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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. Something that makes me mad....

    One of the things that is really pissing me off about this whole "Iraq" situation, is that all of these movie stars, and mincy little faggot hippie pricks, and a few whinney congressman, are giving the democratic party a bad name. What all of you need to realize, before you start following behind Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, or even Bill O'Reilly, is that these assholes that are protesting, are what we in the real "Left" refer to as the "Limousine Liberals". I see that you are going to CSU (I think), and I've noticed that the association with Berkley has been used a few times on this board. PEOPLE! most of these kids are super rich kids, that have had no identity, because mommy and daddy have always paid for everything (including college, and that phat Benz they probably drive to those rallys). None of these kids really give a sh*t about, their fellow human beings, and for the most part those rediculously overpaid stars and starlettes dont either. All these people talk about us going socialist, but you know what, if we finally did go socialist, I bet if you had some poor share-croper ahead of... I dont know, Janeane Garafalo, or Babara Striesand, in the line for a heart transplant... these rich assholes would be bitching about how they are a star, and how they shouldnt have to wait in line. BULLSH*T, I'm getting sick and tired of only having these yuppy f*cking asshole half ass wannabe poser liberals, on TV giving people like me a bad name. If I speak up in one of my classes, I get viewed as a traitor, just because of my political alignment, and the day me or anyone of my family in this country gets viewed as a traitor (short of selling secrets), it is a sad day for America, every single American War has had a Saffell fighting for its cause (specifically from my line). I'll tell you where the real Left is, its in the working men and women of America, not on the college campus' and backlots of movie studios. The real left is in the families of those that barely get by and still pay taxes, not in the posh homes of Clintons, and Kennedy's, who's only complaint is how they cant go skiing in Aspen until February because the powder isnt just right yet. All I want out of this tumultuous political system, is free health care, education, and retirement. And it can be had with a flat 25-30% tax, and no its not just for the minorities, and the slackers on welfare, its for everyone that has a social security number. So the next time you see one of these Limousine Liberals on TV, or you see a protest, take a good look at what they are wearing, and maybe try and pick up on their speech patterns, and you will probably find that they are just simply imposters... remember the hippies, well they turned into yuppies real f*ckin fast, now didnt they! Jason Robert Saffell 10th generation American Saffell's in America, 1732-present
  2. Flanker 2.5 sucks for Joystick

    I could, but I dont think thats gonna help... X45 is just a cheap cougar, actually i think the x45 has more options, but i dont know for sure.
  3. Janeane Garofalo on FOX news....

    I wish we could just give the whole area back to the Turks or the Brits, no problems in there when they were under central control. As for those stupid Gooks in NK, they behaved much better when they were call Manchu's, or they were controled by the Japs. All these problems can be blamed on giving freedom to people who have never experienced it... look at Russia, its a f*cking mad house over there, the mob runs the whole country, people are going hungry (i think analysts are giving them another 5-10 before they go back to being communists). What I mean by freedom is "self-rule". Do you realize that prior to 1918 there were only like 6-8 real countrys in asia. Big Countrys work better. I really would like to see China over run the whole damn peninsula. No more Daewoo, or Samsung but those brands suck anyway. But seriously... Americas obsession with giving everyone freedom from (1945-on) has caused to many problems. Thats why I want us to stop now, and let some of the other real countries do what they want to do. And no, none of those pissant Kingdoms and Countries in the middle east or far east can be considered real. If we were to bring back Imperialism, we may still have a few mad men, but I stress a "few" is the key word. And dont think that Imperialism is never going to come back. NATO is probably going to dissolve in anther couple years, and the UN is acting like a bunch of pussy's. It's time we start using our military for something more than super pigs. But thats just my opinion... f*ck off if you dont like it. One man's freedom, is another man's prison.
  4. Thats what the jackpot for the Florida Lotto is tonight. I think if I win (hopefully 30 minutes from now), I would travel the world for a few years, and then I would just chill, and then travel somemore, and then chill, and I would be happy. What would you do?
  5. ya i got alot of stick time (about 9 years worth) but i still suck. But not that bad.
  6. Political Cartoon....

    Goodie... I've got some really good one's, just wish I had a scanner. Got'em all in the National Review or "Ultra-Rightist Review", I read it for laughs, but they got some great Characatures*. This months cover has Kim Jong Il doing the jig or something, while he holds up some chemicals, the cover says Psycho Drama. What a worthless sh*te that boy is.
  7. A new member in the clique? MP... it no good sailor man, you wait long time, long time for patch 2.
  8. Well done... I only get Purple Hearts... well I think I got a Distinguished Service Cross once, but its always a Purple Heart, because I suck.
  9. Paying for War

    Actually, now that I think about it, we should let our companies sponsor our services. Look at the photo... Texaco Bombs Iraq, then Texaco invades Iraq, then Texaco sucks all of the oil out of Iraq. Lets Do It!!! It could be some sort of incentive program, the companies that sponsor the military the most, get the 1 chance to go into a conquered country and create new business. Oh wait thats just my Imperialistic mind at work again. Bring it back I tell you, bring it back!!! Make The World America!

    I think its day 4 or something maybe 5, anyway no smokes as of yet.

    We should just trade the Czechs and Poles some F-18/15/16's for some migs and sukhoi's... hmm that could be a new economic package... Get first 100 planes/tanks/missles free and everything else half off, if you trade in all your old stuff. I cant wait to become a litigator on behalf of the government.
  12. Power of the Raptor

    Great Post. Someday we are going to have another world war, and all predispositions about armorments will be put to rest. Until then, lets just talk ourselves into reassurance.
  13. Janeane Garofalo on FOX news....

    Yes, there is nothing more annoying to me than a dissorderly classroom, that and Rap Music, hell for me would be a Nelly concert in a high school. The horror... the horror... the horror. On a completely separare note... I wish the terrorists would have crashed into MTV and not the TT's and Pentagon. But thats why they are terrorists, they dont usually do what their targets want them to do. Just think of it, no more Britney Spears, or Ja Rule, just perfect, perfect. I'm getting off topic, so I'll stop. Cheers, Jay
  14. Janeane Garofalo on FOX news....

    You forget who founded this country... the most self-righteous assholes to ever walk the face of the earth. Dont ever expect anything from America short of doing what we want. My only problem is the lies and games that the politicians play, so that they may hide the real reasons for taking action.
  15. Paying for War

    The very site should be demoralizing... think about it, being bombed by a plane that says "Tide" on the side, oh the humility, to lose to detergent.
  16. The purpose of war.....

    I was going to say the same thing "leave it all to gaming", but I didnt really feel it necessary. I'm suprised nobody's been critical of the internal squabling in VF-143, well between me and the skip anyway. No more of this, it makes us look like we dont have any integrity. A good XO should voice his own feelings from time to time though.
  17. The purpose of war.....

  18. The purpose of war.....

    I was refering to Wilson, FDR, and Truman, the last three Presidents to care about the American People (more than themselves) and actually do something meaningful for the world. Unfortunatley Wilson is labeled a coward by the right, and a racist by the left. FDR is americas greatest President not becuase he got us through World War II, but because he got us out of the depression, withouth having to build up a huge military like Germany or Russia, he did it through reforms, and thank god he was a socialist, otherwise who knows where we would be now. Imagine a Republican pulling us out of recession, instead of creating one... that would be something. Truman is completely overshadowed by FDR, for the war effort, and nobody remembers that Truman kept FDR's social programs alive, when everybody else wanted to get rid of them. But as for JFK, LBJ, Carter, and Clinton, a worthless lot they are. But the last Republican Pres to be worth a F*CK was Lincoln (and remember the parties flipped views after the civil war) so he wouldnt be a republican if he were around today. All I can really say about politics, is that it only exists to create laws, and a very wise man once said "That you can tell how free a country is by the number of laws it has" = more laws = less freedom. And dont give me that "But the left is always wanting more laws, bullsh*t", they want laws of protection and equality, the right wants to constrict you with moral code. My political views are this... Socialize Education, Healthcare, and Retirement. Have a moderate military (this cowboy sh*t is getting old), and pass a few laws to keep the Corporations from F*cking the worker/consumer in the ass everytime they get a chance. I think that puts me in the Labor Party or something, but I am by no means one of those whinney little leftist pussy's that sits around debating, what should be done, but never does sh*t. Oh well atleast there's always Trance.
  19. Okay, I dont know how to use the agm's, I load up and I dont know how to get a radar lock (or even how to use the A2G radar effectively). Somebody wanna give me a step by step instruction on how to knock out a sam site or blow up a tank. I expect Ranger to be laughing his ass off as he reads this. Cheers, Mista Saffell
  20. Fast Eagle wrote: If you're asking about the ground search radar, the only thing I can tell you is that it makes a nice picture of the terrain, but is a POS aside from that. I never use it, cause it is fu**ing worthless. thats what i wanted to know.
  21. The purpose of war.....

    Military action is important to the nation - it is the ground of death and life, the path of survival and destruction, so it is imperative to examine it. - Master Sun, first line from The Art of War Yes, I think war is incredibly stupid, and I wish it were not necessary, but it is. Wars can only be waged for these reasons. Money Retribution In the Defense or the Offense of a Principle(s) Insanity of a leader (rarely occurs) Look closely at any/every war in history and you will find that all of them fall in to atleast one of these catagories. The problem I have with "American" wars is that they all seem to be in defense of money but we say its for freedom. WWI/II and Korea are the last ones that really meant anything. Notice all three of those wars were ran by Liberal Administrations (SO SHUT THE F*CK UP WITH YOUR ANTI-LIBERAL BULLSH*T). Sorry Mates, but I'm getting tired of the slander. I dont know what it is about those damn Republicans trying to run a war (it just seems like it takes them years to get to where they should already be). Christ, even Clinton bombed then told (he almost got Bin Laden), dumb ass Bush and his boys are up there giving away strategy, or has everybody forgotten Afghanistan (we told the Taliban for months... "Give us Usama or we are comin in") Where's Usama now? We dont know because we took so damn long to move in. Dont even get me started on Nixon, or Reagan for that matter. One more thing, you cant expect an actor/actress to be able to wipe their own ass, let alone understand the geo-political atmosphere, actually, very few people do, including the people on this forum. We all have opinions, and the only reason why we can express them is because we live in the "white" world (hate to sound like a racist, but its true), and I for one wont go to war until somebody has the ability to, and tries to, take that freedom away, and no the terrorists dont have that ability. They are at war with us because they want us out of their countries. We will be out someday(fuel cell coming soon), and then they will all be poor, and they can all sit in their own sh*t while they beg for the almighty dollar!
  22. Janeane Garofalo on FOX news....

    <S> Dickerson. I hope you arent taking any classes that are somewhat remedial, anything below honors is just like being in daycare. I dont know where you go to school, or what kind of problems you may be facing, but when I was in H.S. (grad of 2001), I had my own game going. Try not to be overt with your behavior, it just attracts attention, and if your behavior involves answering questions, or doing some sort of volunteer work. This only makes the other students jealous, and they might think that you are a teachers pet. I only spoke up when I knew the teacher was wrong or I felt that she was going in the wrong direction with a topic (dont go this route, the teacher will give you a sh*tty grade, if you make him/her look bad in front of the class) I should have had a 3.75 in HS but I ended up with a 2.75 (it aint hard to drop a whole letter grade if you piss enough teachers off). Mate, the secret isnt trying to act cool, or suppressing who you are, its just goin with the flow, but dont be the poser, dont be the guy thats always tryin to get in on the fun, just be you. I just did my own thing the whole time, I enjoyed moderate anonimity* (the "cool" kids knew me, and I knew them, but that didnt make me or them "cool"). I had way more fun in HS, becuase nobody knew what I was doing... I was doing a lot of drugs and going to Orlando and Miami and out to the clubs, and f*cking girls that I would never see again. Whats cool about nobody knowin nothin about you, is that they cant talk sh*t and they cant poke fun and they sure as hell cant gossip or repremand you for what you do. This goes for your parents knowing what you do also. In short, be smart, but dont let the majority of the studi know, be assertive but do it covertly, most importantly though is to do what you want to do!!! Christ I didnt even go to prom or homecoming ever.... why? Becuase I could save my money and go down south and check out a real party... thinking CLUB SPACE!!! The best peice of advise I could possibly give you is to be an Individual that can work with/around/through/and without the group. Then it doesnt matter what others think about you. I hope you arent one of those "Goth" kids, not becuase of what they are, but because they draw to much attention to themselves, for such a sh*tty return (Dressing up like the Devil will only bring negative feedback). One more thing, dont let anybody use you for your brain, I saw a couple of really smart guys get used by the girls (for cheating purposes), If this is you, stop it now, it makes you look like a chump in front of the females, and an asshole in front of the dudes. Notice rocket scientists dont get laid because they put a satelite up, but they do get used in HS and college, by men and women. It's your brain, dont let anybody else use it until they offer you a salary. Oh yea drugs are bad, bad, bad! But if anybody has any Q's about them, I'm here, and I've done them all. Christ, I'm starting to feel like a guidance coucelor, just hope somebody wants to listen. Cheers, Jay
  23. As soon as I saw F-14 model for SF, I knew the skip would be all over this one, Jesus.... look at all those posts. FREAK!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm gonna be all over this bird when it comes out. Thanks, Coyote Cheers, Jay
  24. Janeane Garofalo on FOX news....

    Well you know my feelings... kill them all or just leave them alone.
  25. my question was more of a general one concering the ground radar... how to use the damn thing.

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