!!!!!! I've been hooked on it ever since I saw the back of my IL2 manual, with the LOMAC pick on it.... back when it was supposed to be out last fall.... i cant take it anymore, i need a demo, a 30 minute video, something. I would imagine this to be like heroin addiction, and not having any heroin. May? June?... perhaps
  16. LO:MAC Website gone?

    What are you talkin about, www.lo-mac.com is still up and running, i just went there, even had the correct date at the top.

    If anybody has the game "Waterloo, Napoleons Last Battle", and is interested in some online play (nobody plays on gayspy), please let me know. I'd like to have a go with somebody in that game... a real test of wits.

    copyright 2001, one of Sid Meiers games i think, or atleast its based on his engine, and it is a strategy first game (like SFP1).

    NOBODY has this game?
  20. Flanker 2.5 sucks for Joystick

    Just picked up the Russian enigma wednesday, and man is it a bitch to figure out. I like the modeling and it looks like a promising game, but does anybody know how to get all of the buttons on my X45 to work with the game. Christ in SF and IL2, I never have to move my hands from the stick/throttle... and thats the way it should be. Does anybody have any mods/hacks/improvements to... well... improve this game. Oh, skip if you read this... I tried to return it and the F-18 (poser), to CompUSA, and the hagg at customer service wasnt gonna give me store cred if I promised to be her first f*ck in her miserable petty insignificant store clerk life.... lucky you for getting to return it.
  21. Flanker 2.5 sucks for Joystick

    damn, see i got the profiler, it came with the stick, but i just went to the site, and they have custom profiles for a bunch of games, just not for flanker.... what a drag. I really dont wont to have to go through all those sub modes, and the game doesnt even register all the buttons on the X45, it only registers like 16 of'em, when theres like 50. Guess im just gonna have to bear down on this one... damn computers, so damn demanding. :x :x :x

    Got all this info from my sister, who got it from her friend. Here's what his email said. Now I did some research and there is a lot of research on this. I was trying to see how true this document is. I could not find any exact figures but I only did spend about an hour looking around. Take a look at this when done with this. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/saudi.html The Saudis are boycotting American goods. We should return the favor. An interesting thought is to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from and which major companies import Middle Eastern oil (for the period 9/1/00 - 8/31/01): Shell................ .......205,742,000 barrels Chevron/Texaco....... 144,332,000 barrels Exxon /Mobil............. 130,082,000 barrels Marathon/Speedway.. 117,740,000 barrels Amoco................ 62,231,000 barrels If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION! Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil: Citgo....................0 barrels Sunoco............. ..0 barrels Conoco............. ..0 barrels Sinclair............... 0 barrels BP/Phillips.......... 0 barrels Hess...................0 barrels All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and each is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing. They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your car; share it with friends. Stop paying for terrorism............. But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of gas buyers. It's really simple to do. Now, don't wimp out at this point...keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!! I'm sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers! If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!! Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. How long would all that take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more people within one day, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next eight days!

    GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its sad to see registered voters not take 10 minutes out of a couple a days every couple a years to vote... just baffles me, and then they bitch about how things arent going thier way. The hypocracy.... sigh.
  24. The whole stuka thing... simple, Comrade Maddox, always gives the commi planes a bit of an advantage... notice that with a P-39 you can hit a german plane anywhere and it goes down in flames. Christ the most amazing plane in the game is I-16, and it is a total Piece of Sh*t, and yet I can fly around in it, take 300 rounds all over the place, and then crash, and still be alive, but if I get up in 109, or a 190, and I've got nose cannons, and wing pods, I cant knock off a yak to save my ass, even if I hit the son of a bitch with 3 or 4 bursts. I dont know maybe FB will be worth two sh*ts for the germans, now that they got americans running the show, hopefully lomac will be good, but you know what, the only game that I am still enjoying, is IL2, every other game I've bought in the past 6 months has had some serious issues, or they've just been a total let down. Just remember, you could stick an 88 on that stuka and unless you catch that yak on the ground, or hit that tank right in the ass, you aint gonna kill sh*t, because Oleg has to make his country look good. One last thing... FB is gonna suck bad, when they add the P-51, talk about just giving everything over to one side (the russians), and no I wont be using the sh*tty stang in MP, it will be me in my 109 at 8000 km agl waiting for those sorry as yaks and mustangs to come up to me. Oh great pic Ranger... remember republican gaurd is using T-72's and 75's... right? You cant be effective using old sh*t against state of the art sh*t... mother of all battles... please... mother of all ass kickings!!! (pearl harbor is the king of all as kickings though )

    Go to 7-11 (Citgo), if you dont have one on every corner, then you are not living in America. Ah, f*ck it, who am I trying to s**t, when was the last time all of America did something for America? Oh, and Beer, tell your sister in law to try and get behind something that has atleast a one in a million chance of success, China aint ever gonna let go of Tibet... not until the whole of Communist China collapses. Notice not even the American Government (economy, military) can sway the chincs... all those petty donations to "Free Tibet", is like pissing into the wind. Personally, I think mideast oil is fine... as long as a camel f*cker aint got his hand on the pump, and the camel f*cker aint getting any profit. But that aint ever gonna happen, because American's are to concerned with "image". I dont give a flying f*ck about globalism, I'm just tired of seeing America get shafted, because our gov. is too pussy ass to do anything, bunch of miserable procrastinators, sometimes I wish we had a King, this democracy sh*t aint anywhere near what they tell you in grade school. BOTTOM LINE, dont get involved unless, you actually plan on being "involved", and dont sit around on your ass waiting for someone else to do it for you, or waiting for resolutoins, or congruence.

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