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Everything posted by snapple2993

  1. God I hope not, "The Red Wheel Part I.; August 1914" (Solzhenitsyn) is 1000 pages of font 4 and every word has atleast 10 letters. Stop reading anything that doesnt involve a hoo!!!

    Day 3; first day without any tobacco at all (1st two days I smoked less than a cig each day). I am not as irritable as I was friday and saturday, and I actually feel as if I can breathe, only one craving today, and it wasnt that bad. Lets just see if I can last the whole week.
  3. 8) Is it cool in here, or is it just me? 8)
  4. Yes, do come fly with the best. Check us out at www.pukindogs.net. we are currently working out a way for online communication, teamspeak seems to work well, but mine is a bit dodgy. any questions email me at snapple2993@aol.com, or email the skipper at fast_eagle@pukindogs.net note: all applications for enlistment should be sent to the skipper.
  5. North Korea? Interfer?

  6. If you have read my only other post you will know that I have a hard on for the Sukhoi series, so here goes. Will the "Pugachev" Cobra maneuver be available for the Su-27? I have had a good number of flight sims in my years of gaming and I have noticed that most planes are not special. They all have the same maneuvers, and most are close to having the same top speed and ceiling. So the question is... Is LOMAC gonna be just another cheesy "Jane's" game? I didnt go out and buy USAF because I hate the zoom zooms, but i had the box set of jane's (christ I think is was USNF, and Nato Fighters and something else, but it was old). And everything was the same. Are the planes going to be dramatically different from eachother or are the boys at LOMAC rushing this thing, because of all the delays? I dont want to see an F-4 staying with an F-16 in a dogfight!!!
  7. What would you do with 35 million dollars?

    I hit 2 numbers... one person hit though whole damn thing, lucky bastard! I'll try again on wednesday. Try to get that 3 million, then I'd have to settle for just chillin. Keep your dreams comin'!
  8. Chat time!

    sigh, i guess ill try to be there.
  9. North Korea? Interfer?

    Either kill them all, or leave them alone, finding middle ground is like chasing a rainbow... you will never find it. I refer you back to my poll on Iraq... pussyfooting is for pussys, and thats what America is becoming, indecisive pussys. I dont know if I mean that or not, but it sounds good right now... just keep chewing, and it will all be okay.

    I'm finding that I am becoming more and more irritable, hopefully it will pass... soon.
  11. What would you do with 35 million dollars?

    I think its good to dream about winning the lotto, helps us find out what we really want, and what we should try to obtain, if we were only given the chance to do so.
  12. OMG, I almost forgot all about this post of mine, thanks for the info, even though its a month after i posted it.

    Yea I'm getting some cravings, but not enough to make me actually want to go out and buy a pack of smokes, today I made it on one again well actually half of a cigarette (I didnt even want it all), goddamn my jaw hurts from chewing all this gum... but its helping. I find the strongest cravings come on when I'm not doing anything. My nose is clearing up, and I'm sleeping better now, and all in all not smoking isnt that bad, infact I dont even know why I started, anyway I'm over it now. But food is becoming much more attractive now... arrrggghhh maybe ill just have an apple or something, gotta stay away from the cookies and iced cream. Savagkc and Fast Eagle... how you guys doin'?
  14. North Korea? Interfer?

    We all die if 15 standard nukes go off, Trident* warheads are now at 420KT I forgot what Hiroshima and Nagasaki were... something like 30 or 40 kt, ya we got a whole sh*tload of nukes, I just hope we plan on using Tomahawks,or B-2's and not ICBM's, Russia's got an itchy trigger finger; now more than ever, of course all of this is speculation, and it doesnt matter, nobody on this forum has any control over the future of the world. But its good to know that there are some people out there that do care about and have some insight into global politics. Cheers, Jay Oh how are we going to kill 20 or 30 million chincs? We cant sustain half of those loses, I dont think we could come up with a 20-1 kill ratio in a conventional war with China. What I'm trying to get at is... dont be some arogant and self-assured, it leads to an easier and harder downfall (oxymoron but true... read The Art of War, and study history).
  15. North Korea? Interfer?

    Do we really want a Korea II? The Chinese have already told us not to f*ck with those mindless freaks in North Korea. I think we have to keep this in mind, because China has the worlds largest air force, not to mention that they are fully nuclear capable with both land based ICBM's and I believe they bought 1 or 2 Delta III class SSBN from the Russians in the '90's, oh and I forgot If the Chinese do (will) get involved, remember that they can field an army larger than our population. And these arent your grandpappy's chincs either, they are well armed well trained, well I take that back, they are probably #2 behind us, since Russia cant pay their troops anymore, so they have a great military all around, and as for North Korea, well they have all the same stuff as the Chinese. Remember we lost Korea (for the most part), and that was against soldiers that had no equipment and no food, if we get into this fight again, we will lose, and we will lose bad, and we will probably lose S. Korea and Taiwan in the process. Let me lay out something for you here, dont buy this whole axis of evil thing, Iran and Iraq will never get along, they have a different language, a different religion, and have hated eachother since the beginning of time. The North Koreans may have a nuclear program, but I doubt that they have a stock pile, most nukes are probably aimed south of the DMZ, probably one at Tokyo or maybe Hokaido (range may be s**tty), and they probably got one pointed at Beijing too. They cant be selling these things, and besides why buy an expensive nuke from the Gooks, when you can buy a cheap one from Kazakhstan*, or Ukraine, or Russia? Use your heads boys, if your going to talk about world affairs. Always take history into account, and never listen to speculation. My guess is that nobody in the world has the balls to get involved in a nuclear war (we only dropped them because thats all we could do, and nobody knows what ten of those "big boys" will do now). Bottom Line, if the sh*t hits the fan... ASSUME THE POSITION!!! Im lucky I live by NASA and Patrick AFB... I'll be dead within the first three waves of attack... it's so reassuring.

    I CHEATED! Sorry, made it through my classes today, I was fiegning the whole time, by 3 oclock I couldnt take it anymore, so I smoked one, just one, I have made it on one single cigarette today, thats a new low for me. Tommorrow I will be totally smoke free, I made it through work without smoking, just chewed my gum the whole time. Im still chewing gum, and I've noticed that... yes I am much much more irritable. I really think this could work, I think I am suppressing my bodies addiction very well, but I just miss sucking that smoke deep down, and being like.... ummm ummm good! But the gum is helping. Cold Turkey is the way to go I think, why prolong the addiction? I think its more of a mental thing with me, but what would I know, its only day number 1. Cheers, Jay

    I have 8 cigarettes left, and thats the way it is going to stay. Damn I forgot to buy gum, ill get some after Biology, sugarless of course! No need to trade one stimulant for another. SKIPPER if your reading this... remember tommorrow is your D-Day too. And, yes, thank you Jeff for giving us this forum, we will try to keep it as short as possible. I think if I can make it a week... I should be good for life. Cheers, Jay

    I dont eat much anyway, and I need to get back into shape, just wish I had my F*CKING lungs back, anybody know if cardio speeds up the lung cleaning process?
  19. Navy Chief, Fast Eagle, and I, were trying to get the shareware version of Roger Wilco to work in SF mp. We were able to talk to each other, but it was like we were in seperate games. Nobody was showing up on radar, map, or visual. So if there is anybody out there that has gotten it to work, please leave a detailed post on how to use RW and SF together.
  20. IRAQ?

    I'm just wondering what your the thoughts and feelings are on the Iraqi question. Personally I think we should lift all sanctions against them, and leave them alone. Not a whole lot of proof coming from anywhere... same old pictures, same old aligations. I say we either bring back American isolationism (because it worked beautifuly for 170+ years), or we should just bring back imperialism. This half ass sh*t is pointless.
  21. Electronics Boutique scares the hell outa me

    I hate the mall (PERIOD), that and the guys that work at my local EB, are a little bit dodgy... if you know what I mean.

    its a done deal!
  23. IRAQ?

    Kick ass and take names later would fall under the conquer and install puppet government option. Examples: Panama... well all of cental America really, hmm S. Vietnam for a bit, S. Korea, Japan, Germany (why wont they behave?), Cuba (until Casto). Oh yea I almost forgot Afghanistan.

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